How to get rid of a plateau



  • Krisflam
    Krisflam Posts: 2
    So I'm new on this app and this is the first time I write on a message board. I have been trying to loose the weight but have been stuck at 186 now for a year. I am using this app now and it does help. But after reading the post and comments maybe I'm hurting myself and doing things wrong. I'm 24 yr old female. I'm 5'4 and work out 3-5 times a week, each time being cardio 5 miles with 700cals burned. And some light weight training...MFP says I should be eating 1500 to loose weight at 2lbs a week. I didn't know the BMR stuff and now I'm wondering I don't know if I'm eating to much or to little. I just recently started working out everyday like this for a month. I hope I can get unstuck. My health worries me I know I'm young but my mom and dad have diabetes so I'm trying to break that cycle. So my question to you guys on here does anyone have advice.? On what calories amount I'm sapose to be eating to lose the weight? With the BMR stuff included because I'm so confused. Thank you so much.
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
  • shannonml2012
    shannonml2012 Posts: 1 Member
    I have twice hit a plateau of 3-4 weeks. I decided to give into the temptation I had for an icecream sundae. Several days later, noticed a drop in weight. I'm actually looking forward to my next plateau. :)
  • Krisflam,

    Using your height, weight, age and exercise level on this site I came up with a BMR of 1646, TDEE (calories to maintain) 2551 and with a goal of 20% calorie reduction, 2041.

    It depends on your goal. I find 15% works well for me right now, but everyone's different.

    At 15%, your calorie intake would be 2168.
  • Krisflam
    Krisflam Posts: 2
    Thank you so much. This stuff is so confusing. I'm not up with the terms in weight loss lol <=} thank you so I should be consuming 2168 and eventually I'll be out the plateau?
  • Soggynode
    Soggynode Posts: 1,179 Member
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Great experience Lan - you are doing great.
    @ yogi, see after two weeks of maintenance how the weight goes, then 10% during a couple of weeks, 20% MAX after those first weeks in deficit seems I've stumbled upon this a couple of weeks ago, but it's good to hear that it's a reasonable path.

    I had changed my weight training program & increased 4# immediately. Thinking it was water weight & assuming it would decrease eventually, but it just didn't really happen.

    I wondered if I'd inadvertently slipped into maintenance.

    So I ate intuitively just to see what my caloric intake was for about 2 wks (I normally don't track). It turned out that I was eating btw 2000-2300 cal/day. (5' tall, 45 yr old woman, CW 123-127#)

    I had decided to aim for 1800 cal/day & hope to break stall.
  • QueenOSpades
    QueenOSpades Posts: 171 Member
  • tinygirldancing
    tinygirldancing Posts: 12 Member
    Awesome, thanks for the info! I'm currently at a plateau so this is very helpful!
  • Jerseygrrl
    Jerseygrrl Posts: 189 Member
  • Naughty_ZOOT
    Naughty_ZOOT Posts: 4,327 Member
    Thank you for the great explanation. I have been on a plateau since April 12th and I am plugging away despite it because it does my blood glucose levels good and I feel wonderful. I am convinced that my issue is a set point problem exacerbated by a meddling liver. Keto-on!