

  • Thank you all so much! Not much time on my hand's right now to do a bunch of research, so I really, really appreciate all the input! I'll try a few new exercises, and see how it goes. I've been doing squats and lunges like crazy, but mainly with just my body weight. Time to step it up a notch! And time to get back out and…
  • I totally didn't realize this was in 'Success stories". Awk! Long day=) Thank you for that tip...I don't go to the gym, unfortunately. I have started running again, but not long enough to see serious results.
  • Awesome=0) I was thinking this same thing, because I try and eat lower glycemic foods more often than not. I can't see blueberries being anywhere near a chocolate bar on the sugar scale...I;m not going to worry about my fruit/veggie sugars anymore...However, do you know anything about the sugars in dairy?? Thanks in…
  • The picture I have for my profile (I'm on the left) was roughly a month ago and since then I've lost almost 6lbs total.
  • I'm wondering the same thing! I'm never over tremendously a lot, but sometimes by 10-15 grams. But it's come from fruit and veggies. I'm thinking the sugar from fruit and veggies are not bad, just like complex carbs found in whole grain etc. are not bad compared to refined carbs. I hope someone more "professional"…
  • Thank you all! I agree, being under is better than being over. I do push myself into a good sweat and breathing pretty heavily, so I know I'm burning a decent amount=0)
  • You look sooo fantastic and are such an inspiration to me!!! I had a baby 4 months ago and am currently stagnant at my weight of 141.4lbs. I'm going to start jogging/running again soon and I'm hoping that will be the kicker to get me over this plateau and at my goal weight of about 122lbs. Thank you so much for posting!!!!
  • You look FANTASTIC!!!!! I too am struggling with posting before and afters...even though I have one pic of me on my profile 3 weeks after having my baby, so it kind of shows how much I weighed. Keep up the good work! You're truly an inspiration=0)
  • OK, so I'm pretty much doing it right then...I also looked up some interval training and there are 3 different methods that I saw. The 30 second "on", 30 second"off"; one minute "on", one minute "off" and the Tabata training...I think I'll stick with my minute sprints/minute cool-down's, but challenge myself a little more…
  • YOU LOOK AMAZING!!!! That's so inspirational. I'm currently at 144lb with a goal weight of 120-123 and it's so nice to see that even loosing 10-12 lbs, I will look even better=0) Keep up the hard work!
  • I just had to add: The clothes are supposed to fit "tighter" in some areas, thus causing your body to work harder to move. It's not that far fetched of an idea, when you really think about it. It's like if you wore a too tight pair of jeans....you have to work hard to squat down etc. I don't think they're a "quick fix",…
  • OMG!!! Totally girl!!! You are looking great! Flatter tummy, smaller arms and thighs and your butt has lifted! LOL! Go you! Keep up the great work=0)
  • I have the Reebok Easy Tone walking shoes and running shoes, and I can definitely tell a BIG difference when I work out. As far as seeing results super fast, not so much...you still have to workout, but they cause your muscles to work harder. If you do have prior ankle/knee injuries, I would be careful. If I could afford…
  • Darn, that's all?!?!?! Really??? I sweat my butt off! LOL Guess I'll stick with my elliptical workouts and do the yoga as a replacement for my calisthenics. Thanks gals! I really appreciate it=0)
  • I read somewhere that you burn between 300-600 calories a day, depending on how ofter you nurse. I'm exclusively breastfeeding, anywhere between 6-8 times a day, so I allowed myself the higher number, and my baby is 10 weeks old. This definitely makes sense, because before I even started MFP (just over 3 weeks ago), I had…
  • It's what I weighed before I got pregnant...I'm more aiming to fit back into my pre-pregoo jeans, which were a 26/27, so if I'm a little heavier but the same size, so be it.
  • Congratulations!!!! You look fantastic!
  • OK your stomach looks AHHHMAZING!! What is the DVD you bought? I just had a c-section on February 24th 2011. My stomach has gone down significantly, but I know I have a ways to go. How much did you gain while being pregnant? How long did it take for you to get back in shape and for your stomach to look that good? I'm…
  • Keep up the good work!!! You look fantastic so far=0)
  • Good luck! You'll get there before you know it=0) There is such a huge support here! And don't beat yourself up if you have an "off" day.
  • You look amazing!!!! Way to go!
  • I just friended my team captain! I'm definitely up for the challenge. 10 lbs would be HUGE for me as it's almost 1/2 of my total goal.
  • Way to go!!!! You look fantastic! Keep up the hard work=0)
  • You go girl!!!!! Even though it may not seem like a lot of weight, there is a HUGE difference=0) You look great and I can see your confidence shining through.
  • You look awesome!!!! Good for you! Hard work pays off=0)
  • That would be awesome to see some before/after. I too, had to have a c-section and I still have about 25 lbs to go before I get back to my pre-pregnancy weight (my goal weight) and I do see my stomach getting tighter and tighter, but I think the key is going to really build up the muscle, to help with loose skin. What have…
  • You look absolutely AHHHHMAZING!!!!!! Such an inspiration! Go you!
  • I'm 5'5" and currently 148.6 lbs. size 8/10. I just had a baby 2 months ago and went from 123lbs to 177lbs. I just started working out a couple weeks ago, because I had a cesarean. Using this app has really made me accountable for everything I put into my body. Plus, it's so awesome to see the progress, even though my…