So, I must be logging or doing something wrong.



  • KayJaMikel
    KayJaMikel Posts: 341 Member
    Regardless of whether the cheese was a good choice or not, are you just selecting an entry from the list, or have you scanned the bar code or at least compared the nutrition on the pack to the website?

    300 calories a day over a 1200 goal is NOT taking her out of a deficit. Absolutely not.

    OP - what are your stats? Weight/height/how much to lose/how much exercise/what do you do for work?
    You are most likely set at 2lbs per week as a goal and set as sedentary. Change that to 1.5 or 1, depending on how much you want to lose. Eat more. Eat at least half of your exercise calories back.

    Yes, just selecting american cheese entry from list. I will get the package out in a bit and see if it matches.
  • KayJaMikel
    KayJaMikel Posts: 341 Member
    OP, you still have 83lbs to lose.

    For god sakes, up your calories


    In high school and up until my first child, was 120 pounds soaking wet. My sister is over 300 pounds and used to think if i ever get that big, just shoot me, and here I am almost as big.
  • KayJaMikel
    KayJaMikel Posts: 341 Member

    Nope, not opposed to sugar substitutes, as long as they taste good, and a while back there was something going around about cancer and one of the substitutes, but I cannot even tell you what the substitute was so, should probably not even think about that. Which would you suggest and which can I buy like a 5 pound bag of sugar?

    I really love Truvia, so I can't give any other recommendations as that's all I use. I make my iced tea by the glass using a cold brew tea bag, lemon juice, and Truvia. It's granulated so I drink it with a straw because I love the texture that way.

    Gonna look into truvia, thanks. I wonder if i can get it here in the boondocks, LOL. I guess I can find it online.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    Read these:'re+new+here

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal

    ^^^or this>
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    You are 220, 5'5"... I started out at 229, 5'4".
    I eat between 1400-1600 most days, some days I eat 1800-2000 (about twice a month).
    I do not do any scheduled exercise.
    I have lost 33 lbs since Jan 19.

    Up your calorie goal, stop drinking your calories, make better choices.

    You can do this.


    If you aren't already using one, get and use a food scale. Weigh all solids. Measuring cups/spoons are not accurate:
    Neither is guessing:
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I also have hypothyroidism. The thing is, I have never been a huge eater, and generally only eat one meal a day to begin with, so the 1200 is probably close to what I used to eat to begin with.

    ON the sugar, I don't know if it is correct, an online converter told me a 53 cc scoop is equal to 10.6 tsps of sugar, so that is what i put. Really trying to be honest in my logging.

    Even with hypothyroidism, it's unlikely that you were eating around 1200 calories if you are currently 220 lbs. Most of us underestimate how much we eat.

    Buy yourself a food scale or some measuring utensils. It's the only way out of your current dilemma short of just eliminating the drinks.

    Yep yep!

    If you were eating 1200 calories per day everyday you'd be quite thin. It's not a lot of food!

    Here is an excellent thread on logging accurately using a *food* scale:

    You mentioned your scale sucks and you have a new one coming in. I just wasn't sure if this was a scale for weighing yourself (good to have) or a food scale for weighing your food - critical, for knowing how much you're consuming when things start to get confusing.

    I plugged your numbers/stats in the tool:

    0.5 lb per week loss - 1790 calories
    1 lb per week - 1540
    1.5 - 1290
    2 - 1200

    Pick a different number if the 2 lb per week goal is coming up too challenging. Also if you can exercise, note that these goals are daily meal goals plus you get to eat (some of) your exercise calories. So if you were exercising even now, you could eat more than 1200 calories per day
  • KayJaMikel
    KayJaMikel Posts: 341 Member
    You are 220, 5'5"... I started out at 229, 5'4".
    I eat between 1400-1600 most days, some days I eat 1800-2000 (about twice a month).
    I do not do any scheduled exercise.
    I have lost 33 lbs since Jan 19.

    Up your calorie goal, stop drinking your calories, make better choices.

    You can do this.


    If you aren't already using one, get and use a food scale. Weigh all solids. Measuring cups/spoons are not accurate:
    Neither is guessing:

    Congratulations and thanks. Did it seem like how am i gonna do this when you started? I have spent so much moolah in past 2 weeks on scale, diet shakes, food that i don't usually buy, etc., so food scale is next, but still have to pay bills. Not to mention the fam-damily thinks I am nuts for doing this at all. Children say I am too old to care. Hubby just looks at the money and says I am taking it too far, but really these are their issues.

