low calories, working out- but the scale is stuck!

I have been eating small protions of healthy food- not more than 1200 a day. I have been working out 30-60 mins at least 5 days a week. I lost 5 lbs then the scale stopped moving! What to do???



  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Eat more!!!! I know that sounds insane!! but it's true! I would up your calories to 1300 and see if that helps! also max out your water intake!
  • Alleghany
    Alleghany Posts: 200
    She's right...You probably need to eat more. Please read the following links/threads which have invaluable info. I wish I had read these sooner!




    Hope this helps! Good luck on your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • Catzeyez
    Catzeyez Posts: 35
    I heard also if you don't lose weight that you more than likely losing inches off your body.
    Did you measure yourself before starting? It's a great way of keeping yourself motivated
    when that scale refuses to budge or actually gain weight (muscle).
  • bobball
    bobball Posts: 57
    She is right. It is not your calories being to high. You should up them until you start losing again. ALso take one day a week at least and eat your full amount for daily maintaining (not losing). What happens is your body adjusts to the low calorie level and the metabolism slows down, conserving energy.

    2. Change your exercises. Do new stuff you've never done, or have not done in months. Your body also gets used to your workout routine and it requires less calories to do it.

    3. If you are not already doing it, do not eat after 6pm.
  • kallio
    kallio Posts: 70
    Wow- I guess I will try tp up my calories a bit. To be honest some day it has been super low- like 800. And that is with working out. I just figured maybe if I create a big enough deficit the weight will start falling off- I have been battling these last 10-15 pounds for over a year and need to get them off once and for all!

    Thanks for the input!!:wink:
  • kallio
    kallio Posts: 70
    :laugh: I have been measuring - trust me the weight tracking is down to a science! I am not losing inches at all- which is what I want!!!
  • bobball
    bobball Posts: 57
    Wow from what you said 800 calories with working out, now I know for sure that you are starving your body. You need to give your body the nutrition it needs to it can burn like a furnace. You cut out the food, it shuts down goes into starvation mode. You will lose muscle and that is not good..very unhealthy.

    According to most bodybuilders, you should figure out your calories for maintining first (not losing but not gaining). Then undercut it by 200 or 300 calories....MAX. MOre than that and your body goes into starvation mode to protect itself.

    Also like I said before one day a week, confuse your body by eating pretty much whatever you want (within reason.)
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    Get a hammer and hit that scale squarely in the numbers
  • crobinson3
    crobinson3 Posts: 35 Member
    What people are saying is right. You're probably eating too few calories. I've found the more I eat (within reason obviously) and the more I exercise to compensate the more weight I loose.

    Best of luck!