weird question...

i haven't been working out lately because we stopped doing school lunches at work and my fiance is home in the mornings now and i don't wanna work out in front of him because i jiggle in places that shouldn't and it's just not sexy. does anyone else have this problem? how did you get over it?


  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    I don't lke working out in front of my boyfriend either, however, now that he isnt working at his second job, i either ask him to go in the other room, or he will go outside. however, now that im getting more comfortable in my own skin, the other day he was watching me, and it didnt bother me at gotta do this for YOU, and he should understand that! good luck!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    A good pair of spandex shorts!! :laugh:
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    wake up earlier than him and work out.
  • allison_joan
    allison_joan Posts: 115
    Yeah, I know what you mean. Do you only work out at home? You could go on a run before work or work out with him! If he's working out too he probably won't be watching you much and won't notice any "jiggle". Besides, he is your fiance so he must love you how you look already so it shouldn't really matter!
  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    I wouldn't want to have my husband watching me either. Have him join you or have him go in another room. Remember the jiggling isn't going to go away by not exercising -
  • atachauer
    atachauer Posts: 28
    I used to get a bit self-conscious working out in front of OH, turns out he quite likes me jiggling about lol, he told he he was too busy checking out bum and boobs- so my guess is that your OHs won't even notice the 'other bits' jiggling about.... ;-)
  • plagirl227
    plagirl227 Posts: 134
    Baby girl, he's seen it jiggle already. ;-) And I'm guessing he still finds you sexy. Surely he doesn't even notice...
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    Put on a push up bra and throw a sports bra over it. He wont notice anything jiggling but your boobs, and boob jiggle is a good thing.
  • Lisa076
    Lisa076 Posts: 78
    I workout in our basement and I tell my husband that if he isn't going to join me he needs to get out!!! :laugh: So he went out and bought some gym equipment but atleast his attention isn't focused as much on me and what I am doing.
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    well i usually just wake up before him and work out but my some twist of fate he woke up freakishly early today and i doubt he'll go in the other room because there's nothing to do in there. i'm thinking about getting a bike to ride because in my neighborhood running alone is out of the question and he won't run with me he's a natural twig.
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    When I do my home workouts in the evening, my wife is usually on the couch watching television. Most of the times she doesn't pay any attention.
  • shellshell43
    shellshell43 Posts: 116
    Baby girl, he's seen it jiggle already. ;-)

    That's right ! !!!

    so let him see you working hard to get healthy and fit...I bet it will turn him
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    Baby girl, he's seen it jiggle already. ;-)

    That's right ! !!!

    so let him see you working hard to get healthy and fit...I bet it will turn him

    knowing him probably would but i kinda wanna avoid that for a second time this morning.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    When we started living together I hated working out in front of him but I don't care anymore, he's seen it move in all kinds of directions so a little jumping around wasn't going to shock him. Sometimes I still feel a little self-conscious in front of the step kids, not sure why because I'm actually being a good role model by exercising consisently in front of them but occassionally feel weird about it. But I don't let it stop me and they really don't care. Its just all in our own minds that people are judging us while we are working out and honestly if they are, too bad. We're up and moving so we are the winner.
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    It took years befor I finally worked out in front of my can do it!
  • BananaBee3
    BananaBee3 Posts: 224
    Fortunately, we have a 2-bedroom apartment and we made the 2nd bedroom into a "whatever" room and put all of our exercise stuff in there, so now we have a seperate space if one of us wants to work out; but before we converted that room, I would have to work out in our main living area and I would definitely feel awkward if my boyfriend happened to come home from work early or came into the room for something.

    I didn't feel awkward because certain parts were jiggling around more than usual, but more because I hate the feeling of people watching you...just the feeling of being judged or something.

    But! Now, i'm much more comfortable working out if he happens to be in the same room and it's even better when he joins me :) I only got comfortable by not letting his presence talk me out of a workout. You gotta remember that you are doing this for YOU and someone else's presence, opinion, or anything else should not push you away from YOUR goals.
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    Fortunately, we have a 2-bedroom apartment and we made the 2nd bedroom into a "whatever" room and put all of our exercise stuff in there, so now we have a seperate space if one of us wants to work out; but before we converted that room, I would have to work out in our main living area and I would definitely feel awkward if my boyfriend happened to come home from work early or came into the room for something.

    I didn't feel awkward because certain parts were jiggling around more than usual, but more because I hate the feeling of people watching you...just the feeling of being judged or something.

    But! Now, i'm much more comfortable working out if he happens to be in the same room and it's even better when he joins me :) I only got comfortable by not letting his presence talk me out of a workout. You gotta remember that you are doing this for YOU and someone else's presence, opinion, or anything else should not push you away from YOUR goals.

    i think it's more of he'd be like right there all up in my space we're living in a one bedroom apartment and we have our bed in the living room so i barley have room to work out and if he was sitting on the couch i'd be all jiggling in his face. i'd just feel so self conscience.
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    Fortunately, we have a 2-bedroom apartment and we made the 2nd bedroom into a "whatever" room and put all of our exercise stuff in there, so now we have a seperate space if one of us wants to work out; but before we converted that room, I would have to work out in our main living area and I would definitely feel awkward if my boyfriend happened to come home from work early or came into the room for something.

    I didn't feel awkward because certain parts were jiggling around more than usual, but more because I hate the feeling of people watching you...just the feeling of being judged or something.

    But! Now, i'm much more comfortable working out if he happens to be in the same room and it's even better when he joins me :) I only got comfortable by not letting his presence talk me out of a workout. You gotta remember that you are doing this for YOU and someone else's presence, opinion, or anything else should not push you away from YOUR goals.

    i think it's more of he'd be like right there all up in my space we're living in a one bedroom apartment and we have our bed in the living room so i barley have room to work out and if he was sitting on the couch i'd be all jiggling in his face. i'd just feel so self conscience.
  • ShawnaMama
    ShawnaMama Posts: 105 Member
    My husband loves watching me workout. It used to bother me, but since I've lost some weight and acutally feel sexy, I like it!