I'm IN! :)
my dad was (is) an alcoholic, both of my parents are cheaters, and both fail to recognize that I have a serious eating disorder. I love them, but I don't owe them any praise.
love it!
10 :)
I'm in therapy, I'm reading books, I'm going to eating disorder meetings. I'm definitely working on it. I don't know what to do. I really like him, but I don't want to sabotage myself.
diets don't work. diets don't work. you'll gain the weight back. diets are based on instant gratification. diets don't work.
I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and OCD. My therapist said the meds would help with my obsessive thoughts, thus eventually I would stop binging (of course, with continued therapy and support). I haven't begun taking the meds, but since it's helping you guys, I think I'll finally go get my prescription.
I was totally just kidding :) I'm BORED. BE 9:30 PM ALREADY!
Looks are far more important. Personality doesn't matter. Definitely looks. -_-
@sec126 total 0. yeah, a simple 0. oh snap, I forgot the 1. I meant 10 :)
oh hunny, I have an eating disorder. We're on the same boat. wah wah wah. and the stalker part was a joke, but apparently you don't have a sense of humor. boo hoo.
Nah, it's a "CHEAT" day :P
Okay, this makes total sense. I am enlightened.
See the title of the message board? It's "chit-chat, fun, and games." Re-****ing-lax girl. Take the measuring tape off your hands and eat the red bell pepper. Chill.
for those of you who didn't get it: I WAS KIDDING! I honestly don't mind if he calls or not. Truly. Really. Honestly. I'm twenty-****ing-two. I'm not looking to settle down. Sheesh!
OMG you don't understand humor. I shall pray for you.
How sad is it that whether he calls isn't as important to me as the fact that his buddy owns a restaurant and said that my girlfriends and I could go have a free meal and drinks anytime. THAT's what I really want.
y'know I didn't realize I was THAT pathetically ugly.
That's understandable!
Oh, I told him I don't mind about his wife and 4 kids and golden retriever and white picket fence
perhaps as he walked off I should have screamed, "but I don't have a gag reflex! I DONT HAVE A GAG REFLEX!"
Okay I was kidding about the second part, but I actually kind of want an answer to the first part... and I don't mind that he hasn't called. But as soon as I told him my age, he said, "oh. you're REALLY young."
Although I love tacos, I prefer sausage. Do you think there'll be enough to go around?
whaaaat?? But I want to taste your sausage :(
Can anyone else make it to this meeting? I want you all to taste my delicious taco!
Oh, I hate lettuce. I hope they don't mind. I always take the lettuce off of my taco. I hate fish tacos!
Well then come! Please COME!
Oh, I will always share my taco. With anyone. Anywhere. Anytime. I'm quite generous.