I'm having a really bad day today...

I always come to you guys for support when I'm having a moment. I'm very new to MFP, and I just started my "healthy lifestyle" a little over 2 weeks ago. Everything seems good. Lost 10 pounds. Changed my eating habits quite a bit. But now, it's getting HARDER! I'm having cravings out of this world!

I swear I could inhale a cinnamon roll, chocolate cake, and some ice cream in one sitting! (Which is why I'm big NOW) I know that having PCOS causes you to have really bad carb and sugar cravings, but there MUST be something I can do about this.

My question for you, is HOW do I beat these craving? What can I do so that I am not feeling so hungry all the time? Does it get easier EVER? I currently eat 1500 a day, as this is the amount of calories I can eat to lose 2 pounds a week.

P.S. I REALLY want to lose this weight. I've been overweight my entire life, and I'm tired of it. I AM NOT GIVING UP, which is why I came for some advice.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Make sure you're getting plenty of protein and enough fat to keep you full.
  • PrissyPisces
    PrissyPisces Posts: 117 Member
    I don't. That's the issue, I guess, I'm having too much sugar and I have gone over my carbohydrates maybe....2-3 times in a two week period. I've recently changed my diet to vegetarian, and am having such a hard time finding ways to eat, that'll give me the protein I need. Any suggestions?
  • arfuss
    arfuss Posts: 90 Member
    First of all. Dont feel bad about eating all these fatty foods.. Im calling it fatty food because it is exacly what it is.

    I used to be 100kilos, eating alot of junk food. Drinking two 1.5liter coke a day. Eating chocolate and alot of fatty foods.

    Its an addiction.. being used to eating so many carbs. When you cut down on carbs you are going to get withdrawal symptoms.

    I have been in your place and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

    If you live alone its all good. Try to start meditating.. Its boring but its effective

    You should change all your foods to. Lean meats like Fish,chicken etc.. And change your carbs to Whole grain. Whole grain pasta, Whole grain Rice, Whole grain breads..

    Also eat an whole avocado each day. Split in half and eat one half at the beginning of the day with your breakfeast. And eat the other half with your dinner. This allows your body to get enough healty fats, proteins to help regulate your bloodsugar. Carbs are good tho. There are good carbs and bad carbs.

    Aslong as your eating Whole grain carbs you will be all good.

    These days when i eat a chocolate. i just feel sick.. I feel sick in my belly when i see pictures of sugary cakes etc.

    When your body gets used to eating healthy food and not junk.. You wont crave suggary foods anymore because they make you feel bad. Y

    Its all about habit. Your body isent used to eating healthy.

    on Myfitnesspal set your carbs to 50%, proteins to 30% and fat to 20%
  • kkay3182
    kkay3182 Posts: 90 Member
    Eat them! But eat them smartly. I have Pcos as well and started here at 332lbs. My biggest issue is bread, that is the carb I crave. So I have struck it off my grocery list as a staple, it was hard as first but it got easier. Ocassionally I buy a loaf, or just a 4 pack of hawaian rolls. Cake I use to bake 2/3 times a week as well as buy pastries when I go out. I rid the house of baking ingredients, and once a week sometimes twice I treat myself to just one slice, and make it fit in my calorie goal for the day. drink lots of water, everybody says it it is true. In the past when I have avoided all my craving foods my progress didnt have to find a way to satisfy your cravings in a sensible way. PS I use to be able to eat maybe 3-4 slices of chocolate cake in one sitting so I would buy a whole cake or make it, It would be a few slices before bed, then for breakfast and then whenever I passed it until its I can't even really get thru all the frosting in one slice, and knowing there is no more in the house I thoroughly enjoy it. As for pasta I would make a whole box, and it would be gone between 2 of us, now I weigh out two oz for e and add stuff like fresh tomatoes and asparagus to bulk it up along with my protien I am pretty full afterwards. Your body will adopt. Good luck on your journey.
  • PrissyPisces
    PrissyPisces Posts: 117 Member
    Thank you for your responses

