Couch to 5K

Hi There, I have recently joined and find it an excellent way of tracking my food - I was shocked at what I've been eating!!

I've joined my local gym, and was just wondering if anyone had tried the Couch to 5K App for iPhone?

It seems a good way to build up endurance and have a goal, as oppose to just running aimlessly - any thoughts or opinions would be most appreciated!

Thank you & Good luck to everyone!


  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Although I didn't use the app, the program itself is amazing. Turned this literal couch potato into a runner!!!! Good luck!
  • atashap
    atashap Posts: 85
    The teal and grey app is wonderful, I added to my droid and it has helped me a great deal. This week I am on week 4 and yesterday I ran 5 minutes without stopping twice and I couldnt run one minute when I first started.
  • justleeanne
    justleeanne Posts: 251 Member
    I've used a freebie version and it was really good having something to *ding* when it was the right time to start running/walking! :)
  • jpowell3976
    jpowell3976 Posts: 144 Member
    I love C25K! I'm in week 4. Every week I get a rush of fear & doubt that I'll be able to up the running (ok, ok...the but I pound it out and feel like Queen of the world!!! I don't have an iphone, but I do have a droid. Didn't really like the app that I had so I researched it on google & found premade playlists for each week with the voice over instructions. I download each week when it's time & upload it to my mp3 player. I can shoot you the website if you'd like. :smile:
  • WendyDemers
    WendyDemers Posts: 17 Member
    I love the app for my iPhone! It's so easy to use and makes the running easier when you have the ding or voice telling you to run/walk. When I started the program I was dying during the 1 minute run. Now at week 8 {some wks I repeated} I am running for almost 3 miles:) Good luck and welcome to MFP!
  • Giraffe33991
    Giraffe33991 Posts: 434 Member
    Love C25K! Got me running a 5k in only 8 weeks! (at 200 pounds) After you go thru the program, you can also graduate up to the B210K (Bridge to 10K).

    There is a way in settings to turn off the voice. I didn't realize that for a few weeks & was way more focused without it!

    Good luck & welcome to MFP!
  • jennyocox
    jennyocox Posts: 143
    I'm doing it at the moment although I don't have a smart phone so I just work it with a stop watch. I'm on Week 4 now and never thought I would have made it this far. It feels great!!
  • 1Pablo21
    1Pablo21 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks Nikster, that's motivational!! - Well done on your weight loss, you must feel amazing!
  • susanb_16
    susanb_16 Posts: 131 Member
    I love the program. Running used to be a swear word in my vocabulary. Now I actually enjoy it. I use the app on my Droid it is nice to have someone reminding me when to switch. That way my brain doesn't have to work as hard. :)
  • 1Pablo21
    1Pablo21 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks Giraffe!, that's brilliant - my next question was what would happen when (if) I get to the end of it, so that Bridge to 10k is excellent!
  • 1Pablo21
    1Pablo21 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone - pretty much exactly what I wanted to hear and great to see it's helped so many of you!! And thanks for the welcomes! - MFP really does feel like a community!

    I'm off to start Run 1 now so wish me luck!!

    I'm in the Oxford, UK area but please feel free to add me if anyone would like!!

    All the best!, speak to you soon!
  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    Never used it but I went from couch potato to 8 miles. I have a 11 miler planned on Saturday. I just pushed myself on Friday runs. Now I have to move the long runs to Saturday because I dont want to get up at 4:00AM to run just so I can make it to work on time. I use Saturday now because I can take my time and run at whatever pace I want to. Plus Saturday is my cheat day :smile:

    Just start out with a mile. Use the site: to map out a route. Run/Walk until you can do a mile. Then push yourself to 2 miles. Run at old man pace - dont try to kill yourslef. Get you some good running shoes. Once you can make 1 mile w/o stopping, bump it up - keep pushing yourself. At first only run 3 times a week max - until you can run all three days at 2 miles. After you get used to running, you can bump up the days to 4 then 5. When you run a lot - give yourself at least one day a week to rest and during the 6 day running cycle, have a short 2 miler in there for speed.

    Thats what I do and I lost a ton of weight!
  • missphoenix
    Hi I'm on week 2 and have the iphone app, really easy to use. It has definitely inspired me to keep running, clears your mind as well as (hopefully) getting rid of a few pounds.

    Will be investing in some good running shoes soon as my lower back is starting to ache.
  • atachauer
    atachauer Posts: 28
    I have just finished week one and I am really inspired by some of these posts so can't wait to get cracking on week 2 :-) I really disliked running but i am beginning to find it tolerable! It's really easy to follow but I wish you could add more that 100 songs to the playlist, it's distracting when you have it on shuffle and hear the same song twice in a work out. I might have to take the voice off as it is a touch distracting....
  • atachauer
    atachauer Posts: 28
    I have just finished week one and I am really inspired by some of these posts so can't wait to get cracking on week 2 :-) I really disliked running but i am beginning to find it tolerable! It's really easy to follow but I wish you could add more that 100 songs to the playlist, it's distracting when you have it on shuffle and hear the same song twice in a work out. I might have to take the voice off as it is a touch distracting....