    I know this sounds like excuses, but we have one car, and hubby has it 20/7, pretty much. Right now he is camping with son and have no way to get to store till he gets back, but generally, he calls home before leaving work, asks for list, and he picks it up. So, anything i need i have to put on a list. There really is only 1 day a week I myself can get to stores and shop, but even those days, he has a part time job he goes to. It's hard to shop, is all I am saying. I buy things i can online.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    Gonna look into truvia, thanks. I wonder if i can get it here in the boondocks, LOL. I guess I can find it online.

    You can get it from Amazon or Target (if you have a red card, 5% off and free shipping.) But I would check Truvia's website and see if you can get a free sample because some people really don't like it.
  • KayJaMikel
    KayJaMikel Posts: 341 Member
    I also have hypothyroidism. The thing is, I have never been a huge eater, and generally only eat one meal a day to begin with, so the 1200 is probably close to what I used to eat to begin with.

    ON the sugar, I don't know if it is correct, an online converter told me a 53 cc scoop is equal to 10.6 tsps of sugar, so that is what i put. Really trying to be honest in my logging.

    Even with hypothyroidism, it's unlikely that you were eating around 1200 calories if you are currently 220 lbs. Most of us underestimate how much we eat.

    Buy yourself a food scale or some measuring utensils. It's the only way out of your current dilemma short of just eliminating the drinks.

    Yep yep!

    If you were eating 1200 calories per day everyday you'd be quite thin. It's not a lot of food!

    Here is an excellent thread on logging accurately using a *food* scale:

    You mentioned your scale sucks and you have a new one coming in. I just wasn't sure if this was a scale for weighing yourself (good to have) or a food scale for weighing your food - critical, for knowing how much you're consuming when things start to get confusing.

    I plugged your numbers/stats in the tool:

    0.5 lb per week loss - 1790 calories
    1 lb per week - 1540
    1.5 - 1290
    2 - 1200

    Pick a different number if the 2 lb per week goal is coming up too challenging. Also if you can exercise, note that these goals are daily meal goals plus you get to eat (some of) your exercise calories. So if you were exercising even now, you could eat more than 1200 calories per day

    What qualifies for exercise for me. Like I cant walk yet, would something like leg lifts or a few sit ups do anything? For anybody who has injuries, what exercises do you do that don't cause pain? I will figure some exercise out.

    I picked the 2 pounds per week so that i would lose like 20 pounds rather quickly and then could possibly exercise more and then planned to lessen that 2 pounds.
  • KayJaMikel
    KayJaMikel Posts: 341 Member

    Gonna look into truvia, thanks. I wonder if i can get it here in the boondocks, LOL. I guess I can find it online.

    You can get it from Amazon or Target (if you have a red card, 5% off and free shipping.) But I would check Truvia's website and see if you can get a free sample because some people really don't like it.

    Will do, going there now. Edited to add, they offer a 2 packet sample of Truvia, which I signed up for. So, I'll let ya'all know if i liked it or not.
  • mom2my4boys
    mom2my4boys Posts: 148 Member
    I'm f/32/5'4/187lbs/and struggle with chronic pain too. I'm eating 1500/day and loosing 1.5lbs a week.(give or take) Most days I eat closer to 1800.(I eat 1/2 exercise calories) Like someone else mentioned, lean meats (chicken breasts, fish,lean pork) lots of salads, fresh fruit and veg will give you alot more bang for your buck calorie wise. Some days i force the last of my calories in to reach my goal. Other days, I just have a beer or two, lol! Sunday's I prep most of my food for the week. Salads for lunches x5, cut up and weight melon,fruit,veg portions/bake chicken breasts for salad etc. It takes me a couple hours but its worth it. It ensures i take healthy lunches and makes pre-logging foods easy because i know my fruit/chicken ect is 100grams.

    I think your sugar calculator must be wrong. Try measuring yourself with tsp next time. I hear ya on refusing to give up your coffee! I've changed so many habits over the past 10-11months. Instead of drinking coffee with tons ofnsugar and cream, all day everyday, I allow myself 1 big cup of coffee in the am and drink tea with a hint of sugar and a splash of milk the rest of the day. I switched out 3-4 cans of Pepsi for water. (Funny,now I don't even like it)

    I suggest you write yesterday off and start fresh today. There is a learning curve to this weight loss thing for sure. I hope something in the above helps you. Good luck on your journey :)
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    OP, start out with small steps. Based on what you posted, I calculated about 500 calories going to drinks. I think the other recommendations of getting more accurate measuring spoon for your sugar and cream are good. Once you start accurately tracking things like that, you might find that you have more wiggle room for calories. Switching to unsweetened coffee and tea can take some time, but can also help cut out the calories from drinking and give more room for food.

    It all comes down to choices. If you want to drink close to half your calories each day, you can, but you won't be getting the nutrition your body needs at 1200 calories. Even if you were to get all 1200 calories from food, you need to be very diligent about getting in nutritious foods to fuel your body. At your height and weight, you could most likely be a little less restrictive on your calories and give yourself some extra room for things like sweetened tea and coffee.
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    I'm sort of close to where you are right now. I'm 5'4" and currently 225 at 42 years old.

    Not to throw a monkey wrench into things for you, since you're new, but I'm doing the TDEE method (total daily energy expenditure) and according to this, you should be eating WAY more than you are. Assuming that you're totally sedentary, no exercise whatsoever, your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is 1631 - and that's what you're burning simply to survive. Maintaining 1200 calories for you simply isn't feasible - it's no wonder you're feeling sick.

    I am currently eating 1840 calories a day and losing weight steadily, have been for quite a while. But I'm exercising at least 3 times a week, too, so it's different for everyone.

    Here's a helpful thread about TDEE:

    And here's the calculator I used for this. You can also use Scooby's, but I use IIFYM's:

    It's a lot to absorb, so go slowly! :flowerforyou: Definitely invest in a good body scale and a food scale. Huge help to me over this process.
  • KayJaMikel
    KayJaMikel Posts: 341 Member
    I'm f/32/5'4/187lbs/and struggle with chronic pain too. I'm eating 1500/day and loosing 1.5lbs a week.(give or take) Most days I eat closer to 1800.(I eat 1/2 exercise calories) Like someone else mentioned, lean meats (chicken breasts, fish,lean pork) lots of salads, fresh fruit and veg will give you alot more bang for your buck calorie wise. Some days i force the last of my calories in to reach my goal. Other days, I just have a beer or two, lol! Sunday's I prep most of my food for the week. Salads for lunches x5, cut up and weight melon,fruit,veg portions/bake chicken breasts for salad etc. It takes me a couple hours but its worth it. It ensures i take healthy lunches and makes pre-logging foods easy because i know my fruit/chicken ect is 100grams.

    I think your sugar calculator must be wrong. Try measuring yourself with tsp next time. I hear ya on refusing to give up your coffee! I've changed so many habits over the past 10-11months. Instead of drinking coffee with tons ofnsugar and cream, all day everyday, I allow myself 1 big cup of coffee in the am and drink tea with a hint of sugar and a splash of milk the rest of the day. I switched out 3-4 cans of Pepsi for water. (Funny,now I don't even like it)

    I suggest you write yesterday off and start fresh today. There is a learning curve to this weight loss thing for sure. I hope something in the above helps you. Good luck on your journey :)

    I don't know what this means: .(I eat 1/2 exercise calories) But, I am sure I will figure it out.

    Thanks so much.

    My dinner past few days has been really healthy . It includes broccoli, cucumbers, carrots, mushrooms, and i have been adding a can of 98% fat free chicken to it, 4 ounces i think, and i put some salad dressing in a bowl and just dip into it, rather than smothering it. I think the whole thing comes to 450 calories, and it is so filling, although probably more than the 1 cup or 1/2 cup that my log shows (will eventually get a food scale), but some things like carrots are a lot less than the log shows, etc.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    I also have hypothyroidism. The thing is, I have never been a huge eater, and generally only eat one meal a day to begin with, so the 1200 is probably close to what I used to eat to begin with.

    ON the sugar, I don't know if it is correct, an online converter told me a 53 cc scoop is equal to 10.6 tsps of sugar, so that is what i put. Really trying to be honest in my logging.

    Even with hypothyroidism, it's unlikely that you were eating around 1200 calories if you are currently 220 lbs. Most of us underestimate how much we eat.

    Buy yourself a food scale or some measuring utensils. It's the only way out of your current dilemma short of just eliminating the drinks.

    Yep yep!

    If you were eating 1200 calories per day everyday you'd be quite thin. It's not a lot of food!

    Here is an excellent thread on logging accurately using a *food* scale:

    You mentioned your scale sucks and you have a new one coming in. I just wasn't sure if this was a scale for weighing yourself (good to have) or a food scale for weighing your food - critical, for knowing how much you're consuming when things start to get confusing.

    I plugged your numbers/stats in the tool:

    0.5 lb per week loss - 1790 calories
    1 lb per week - 1540
    1.5 - 1290
    2 - 1200

    Pick a different number if the 2 lb per week goal is coming up too challenging. Also if you can exercise, note that these goals are daily meal goals plus you get to eat (some of) your exercise calories. So if you were exercising even now, you could eat more than 1200 calories per day

    What qualifies for exercise for me. Like I cant walk yet, would something like leg lifts or a few sit ups do anything? For anybody who has injuries, what exercises do you do that don't cause pain? I will figure some exercise out.

    I picked the 2 pounds per week so that i would lose like 20 pounds rather quickly and then could possibly exercise more and then planned to lessen that 2 pounds.

    Even if it will take you longer, six months one year etc WILL come around. Where do you want to be? You didn't put it on overnight, it is not necessary to rush it

    With exercise I think what you said about figuring something out is best. Do you have a doctor that you can work with on exercise you can do? I could say try swimming or something else low impact but that wouldn't necessarily work. You may need to post details of your condition on the fitness forum perhaps people with the same issues could suggest something

    As for the diet shakes , could you return them and get some money back? :bigsmile: You just need a calorie deficit to lose weight, not diet shakes

    I do a lot of shopping online. The prices can be great, you find items you sometimes can't find in stores, and I don't have to wait in line at Walmart. And yes, delivery to your door step can't be beat!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Until you get a food scale, use measuring cups. They're not as accurate, but they're way better than estimating. I'm always surprised how little 1/2 cup of something actually is when it's sitting on a plate.

    I used to only drink sweetened tea. I now buy flavored but unsweetened teas, brew them hot, then drink them iced. I like the Tazo brand for tea bags (I will mix 5 or 6 different flavors in a big pitcher), and I also use loose leaf tea from Teavana. Now I can't bring myself to drink sweetened teas anymore.
  • shining_light
    shining_light Posts: 384 Member
    I would try reducing the sugar in the coffee and tea. Rather than going cold turkey, slowly taper the amount of sugar you add. If you are only eating 1200 calories, you really have to be strict about what you eat to make sure you get enough protein, fiber, etc. If you increase your calorie goal a little you can have a bit more flexibility in your choices.

    I have a bunch of bags of erythritol in my pantry that I use in place of sugar in things like my yogurt. I don't sweeten my coffee or tea. I'm a bitter taste kinda gal. How about something like that? In case people don't know, erythritol is a natural, negligible-calories sweetener derived from corn. It's about 70% as sweet by volume as sugar.
  • KayJaMikel
    KayJaMikel Posts: 341 Member
    I'm sort of close to where you are right now. I'm 5'4" and currently 225 at 42 years old.

    Not to throw a monkey wrench into things for you, since you're new, but I'm doing the TDEE method (total daily energy expenditure) and according to this, you should be eating WAY more than you are. Assuming that you're totally sedentary, no exercise whatsoever, your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is 1631 - and that's what you're burning simply to survive. Maintaining 1200 calories for you simply isn't feasible - it's no wonder you're feeling sick.

    I am currently eating 1840 calories a day and losing weight steadily, have been for quite a while. But I'm exercising at least 3 times a week, too, so it's different for everyone.

    Here's a helpful thread about TDEE:

    And here's the calculator I used for this. You can also use Scooby's, but I use IIFYM's:

    It's a lot to absorb, so go slowly! :flowerforyou: Definitely invest in a good body scale and a food scale. Huge help to me over this process.

    Again, none of this makes any sense to me yet. I figured with as little exercise as I do, I'd need to eat way less, but will read your links. Thank you for the encouragement. Congratulations on losing weight.
  • I was drinking a 2 litre bottle of coke every day and since I quit, I've been drinking the same in water. I LOVE water now. Try less sugary drinks and more water. I know it's difficult but it's really rewarding. I'm finding I'm more hydrated without them, I don't miss them now (it's been two weeks) and I'm way more clear headed.

    And yes, I made the cheese slice mistake too. I had no clue how many calories and bad stuff they had in them until I researched it and I was shocked, processed food is horrible. I'm going to try the Babybel suggestion posted earlier in the thread.
  • KayJaMikel
    KayJaMikel Posts: 341 Member
    Until you get a food scale, use measuring cups. They're not as accurate, but they're way better than estimating. I'm always surprised how little 1/2 cup of something actually is when it's sitting on a plate.

    I used to only drink sweetened tea. I now buy flavored but unsweetened teas, brew them hot, then drink them iced. I like the Tazo brand for tea bags (I will mix 5 or 6 different flavors in a big pitcher), and I also use loose leaf tea from Teavana. Now I can't bring myself to drink sweetened teas anymore.

    The commercials for Teavana (is it Starbucks) lately look so yummy.