

  • I am a vegetarian and from time to time I have over 120g protein. A lot of it is whey protein, sometimes egg whites (in foods, not alone), cottage cheese, greek yogurt, tofu, edamame, milk, and cheese. Right now is crazy for me though, so my diet is totally off.
  • Nonfat Greek yogurt, coffee w/ skim milk and stevia, fat free cheese slices. You will soon find that you aren't as hungry for snacks. Or zero carb protein shakes. Whey protein isolate is Dukan approved. I mixed mine with unsweetened plain almond milk.
  • I've been on it for just over 2 months and just this week entered the final phase of stabilization. I got to my goal (120 lbs) and lost 3 more lbs before I hit consolidation, which only took me 4 weeks to lose 14 lbs. In my last week of consolidation, I didn't really weigh myself, didn't have time to exercise, and didn't…
    in Dukan Diet Comment by apmemo August 2011
  • They say it's estimated that you burn 100 calories per mile, regardless of how long it takes! However at your low weight you are probably closer to about 80 calories per mile. And walking is better than sitting :)
  • Eat light then go get yourself some exercise calories to make up for it!
  • I'm a vegetarian and I've been on it for six weeks and lost more than I originally planned. I am half way through consolidation and have added bread, fruit, and real cheese, and several "celebration" meals and have not gained any of it back. I did add whey protein powder and unsweeetened plain almond milk to give me some…
  • I've been on dukan for about 6 weeks and have been at goal weight for about 2 weeks. I use the following recipe for oat bran muffins/cookies: http://mydukandiet.com/recipes/oat-bran-cookies.html I make a double/triple recipe and store in the fridge for a few days worth of oat bran. I add about 2 tbsp of vanilla exract, 5-6…
  • Raw enchilada... I had one of those at a place called Go Raw in Vegas, then I see you're from Vegas! Is that where you had yours? It was HORRIBLE!
  • I've been one since I was 13 (16 years!) so ask away!
  • http://www6.netrition.com/bell_plantation_pb2.html PB2 is basically a powdered peanut butter. They press the peanut to remove the fat and oil, resulting in a product with only about 1.5 grams of fat per serving. It comes in regular and chocolate. You mix equal parts powder and water when you are ready to use it. The…
  • Perhaps near the end of the day you see you have room for more carbs or something, so you eat more? Your sugar is a pretty high. I lost a lot when I cut down on my sugar and now I try to keep it below 20 per day.
  • Seapoint Farms Dry Roasted Edamame is low calorie, high protein and fiber and is a good sub for nuts PB2 is a great alternative to peanut butter (and better ingredients too!) with only 45 calories for 2 tbsp instead of 200 with regular peanut butter Walden Farms has an entire line of calorie free dressings and condiments,…
  • I live in Euless (between Dallas and Fort Worth), but I'm from New Mexico where the Mexican food is even better!
  • I've seen it mentioned several times here that spinach doesn't juice well. I've never tried, but I can say that it disappears beautifully in a blender (I put it in my protein shakes all the time!) so you could put the juice in the blender and throw in some handfuls of spinach. It doesn't seem to add any taste either. I do…
  • I've been eating about 120g of protein a day and working out my arms, legs, and abs pretty regularly and haven't bulked up at all, just starting to get a little nice tone. I don't think girls can easily bulk up :)
  • Picola, I've read that protein powder is allowed only if it's 100% protein, with no carbs or fat. I mix my vanilla protein powder with hot coffee (the only mixer with no cals other than water) and it tastes like a latte!
  • BUMP!
  • I'm registered with active.com and in my email, I get something called Active Daily Schwaggle, which is a local deal of the day for fitness gear or classes.
  • Tracey, I'm a vegetarian so my diet has been very different than most on Dukan. My days have remained pretty consistent, though. Breakfast, every single day, has been a protein shake with 2 scoops of vanilla protein powder with 2 cups of hot coffee and 3 stevia packets. Run in a blender for a minute and it tastes like an…
  • I'm a long time vegetarian and I think most of the ones available in the grocery stores are pretty gross. They have a lot of ingredients including soy and wheat, which bother a lot of people. I make my own from this recipe and they are amazing! And only about $0.20 per patty :)…
  • If you're burning 600-700 calories, 1200 can't be enough to eat. Try doing a Basal Metabolic Rate test (you can calculate it online) and figure out how many cals you burn without any activity. Then add in your workouts, and you should eat close to that.
  • We have fat free cheese in the US, which is allowed! And I do love cottage cheese too, I just hate eating it without pineapple.
  • I just reached my goal weight on Dukan in less than a month! I only had about 12 pounds to lose though. I found it pretty easy, even as a vegetarian (thank God I love cheese)! People usually only gain the weight back because they go back to eating the food and quantities that they were eating before the diet. I didn't do…
  • I'm not the biggest (or best) baker, but I've used black beans in brownies instead of flour and they were not bad! Just google "black bean brownies" for a recipe. I've also heard of people using dry milk or almond flour instead of regular flour.
  • My starting weight is right where you were, and I have a goal of 118 lbs. I started Dukan on 6/18/2011 and yesterday I weighed in at 118.9. I haven't had a hard time sticking with it, and all my carby snack cravings are gone. I'm a vegetarian so I'm even more limited than most, but it takes discipline. And you can't just…
    in Dukan Diet Comment by apmemo July 2011
  • It's the same thing. In the US, soda water is often confused with tonic (even by bartenders!), which is loaded with sugar.
  • If you maintain at 1600, then 1200 is probably not nearly enough. Have you tried zig zagging? I've heard that helps a lot of people with plateaus. I'd also try a few low carb days to see if that helps.
  • Maybe 1200 cals isn't your magic number? Depending on your current weight, you could be undereating, or eating the wrong kind of calories. I had the same problem and was eating the same amount but not losing anything even with daily spin class. The only thing that helped me was low-carbing.
    in HELP Comment by apmemo July 2011
  • I've been on it for 3 weeks and have lost about 9 of the 11 pounds I wanted to lose! And I'm even more restricted because I'm a vegetarian. It has been the only think that has worked for me! I'm scheduled to be done with the second phase on 6 days, at which time I will move into consolidation and will gradually reintroduce…
    in Dukan Diet? Comment by apmemo July 2011
  • Lowfat chocolate milk is often used by runners too for recovery! And it's way cheaper! You could even add some protein powder to it for a shake if you wanted more protein.