Trying to lose weight

I'm trying very hard to lose about 50lbs, I've been struggling for alittle over a year now, I'm so stressed, and I'm tired and drug out.
I want to get back down to my 150lbs so I can look sexy for my husband like I used to.
I was 150lbs just over a year ago and then I got sick, and wasn't able to do anything for several months, and now I'm stuck with this body.
any suggestions? I'm tired of hating what I see in the mirror.


  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    This site really offers you an excellent chance of achieving it!

    Your mind set has to be firm and if I were you I would set yourself goals and rewards as you reach each target. The hardest part is the first month but it does get easier as your lifestyle changes.

    Exercise is so important as it makes your body stronger while helping to lose the weight. Try and keep the cardio exercises going as much as possible.

    Add me as a friend if you want some support and good luck :flowerforyou:
  • debhayes
    debhayes Posts: 14
    My fitness Pal is a great website! It will help keep you accountable for calories. Find time for a good workout program with a combination of strength training and cardio. Remember it will not come off as fast as it came on, unfortunately. You can do this! Good luck!
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    Congratulations Alisha!!! You have taken the first step toward being a healthier thinner you!!! :drinker:
    I agree with Simon...mindset is half the battle. "Decide" you want to lose the weight and be healthy. Then stick to that decision. This website it an excellent tool for keeping track of your caloric intake as well as your exercise regimen.
    Invest in a good low calorie/low fat cook book. One I highly reccommend is Taste of Home Comfort Food Diet. It has yummy recipes that are satisfying.
    Have a kitchen Clean Out party...get rid of all the crap food that is high calorie/high fat/bad carbs. Then go to the store and buy good foods. One little trick at the grocery is to shop the perimeter first. It is the perimiter where the fresh foods are like, veggies, fruits, meats, dairy and grains. Then, by the time you venture down the middle aisles, you have your cart full of good nutritious foods and the cookie and snack cake aisle is no longer so appealing.
    Drink at least 64 onces of plain water a day...plain water...not flavored.
    Exercise. Even if start out just taking a walk for 15 minutes a day is better than nothing. Just make it part of your routine. As you start to look and feel better, you will want to add more to your exercise routine.
    Log on to MFP every day and record your food intake and any exercise.
    Be true to yourself!!!
    My success with doing all of the above resulted in a 31 lb weight loss in 123 days...I have 4 lbs to go to reach my second and final goal...
    Please add me as a friend and I will do my best to keep ya motivated!!!
    I wish you the best of luck. :flowerforyou:
  • Neinhalt83
    Neinhalt83 Posts: 4
    Hello Alisha, I'm no expert when it comes to loosing weight because I'm overweight myself. But please allow me to share some little information that I gathered across the net, and I hope this would help you as much as it has help me.

    1. Set a goal
    Loosing weight is no easy task. Try having a goal of loosing 1 lb per week, don't rush yourself by setting up a very big goal. Start slow and steady.

    2. The 6 small meals
    Try to space out your meals throughout the day, I myself eat 6 small meals per day. By doing this, you can at least prevent being hungry and over eating and at the same time helps to keep your metabolism busy. Personally I keep at least 3 hours between meals.

    3. Stay hydrated
    Drinking water not only helps you to be hydrated but it can also give you the feeling of fullness especially when you still feel hungry after just eating between your small meals..

    4. Do cardio
    It's the best way to burn the fats that our body store. At least 20mins of cardio per day can make a difference. You have a wide choices of cardio, you can use treadmill,stationary bike,swimming,dancing,walking in the park,jumping jacks, and jumping rope, it's up to your own preference as long as you do cardio, you can burn fats that leads to loosing weight.

    5. Watch what you eat
    Every calorie counts when you are trying to loose weight, so as much as possible eat healthy foods that contains more valuable calories than those sugar filled varieties that have no nutritional value.

    6. Believe that you can
    At one point during your journey to loosing weight, it might come to you that you no longer have the motivation to go on. But tell yourself that YOU CAN PUSH FORWARD and ACHIEVE YOUR GOAL.

    Goodluck on your journey. :wink: