Minimalist running shoes, with a weakened back

jonchew Posts: 239 Member
Ya know, one can go crazy trying to get any real answers from the Internet... it seems that EVERY opinion I discover online has it's opposing opinion, even when searching only *.org or *.edu sites, in-hopes of weeding-out the veiled advertisements posing as articles.

I like to run (5K, 2-4 times/wk), but I have weakened back. I've have had both an upper back fusion & lumbar laminectomy surgeries. Upon occasion I do get lower back pain, whether I run or not, but I'm quite sure that running does aggravate my lower back.

I've just come-off of a 2 week spate of having "back issues"; lumbar pain & a bit of sciatica, which brings me to the questions -
Would minimalist running have a positive or negative effect on my spine? Should I invest in this type of shoe, would my back thank me for it, or would I be wasting my money?

I hate the idea of supporting a fad, but have no issues in investing in my back health.

So, what is your experience with minimalist running shoes? I really don't want to stop running! Any real-life opinions would be appreciated!


  • jonchew
    jonchew Posts: 239 Member
    Bump... anybody???
  • TAsunder
    TAsunder Posts: 423 Member
    When I switched to them, I found that it helped my back marginally. I had previously been a heel striker so it helped a bit with impact. However, the main thing that truly helps for my lower back issues is paying attention to running form. Making sure that the pelvis is in the right position, shoulders are back, etc.
  • mikeatmichael
    mikeatmichael Posts: 92 Member
    i wear them and it has helped with lower back problems. You should start out running in your current shoes and forcing yourself to land on the balls of your feet instead of your heels. You'll find that your calfs are really sore at first, but that will go away as the muscles develop. Don't worry about speed, just concentrate on form. If it seems to help you can go to minimalist shoes after you've gotten used to running that way.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Unfortunately it's a try it & see venture. Some people claim large improvement, others not so much. I don't feel it would make things worse. I enjoy minimalist running for the lower leg strength & flexibility it provides (When slowly eased into so as not to spark over use injuries)
  • jonchew
    jonchew Posts: 239 Member
    Thanks, friends - I think that before I totally wear-out my Asics, I'll p/u a pair of them and try to ease into the the conversion.
  • mag1c
    mag1c Posts: 36 Member
    Just switch to them slowly. I had lower back surgery about 3 years ago, switching to the minimalist shoes has reduced the discomfort that running/jogging sometimes causes in my back. However, it was tough at first on my feet and legs just getting used to the difference in strike as well as a slight difference in muscle recruitment. By using them on 1 out of 5 runs, then after a month or so 2 out of 5 and so on, it helped my body adapt to the change.
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    I don't know about running (and I haven't had my back surgery yet), but the Kalso negative heel shoes (Earth shoes) are the only thing that's kept me walking for the past 5 years.