YamaMaya1 Member


  • I drink a protein shake in the morning or throw some greek yogurt and fruit in a bowl. Works for me so far and super quick and easy.
  • If your sleep cycle is that erratic you should try and even it out. In order to be fit you need enough sleep. Calories are completely seperate from sleep, and I'd say the sleep issue is more pressing. Just keep eating the same, but maybe go to bed earlier during the week.
  • I moved out of America and now have no HFCS in my diet :)
  • ^This, Fage total plain yogurt is my favourite. I add fruit, mix in jam or honey, I even added cocoa powder to make a pud of sorts.
  • If you can, just get a bar of dark chocolate and eat a small amount when you feel a craving. If you can't stop yourself from inhaling the bar, then it's best to avoid sweets for awhile. Slowly sip green tea (make a big pot if you've got one) throughout the day to try and hold back the urge to eat.
  • I do fitnessblender on youtube, and I would just die for that girl's body. She has the perfect torso I've always wanted.
  • Im usually up by 7am but wait until 8:30 to give myself time to wake up before my workout
  • my motivation is how fit I've become. I'm not tired all the time, and that's enough for me
  • I've not experienced anything like this, but I think it's because of my stronger personality traits. If someone told me I've lost "enough" weight, I'd ask them how the hell do they know. No one knows my weight and measurements but me.
  • Green Cuisine Hot Curry Powder mix. Best curry mix Ive ever had :)
  • I hate being fat because I don't feel attractive, so I will work hard to fix it.
  • The single most valuable thing I've learned in life is that if you fall, get up, dust yourself off and try again. You have nothing to gain from lying there in the dirt feeling sorry for yourself.
  • I can't really offer much advice, but I will say try to take care of yourself. Also try and get some help caring for your mum. I've seen what putting yourself last when caring for a loved one can do to a person, and its a whole lot worse than gaining weight. Grief is just one of those awful things in life we have to deal…
  • since I stopped having junk food, sweet tasting things seem so much more intense. I drink straight water most days and I don't really mind it, I had a diet cream doda today, and it was like a shock to my system. I actually have a headache now..
  • A list of free youtube workouts channels: Fitnessblender BeFit KymNonstop Jillian Michaels Enjoy :)
  • I've found in life that if you're more attractive, more healthy, and more happy with yourself than people around you, they tend to try and convince you to come back down to their level. Misery loves company, and if you won't join them, they'll just try to make you miserable anyways by making hurtful comments.
  • I don't really get into the politics of weight loss shows which obviously need to show results or they won't get ratings. I would say not to follow advice or take part in any way with shows like that because at the end of the day, television is not a snapshot of reality. It makes weight loss seem really easy when it's not.…
  • Remove snack foods from your house, or just exercise willpower. Find something to do other than snack mindlessly. You're snacking because you're bored, not because you're truly hungry. When you go to the fridge ask yourself "am I really hungry or just bored?" If you're not truly hungry (stomach growling, empty feeling in…
  • I could kill for some munchkins, sadly there is no Dunkin Donuts in the UK, just ****ty Krispycreme.
  • easy ways to spot a catfish: 1. they seem too good to be true. extremely attractive, has a modeling career and seems way too perfect to be real, stuff like that. 2. gets shady and/or defensive if you bring up trigger topics. pics, skype, meeting up, doubting their sincerity. 3. you have known this person for years yet…
  • I have a moon cup which has eased much of the stress that comes with my period. I get leg pain but I just get on with my work out.
  • My feet are flat, and I gave up the fancy supports and inserts and went "barefoot". I keep my feet bare as often as possible, and bought vivo barefoot shoes for outside. as a result my feet are stronger and I don't get foot pain anymore. Before this I was crippled after a full day of walking, now I can keep up with my fast…
  • The best thing you can do is go to bed as early as possible. If you're asleep you can't feel the cravings.
  • It all depends on the mood I'm in and if I'm out with friends or at home. Usually I leave around 300-100 calories at the end of the day, sometimes more if I've worked my butt off and no matter what I can't seem to eat enough. Never thought I'd ever have days like that :P
  • I really REALLY want a doughnut now...that is like food porn.
  • fruit isn't just sugar, it is fibre as well as vitamins and antioxidants. I don't worry about it, as long as I'm within my calorie target for the day.
  • Say it with me. Other people, are not here, to decorate YOUR WORLD!! What other grown adults choose to do or not do is none of your concern. I'm well aware not to show up for a job interview wearing a bikini or skimpy clothes, do you really think anyone is that stupid? I know how the world works, and your condescension is…
  • I remember herbal life from when I was a teenager, I had a friend who's mom sold it. Looking back now, it really seems like pyramid scheme junk and probably not entirely nutritionally balanced enough. I could be wrong though, do your research if you're unsure.
  • As I said, other people are not here to decorate your world. Spending time commenting on the appearance of others and dictating to others what to and not to wear is time wasted.
  • She was way out of line, and I am a bit shocked she would speak to a customer that way. I would have taken my money elsewhere. I really don't sweat fruit sugar, as it comes with fibre. Fruit juice is the main sugar pit fall that one should worry about with fruit.