

  • Lucky you! It must have boosted your metabolism or you have been shaking your money maker on student club nights....a lot!!!
  • Congratulations on your loss so far! you're doing brilliantly, and your're doing this without a quick fix- WW is good, it will teach you good habits whereas surgery wont.....keep at it and you'll be accidentely flashing your smalls in no time! Good luck and merry xmas xx
  • I'm the same!!!! I have lost almost 2st and not gone down a clothes size yet.... My face is skinny along with my shoulders and chest. but nothing is budging from the areas it needs to budge from and my trousers are looking silly now! never mind. I think i read somewhere that as you get closer to goal. the more difference…
  • Hi there, I have congential hypothyroidism and have to take 200mcg Sodium Levothyroxine per day- I am rubbish at taking them regularly and over a long period of time so my thyroxine levels fluctuate and I have to say it has had a huge effect on my weight loss (lack of) success, I am getting people at home and a few friends…
  • I have just finished week one and I am really inspired by some of these posts so can't wait to get cracking on week 2 :-) I really disliked running but i am beginning to find it tolerable! It's really easy to follow but I wish you could add more that 100 songs to the playlist, it's distracting when you have it on shuffle…
  • I have just finished week one and I am really inspired by some of these posts so can't wait to get cracking on week 2 :-) I really disliked running but i am beginning to find it tolerable! It's really easy to follow but I wish you could add more that 100 songs to the playlist, it's distracting when you have it on shuffle…
  • Hi there, I have been on Microgynon 30 since 2004 and I too think it could be the cause of some weight gain, there are lots of alternatives available that I am considering, the IUS Mirena or the Impalon implant maybe. I'd like to be able to 'forget' about birth control and be assured that I am protected yet both the…
  • I have congenital Hypothyroidism, which means I have had it since birth- I am taking 200mcg Levothyroxine everyday, When I was living at home I diligently took it daily, now I am living away from home, i occasionally forget- if i forget for longer than a few days then I noticably feel more sluggish, once I ran out on…
  • Hi, Thanks for the add- I have no idea what the speed settings are on the gym machine but I was brisk walking at 6.0 and jogging at 7.0. I used to be able to run on 8-8.5 but I think it's more about completing the whole programme for me at the moment, I think once I complete the programme I can work on speed... I'm…
  • Hi there, I have done weight watchers and initially did really well, losing 1.5st on about 6 months. I then fell of the wagon and didn't get back on til late 2010. They then changed to ProPoints, and to be honest it works with some people but I just couldn't get my head around it :-( So in comparison, MFP is far easier to…
  • Hi there, I just started C25K today doing W1D1 and it was actually ok! I was on a treadmill though so could manage my pace easily, though I imagine running outside and going too fast and puffing myself out. I'll do W1D2 on Saturday 2nd July, so if there are any July groups I may join that as I'm only 1 day ahead. :-D I…
  • I will NEVER let my little brother let this one down....ever! One year we both got summer work as a receptionist at a mental health clinic at different places. One time bro came home a bi wound up and shaky as there was some sort of confrontation as a patient was being really aggressive towards him, little bro turned to me…
  • I used to get a bit self-conscious working out in front of OH, turns out he quite likes me jiggling about lol, he told he he was too busy checking out bum and boobs- so my guess is that your OHs won't even notice the 'other bits' jiggling about.... ;-)
  • Thanks! it's always good to have a reminder of what I SHOULD be doing! These tips are common sense that we take for granted before slipping back in to bad habits :-/ Amie x
  • losing weight is never 'easy' to do. In fact, it is harder when you only have a little to lose! When people have a lot of weight to shred, they lose a fair bit quickly and then it slows right down as they get nearer their goal. Good for you for wanting to do this for you. The decision to improve your health is always a…
  • yeah i agree, some folks are getting a bit hot-headed on here!!!!! I read this post to get advice, not to read people b*tching! Do whatever works for you! hey if the scales are going the right way and you're healthy, who cares! Yeah....pills are a no go area for me!
  • I think there is some merit for eat little and often. I am not sure if it does affect metabolism, there are lots of arguments for and against. The main reason I am eating little and often is to reduce dips in blood sugar level. If i leave it too long and let myself get a bit hypo, then I tend to binge on rubbish food. I am…
  • @Heather75...your comment actually made me laugh out loud!
  • Oh man! Yeah I have knock knees too so does that mean that I am destined to thigh chaffing forever??? My thighs aren't particularly big, I have 20lb to lose but I hate summer as I want to wear cute dresses but walking is very uncomfortable :-(
  • I cycled to work and back for the first time. Depending on how sore my legs are, I may be doing it tomorrow too. I got to work feeling fresh and wide awake this morning. I managed 4 miles in 23 mins......that was a bit too fast, but I paid for it later as the journey home hurt A LOT!!!! And also took about twice as long- I…
  • I saw this fitness programme somewhere that if you jog on a treadmill on a steep incline it helps to build up your booty...try it. It looks like damn hard work though- good luck! As its coming up to summer, what about wearing leggings? x Amie
  • Welcome... I also moved over from using a competitor site, I was paying £20 per month to go for a weigh in every now and then when I KNEW i had lost, it got less and less frequent as I lost motivation and i stumbled upon this which is so much better. Kids I work with get very confused! 'miss, are you preggers?' 'No im just…
  • However many negative comments you get from others, you get heaps more positive ones on here, and probably those being negative probably don't have the courage or manners to compliment you. Maybe as by complimenting you, it makes them feel bad about themselves....screw them! They are probably projecting their negative…
  • Prodigy- Omen and Warriors dance are pretty good ones, I have that on my shuffle when I run. Also.... Billy Idol- Rebel Yell, makes me wanna put on a black leotard and leg warmers and jog on the spot a la Flash Dance! For a bit of cheese, 3 by Britney also helps me keep up the pace (maybe as I visualise having her bod,…
  • I know what you mean it sucks. My other half and I cycled the exact same distance on an exercise bike and he burned about 300 calories more than I did...jealous! As your're losing weight, I guess the less you weigh, the less calories you burn, but then on the flip side, the less you weigh, the closer to your goal you are…
  • I know what you mean it sucks. My other half and I cycled the exact same distance on an exercise bike and he burned about 300 calories more than I did...jealous! As your're losing weight, I guess the less you weigh, the less calories you burn, but then on the flip side, the less you weigh, the closer to your goal you are…