

  • Two main reasons, if I'm being totally honest. First, and more importantly, although I know this is an internal/emotional issue more than a physical one, I hate the way I look and want to change it. Secondly, I want to be active in sports again, particularly running and baseball.
  • Krisflam, Using your height, weight, age and exercise level on this site http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/ I came up with a BMR of 1646, TDEE (calories to maintain) 2551 and with a goal of 20% calorie reduction, 2041. It depends on your goal. I find 15% works well for me right now, but everyone's different. At…
  • HASfit beginner strength workout on youtube, plus 50 wall pushups and 50 crunches as well as 15 minutes on the elliptical alternating high and low resistance.
  • I've lost 17 lbs in 44 days just by tracking my calories, incorporating low impact exercise (since I was/am severely overweight and have fibromyalgia, so I'm taking it easy at first) and cutting out soda (because I was addicted) and beef (because I discovered it bloats me). I still eat plenty of chicken, pork, fish, carbs…
  • I'm interested in this, I have about 100lbs to lose and I have absolutely no endurance so I need help with that.
  • What would you tell your best friend if it was her/him and (s)he asked you what to do? Listen to yourself.
  • Thanks guys. I'm literally afraid of eating right now.
  • I had a 24 hour holter a few weeks ago. Diagnosed with mitral valve regurgitation and there was something on another test (echo I think) that showed "something", doctor says it could have been there all along or I could have had a minor heart attack at some point. I go for an exercise stress test on Thursday.
  • I can't drink soda, or diet soda. I was addicted to it, had severe headaches if I went without (debilitating), I had no energy, I was depressed and couldn't stay awake. It caused me to eat worse, because I couldn't have soda without having junk food to go with it, .I also get severe gas when I drink it, now that I have…
  • They don't "make" people obese. They market their food to make money, yes, they don't force feed people. It's up to people, parents, adults, to resist temptation, teach their children healthy lifestyle habits (not just eating habits) and make better food choices. McDonald's is everywhere, they are unhealthy, but nobody is…
  • One of my favourite snacks is steamed frozen broccoli with a bit of olive oil, garlic and a pinch of salt.
  • My SO and I are both classified as morbidly obese, but I'm making changes and he isn't really. He's been supportive, but I think he's been so discouraged by his health issues and failed attempts over the years he's hesitant. I'm working on him though! He's diabetic and has severe issues with his legs so I guess I'd be more…
  • I was drinking a 2 litre bottle of coke every day and since I quit, I've been drinking the same in water. I LOVE water now. Try less sugary drinks and more water. I know it's difficult but it's really rewarding. I'm finding I'm more hydrated without them, I don't miss them now (it's been two weeks) and I'm way more clear…
  • Have you had your thyroid checked? An overactive thyroid can cause you to feel hungry all the time. Chances are it's a mental block you're experiencing though, it's unfortunate that nobody there specializes in eating disorders. To the person that said she doesn't need therapy or help because she's in recovery, that…
  • Find a way to eat breakfast. Eating breakfast (properly) will keep you fuller longer and allow your body to fuel up for the day. You need to eat more. :)
  • Ontario here, just joined a few days ago. Looking for friends.
  • I just joined after learning from my doctor that I have high cholesterol, a minor heart issue and vitamin D/B12 deficiencies. I need to make changes and I've started tracking my diet, but.. At 5'6 and 288lbs (female), I am out of breath and having back pain just lightly walking. What do you suggest as far as exercise goes?…