    My issue is that I'm a vegetarian. It's kind of hard for me to get enough protein, because I recently started eating this way. I went from eating a pescetarian diet, to being an ovo lacto vegetarian. I'll admit, I was fuller when I was eating the fish, but I'm trying to rid my diet of all meat. I think I'll try the avocado, and start eating beans. I don't really care too much for these foods, but I'm sure I can find a way to make them tasty. I think another issue I have, is that I don't like to cook enough. I need some recipes! :laugh: I also need foods that aren't too costly.
  • kkay3182
    kkay3182 Posts: 90 Member
    Beans will be good, lentils red beans whatever you can find, make some vegetarian chili or just throw some beans and spices in a crock pot, then you can use it over some rice or by itself..I am not a vegetarian but I stay away from meat during Lent and have to be creative lol..There are loads of vegan recipes online, and now seeing its summer fresh vegetables are fairly reasonably priced. I made a red bean, plum tomato, grilled zucchini and avacado salad on friday it was really filling sprinkled some feta on top :) get creative, spaghetti squash, tofu? soy protien "meat" chunks lots of options get creative and good luck!
  • It's all in the mind girl! Drink two or three glasses of water when you get a craving a tell yourself you can do this! Your body craves what you eat most so if you go for that cinnamon roll or chocolate cake you're just going to want more! Instead give yourself one day a week where you can eat a sweet!
  • Try to indulge on healthy food. For example, you want ice cream? Try freezing some bananas and blending them for a healthy-one-ingredient-all-natural ice cream! Chocolate? Buy a portion sized bar of dark chocolate, which is awesome for its antioxidants! It's not about not eating anything at all, or you'll be miserable. Just change the ingredients to have the food you crave without the guilty feeling. Also, make it an award. For example, if you hit a whole week of healthy eating and exercise, on the weekend go ahead and make yourself a whole wheat pizza with veggies and low fat cheese. That way, you won't overdo the heathy treats either (which is a common mistake). Just make it a game to improve yourself.
    I'm a vegetarian too, but I get protein from milk, cheese, beans, soy and veggie burgers,... I had a rough time too, because I was a kind of fat-thin girl because I was missing my protein. It makes you fill up AND build muscle, which burn a lot more calories and make you look toned up.
    Make it fun, and a slice of pizza or cake with friends once in a while (once a week or every two weeks, for instance) never hurt anyone. If you deprive so hard, you'll lose track when you eat a teeny, tiny bite of something not healthy.
  • YamaMaya1
    YamaMaya1 Posts: 49 Member
    If you can, just get a bar of dark chocolate and eat a small amount when you feel a craving. If you can't stop yourself from inhaling the bar, then it's best to avoid sweets for awhile. Slowly sip green tea (make a big pot if you've got one) throughout the day to try and hold back the urge to eat.
  • Deanner03
    Deanner03 Posts: 371 Member
    Get or make some things that will help curb the sweet tooth. Banana "ice cream" (throw some frozen banana and a bit of cocoa powder into a blender...or just mash it up well, lol), all-fruit popsicles, watermelon/canteloupe, frozen grapes...something sweet. Keep it nearby. Or...have some of the stuff you're craving, just in a small amount that fits into your goals!
  • Vickilite
    Vickilite Posts: 32 Member
    Hi honey, listen I'm a diabetic and I feel your pain, but those $%^ sweets are one of the ways we got this way. For me, what's working (I'm 4 weeks in and have lots 11 lbs) is to have something sweet, but not empty sweets. So, here are a couple of ideas. My go to breakfast (but could also be a snack): Any flavor you like of Dannon Lite and Fresh 80 calorie greek yogurt, layered in a pretty wine or parfait glass with 1/2 c of blueberries and 1/2 c of strawberries. Top with 2 T of chopped walnuts or pecans, sprinkle liberally with cinnamon. Looks and tastes gorgeous! There are lots of flavors of that yogurt, even chocolate raspberry, chocolate cherry, and banana cream. Mmmm. When I make this, co-workers are drooling and can't believe I'm losing weight eating it! Here's another treat that I have after dinner if I'm feeling like I need a desert - 1 cup of sugar free vanilla/chocolate swirl pudding with strawberries and a little chopped banana. Add chopped nuts and a 2 T squirt of fat free whipped cream. I also love the ideas that other gave of making your own banana ice cream from frozen bananas - gonna try that for sure! And here is an old trick I learned from my years in Weight Watchers. Take 2 graham cracker squares. Top one with a drizzle of chocolate syrup and top with a couple of heaping tablespoons of fat free cool whip. Top with other cracker, wrap in plastic and freeze. Makes a very light ice cream sandwich. One more, I love the Skinny Pop popcorn at 35-43 calories per cup,depending on flavor. I love the ultra light white cheddar flavor. However, 2 cups is my limit and that doesn't fill me up, so I eat it with 1/2 a sliced apple. Sweet, salty, crunch. Ahhhhh....
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member

    My question for you, is HOW do I beat these craving? What can I do so that I am not feeling so hungry all the time? Does it get easier EVER? I currently eat 1500 a day, as this is the amount of calories I can eat to lose 2 pounds a week.

