how to stay motivated

sjpaddock Posts: 16 Member
Hello, my name is Sarah, I just recently (1year) gained 50 lbs... I used to do all orts of sports and lived with my parents, we always ate at regular times. When I got married I slowly started gaining weight. Now 2 1/2 years ago we got stationed in Japan, and my Husband is constantly deployed or gone for trainings and temporary duty, I dont really get out of the house or have close friends. I want to loose all this extra weight that I gained, but every time I start eating healthy and exercising I cant keep up with it... And it is getting really frustrating.
He is deployed right now and I wanted to try and loose as much weight as can by the time he comes home and surprise him with a sexier wife.. haha
also we are going to australia in November and I dont want to sit on the beach in jeans and a sweater.
I pretty much lost all my confidence and it is making me miserable...
If any one has any tips for me, i would be very gratefull.

Thank you!!

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  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    well what i can say is to start adding friends and stay determine :)
    cause when you are determine enough. no one will stand in your way. :) its always great to have new people. of all type to help and motivate others. again you are in control all we can do is help out and when you struggle. we are there to help and guide and give our knowledge :) but for the moooooooost part keep going and dont give up.

    my fave quote keep on keeping it on. :)

    that always helps me. :) well i hope i help a little.

    feel free to add me :) you wont regret :) i promise
  • debhayes
    debhayes Posts: 14
    Sarah-sounds like stress might be a factor. Your husband being gone a lot, moving, not knowing anyone. I agree, add some friends from this sight. We are all in the same boat here!!! Eat fresh foods whenever possible-vegtables and fruits-whatever is available locally and fish and lean meat-mostly chicken and turkey if you can get that where you live. Perhaps there is an exercise group among the other military wives you can join. Otherwise find a gym that offers a personal training program geared toward your needs and goals-that has really helped me. Good luck! You Can do this!!!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    aaah, the stress of the military wife, I know it well! ;) Just know, that it can and WILL be done. What does your hubby do? I have a few friends that came over from Japan 2 to 3ish years ago! Glad you added me!