Hi all, I'm new to these message boards but having been using myfitness pal for some time and i am geting increasingly desperate for advice. I have been eating 1200 calories per day and excersicing 3 days a week burning on average 800 calories. Since starting this i dont seem to have lost any weight and my clothes seem to be getting tighter ! I have 6 months before I go to Cuba to a friends wedding so I really need to tart losing weight ! I am 37, and have an underactive thyroid which have been blaming for my lack of weight loss. Hope somebody can help ?


  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    It's easier to help if you open your diary.
  • apmemo
    apmemo Posts: 43
    Maybe 1200 cals isn't your magic number? Depending on your current weight, you could be undereating, or eating the wrong kind of calories. I had the same problem and was eating the same amount but not losing anything even with daily spin class. The only thing that helped me was low-carbing.
  • pittsblue99
    pittsblue99 Posts: 277 Member
    The 1200 calories - do they include what you eat back from exercising or are you eating 1200 calories and exercising away 800 of them? If you are not eating enough, you will not lose weight because your body is in starvation mode and you will gain or maintain your weight.
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    You're not eating enough.

    I don't know how much you weigh but I'm 152 and my calorie goal if I want to lose 1.5 lbs. per week is 1200 but if you're exercising, you need to eat most of those calories to feed your muscles and your metabolism. You've got your body thinking it's starving to death so your metabolism has slowed to a snails pace. Eat healthy foods to use up those exercise calories and try to kick it up to 4 days a week if you can.

    What are you doing for exercise? Are you drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day?
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    Here are some tips I figured out along the way as I have lost weight:

    **1. Logging your exercises gives you additional calories for the day to eat. Make sure your NET is close to OR at 1200.** (Very important)

    2. Drink plenty of water.

    3. Drinking 1 cup of coffee a day is fine.... the caffeine in it is actually a diueratic and natural sodium reducer.... basically it helps reduce water retention.

    4. Keep track of your calories, sodium, carbs, and protein the most... the rest are just extras... in my opnion. Make sure to keep you sodium as low as you can, eat more protein than allotted and do not go over on your calories. As for the carbs... try not to eat all of your alotted carbs for the day and eat them early. Do not eat them later than 6pm.

    5. Try not to eat later than 7pm either.

    6. Weigh your self in the morning, AFTER you wake up and use the bathroom. Best time as gravity hasn't had a chance to fully force itself on you and there's little food in your digestive tract.

    7. Keep switching up your workout routine. Don't do a cycle it will help keep you from getting into a plateau for too long.

    8. As for snacks/desserts that don't taste bad....there is: low carb/low fat ice cream which is good, Jello pudding cups, chocolate chip granola bars, unsalted peanuts, weight watchers snack cakes and more. You can also go into the recipe section on this forum for ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. The whole food part is all about portion control and watching both the calories, carbs, and protein.

    Hope this helps. Here's the link to my blog I have some healthy recipes on there as well.
  • Strive2BLean
    Strive2BLean Posts: 300 Member
    I was in a siimilar situation. Lost some weight and was at a plateau for the longest time. What worked for me was eliminating food made with any kind of flour. I eat clean only. Nothing processed. I still consume the same amount of calories but those calories come from fresh fruits and veggies, lean protein (no red meat), Greek Yogurt, eggs, beans and whole grains like wheat berries, quinoa, brown/wild rice. My only indulgence is a 60 calorie fudge pop or two and 94% fat free microwave popcorn. Plus the only thing I drink is water and one cup of coffee in the morning. Try it for a week you'll see results. Good luck.:smile:
  • BubbaRice
    BubbaRice Posts: 1
    It goes without saying, Use the diary first. 2nd, when you are using your diary on here take a notice at what you are eating. Are you eating things with alot of sodium? Saturated fat? Are you getting enough protein or too much protein? What kind of exercises are you performing? If I can make a recommendation, if you are walking, increase your speed by 1/2 mph-1mph. Something else you can do, go to Walmart and look for "The Biggest Loser Boot Camp". It sounds like a cliche, but in a total of 30 minutes doing that as a circuit workout, you can burn up to an additional 300+ calories and because it involves different movements and calisthetics it will tone different muscle groups. What time are you exercising? Are you going to bed immediately afterwards? These are all things you have to take into account. There is plenty of advice from everyone if you want it. And just one more thing, are you losing this weight just for a vacation or do you want to make a lifetime commitment to becoming healthy, if so: I am part of a group called "The Pavement Pounders" we are on facebook. We are a group of about 15 people and growing. We help each other, encourage each other and lift each other up. We are making this our lifetime commitment to be healthy. Look us up. We will give plenty of help if you want it.
  • Luv2Cook
    Luv2Cook Posts: 24 Member
    I was in a similar situation. No matter how many calories I cut or excercised, I would lose very little weight and I was actually gaining! Very frustrating!!! I mentioned my situation to my OB/GYN who suggested I have lab work done. You indicate you have an underactive thyroid. Are you on any medication for this? My OB also referred me to a Bariatric physician (specializes in weight loss). I made an appointment and saw her a month ago. I found out through my lab work that I'm Insulin Resistant (pre-diabetic). I'm on a very high protein and low carb diet. She also put me on glucophage to manage the over producation of insulin. I'm down 10 lbs! You may want to see your doctor to make sure there isn't anything medically going on. You may discover something you were unaware of that your physician can help you with.

    Good Luck! :)