

  • You are a brave one for putting this on here!! Could be the coffee for sure!
  • :laugh: I have been measuring - trust me the weight tracking is down to a science! I am not losing inches at all- which is what I want!!!
  • Wow- I guess I will try tp up my calories a bit. To be honest some day it has been super low- like 800. And that is with working out. I just figured maybe if I create a big enough deficit the weight will start falling off- I have been battling these last 10-15 pounds for over a year and need to get them off once and for…
  • Thanks for all your input! I usually eat pretty healthy- with the occasional splurges. I actually think lately I may be taking in too few calories- I am at one extreme or the other it seems! I just can't seem to drop any weight....
  • soooo excited to see this post! Santa is bringing my family a WII and Wii fit for christmas- I have the inside scoop. I can't wait to get started!
  • The hardest part for me was all the freaking eggs! You can search online for a lot of the recipes too. Good luck- it isn't easy to stick to.!
  • :bigsmile: Ya- this usually happens when people increase their veggie intake. It is due to the extra fiber. Give your body time to adjust and you should be back to 'normal' soon!
  • Hooray! Congrats! That is huge! keep with it and be PROUD! :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • I had a very close friend who is an alcoholic. When I was at my heaviest and having the worst time with my binging disorder we talked about this exact thing. It is the same feeling. You end everyday saying tomorrow I will do better, I will stop this tomorrow. But, tomorrow comes and you are faced with the issue again and…
  • I use them as meal replacements when I don't have time to grab something at work. I think they are pretty healthy as far a bars go.... :tongue:
    in Luna bars Comment by kallio August 2009
  • Very well could be water retention. I fluxuate 5 pounds or so. Stick with your diet (try to just say no to the chocolate calling your name!) and exercise plan and then see where you are. Drink lots of water too!Wait until the end of the week then weigh in. You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • if you are still under your calories and are actually hungry then eat it. You may sleep bad if you are hungry!
    in HELP!! lol Comment by kallio July 2009
  • My son-who is now 6- was an unexpected present. I was sooo not ready at that time. College student, interning for free, not in a good stable relationship,living at parents...you name it, it was an issue. But, through it all I just kept thinking about how wonderful it was to be pregnant and to soon be a mommy. I made it…
  • I agree- I would totally sit down with a tub'o ice cream,, but DON"T! A run or walk will help clear your head and burn off some stress. I was layed off 2 weeks before Christmas and I am a single mom. It is a tough time on everyone. Hopefully your employees will understand.
  • I have special K cereal in the am with a homemade soy chai latte. About 395 cals Then I usually have a small lunch like yogurt and fruit. Dinner is dependant on if I am cooking for the family or just myself. I try to keep it in the 3-400 range and then have a small snack before bed.
  • Nope! I try to stay in my healthy calorie range (1200-1400) If I earn extra calories I may use some, but the bigger the calorie deficit the quicker the results!!!
  • I have been in the same boat! When I gained weight I bought my "fat" clothes. Now that I have lost almost 20 pounds I am shocked that my skinny clothes really don't fit yet.... I do notice other changes. My face has thinned out and things appear less jiggly! But, I have a whole closet full of cute clothes I am dieing to…
  • Congratulations! That is a huge accomplishment! Here's to being healthy and having more money!!!!!:drinker: :happy:
  • I couldn't have said it better myself! :laugh:
  • Ha ha! I know! It is like a bad Halloween costume! I thought they had actual nurses there until I watched this video! Gross.
  • Hmm funny- my boyfriend told me about this place-except a little different. I was told it was super unhealthy-to the point that there were nurses on duty....not girls in skimpy nurse costumes. Either way-I will NOT be going there! It is right down the street from me. The people eating there pretty much were proof enough.
  • I got mine at Sears about 4 years ago and it is still in good shape-and I still even use it (occasionally!) It is a Nordic track cx 938. Good luck-don't let it become a laundry hanger! If you buy it-use it!!! :wink: :laugh:
  • I tried Special K Orange chocolate bars- they are delicious!!!! I don't think they are breakfast bars, but I recommend them when you need a sweet fix!:wink:
  • I totally understand your frustration!!! It is true that your body will hold onto calories if it is not getting enough. If you have been trying to go too low with your calories your metabolism could be messed up. It happened to me when I started losing weight. I dropped my calories way too low and was working out daily. I…
  • Hey everybody!! By the end of last summer I was the heaviest I had ever been- thanks stress!!!!! I have slowly been dropping the weight. I now have the most amazing boyfriend who loves me how I am but also helps motivate me to get to the gym. I am trying to get back down to where I was before the stress bomb! Today and…
  • Okay- i have cut down what have been eating. Most days I keep calories low, then evry few days I raise them to keep my body from going into starvation mode. This is my 3rd week. I lost some of the weight before the last 3 weeks. I have lost weight and my stomach is flatter, but I am still not fitting into pants any better!…
  • Thanks everyone! I am totally sore from my friend kicking my butt on the weights! I plan to take some classes too. I need to mix things up or I get bored. I can go any la fitness in the state and they all have classes, cardio,weights, pools, and racquet ball. FUN! And for some reason I have not been a big eater lately. It…
  • :wink: Alright. I did it! I broke down and joined the gym today! I have a gym at my apartment but it is little and by the time I get off work and drive my hour drive home I am too tired. So I joined a gym by work and now will go straight there, and miss the rush hour traffic! Bonus- I have 2 friends to work out with there!…
  • Awesome! and I am glad that it is accurate too-now I just have to stick to my plan... Also -congrats on no smoking! that is HUGE too!:drinker: