

  • Kim-might be the time of day and the day of the week. My weight fluctuates a lot during the week. Sometimes water weight can add 5-8 lbs!
  • My fitness Pal is a great website! It will help keep you accountable for calories. Find time for a good workout program with a combination of strength training and cardio. Remember it will not come off as fast as it came on, unfortunately. You can do this! Good luck!
  • It of course would have been better to use your calories in a healthier way like fruits and vegtables, but an occasional indulgence doesn't hurt. Remember different calories are metabolized differently.. Fat calories complex carbs vs whole grain carbs, etc. Keep up the good work! Good luck!
    in Guilt...? Comment by debhayes May 2010
  • Sometimes it's not just the weight but inches you lose when it comes to clothes sizes. Are you doing any strength training or ab workouts to help build muscle and tone your body? Maybe you need to change your exercise routine up a bit! You are doing so well with your weight loss-keep up the great work!! The new dress size…
  • A great tool indeed!! Thanks!!
  • If you are exercising and building lean muscle, muscle weighs more than fat, so the scale wil fluctuate or stagnate from time to time. Change up your exercise routine, mix it up with cardio and strength training. Change the exercises every so often so that your body does not get used to the same thing. Same way with your…
  • I use frozen fruits when fresh is not available. I can use what I need and put the rest back in the freezer. I have talked with nutritionist and frozen is just as good as fresh as far as nutrients go. And you have no waste. They make great smooties or mix with plain yogurt or greek yougurt and a little honey and/or…
  • Just make sure you do it in a healthy way! It is the only way to get it off and keep it off. Good luck!!
    in Woo hoo! Comment by debhayes May 2010
  • 25 years ago I had my stomach stapled-the gastric surgery they used to do before gastric bypass! Yes, I lost a lot of weight, only to gain most of it back because I was told I could eat whatever I wanted. And I did and gained!! I have been struggling with weight all my life. Surgery is not a quick fix--it is serious…
  • chuck!!! Move on-have a garage sale and celebrate with a new outfit!! Reward yourself for your accomplishments!! Good luck!
  • Drink lots of water, not diet sodas, eat 3 meals a day plus snacks-lots of veggies, fruits, lean proteins, whole grains, Put everything you eat and drink into the food log. It will help you be accountable. I recommend a good exercise plan-a personal trainer at a gym if that is available to you works well for me. Remember…
  • Yum-Yum!!:tongue: I love your lasagna. Are you using whole grain noodles?? I sure it will be great!!:heart:
  • The journey is so worth the effort. Don't do it for anyone but yourself because your are worth it. Do it for good health! Don't deprive yourself, make concious good choices, plan your meals and snacks and take some of the stress out of it. Don't go for fad diets. Eat fresh whole foods, lots of veggies, fruits, lean…
  • Sarah-sounds like stress might be a factor. Your husband being gone a lot, moving, not knowing anyone. I agree, add some friends from this sight. We are all in the same boat here!!! Eat fresh foods whenever possible-vegtables and fruits-whatever is available locally and fish and lean meat-mostly chicken and turkey if you…