I can't seem to get it right and I'm stressed out!

I can't seem to get the right calorie amount to eat to lose weight! I eat a lot and I gain weight, I eat 1600 calories and I maintain, I eat 1200 and I gain! What gives?!?!?!?!

Anyone else been where I am?


  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    Try eating around 1300-1400... give it a month at that count and see what happens... and make sure you're eating your exercise cals!
  • Mommyof3texans
    How long are you sticking with a set goal? I'd give it minimum 2 weeks, preferably 3 before switching. Try adding 100 at a time til you find that sweet spot. For me, it was 1300, not 1200. You may just need to tweak it a bit. Some other things to consider is what is making up the calories you are eating...maybe up the protein and lower carbs a bit, nothing extreme. Watch sodium and drink a ton of water too.
  • apmemo
    apmemo Posts: 43
    If you maintain at 1600, then 1200 is probably not nearly enough. Have you tried zig zagging? I've heard that helps a lot of people with plateaus. I'd also try a few low carb days to see if that helps.
  • tamionstage
    Too, if you are gaining muscle, that will weigh more than the fat you are losing. Muscle weighs more than fat. Also, stay away for simple sugars (white breads, sugar, white rice, etc.) Eat only whole grains and such. (You may be doing this already, but I figured I'd mention it in case.)