    P.S. I REALLY want to lose this weight. I've been overweight my entire life, and I'm tired of it. I AM NOT GIVING UP, which is why I came for some advice.

    Try adding quinoa, hemp protein powder and almonds to your diet too. They were Godsends for me when I was a Vegan.

    Agree with Deanner03 @ice cream, chocolate cake and cinnamon roll > Make yourself some banana ice cream [from frozen bananas ], portion into 3 bowls. Add chocolate chips/cacao nibs/carob in place of the chocolate cake. Cinnamon + a little Raw cane sugar + tiny drop of vanilla [or your sweetner of choice] for the cinnamon roll. Your favourite ice cream blend for your ice cream fix.

    If you have the strength to go Vegetarian > You have it in you to eat what you crave, only a smaller portion of each > A tasters portion. Use a food scale and measure out 'your treat volume'. Eat it slowly to savour the taste. Substitute the flavour fix or just eat it > Depriving yourself from that craving can derail your course.

    Just a minor speed bump ... Leap over it!

    ETA: typo@y
  • jackiemkelly9
    jackiemkelly9 Posts: 1 Member
    I am only about 6-7 wks in and have lost about 12 lbs - although I have my goals set for 1 lb a week and can eat 1750/day. And I eat all of them most of the time! lol My worst time for that sweet craving is in the evening after dinner. I have done well with my meals eating LOTS more fruits and veggies -- could never give up my meat though. So....2 things I have learned for me....1) I plan for some type of "treat" with my daily calories. I have it to look forward to and I feel more in control. At times it has been a 1/2 cup of ice cream, a couple cookies, a regular yogurt or a small cup of pudding. That is working. 2) As i am moving forward my tastes are changing. Where I once would have killed for chocolate cake, etc, at a picnic yesterday I was soooo excited to have baked beans and a hot dog. And the fruit was to die for. That never would have cut it for me before. Hang in there, I think this is such an individual journey but we all need support.
  • eggomylegos
    eggomylegos Posts: 146 Member
    Protein shakes and bars are my best food friends. They knock cravings out of the park!

    The better ones are low in sugar and carbs with at least 20g of protein. You can boost them with things like nut butters (PB2 is excellent), fat free yogurt, fruit, ice. They taste like shakes from fast food restaurants without ridiculous amounts of sugar.

    Protein bars are an easy go-to snack as well. I keep several in my desk at work and bring one along if I am going to be busy all day.

    Also as it was said above, high fat and high protein foods are not bad for you. Make sure that you are getting enough calories from those two sources and the carb cravings will get better after a few weeks.

    Edit - One more thing. If you haven't done so, it helps to join the PCOS groups on MFP and add lots of friends who have it. You can get great ideas from them on how to keep the scale moving. Good luck!
  • zoodocgirl
    zoodocgirl Posts: 163 Member
    I'm mostly vegetarian now and was completely for 15 years. You can do it (but you also don't need the ridiculous amounts of protein that others take in/recommend unless you are deadlifting tractors).

    Don't be afraid of eggs and some-fat dairy. You can eat way more eggs than the 1980s would have you believe - if you don't have genetically high cholesterol and you are eating an overall healthy diet, eggs will not give you high cholesterol. Look for pasture-raised eggs for even more omega-3 fatty acids.

    Greek yogurt is a fantastic source of protein and enough fat to keep you full. Aim for at least the 2%, not fat free. Put it in smoothies, or load it up with nuts and berries. It's not evil to add a tablespoon of honey or maple syrup if you don't like the taste of it plain, but my fave is to mix in a tablespoon of peanut butter (even more protein!). I actually even add a couple of dollops in to my scrambled eggs - protein filled fluffiness!

    Chick peas/garbanzo beans are a good place to start if you don't love beans. They're equally good cold, room temp or hot and have a pretty mild flavor. You can make them into hummus or falafel (or just buy those things pre-made). I love making a simple lunch salad of chickpeas, red wine viniagrette and olive oil, and whatever veggies I have around (chopped broccoli, zucchini, artichoke hearts, tomatoes) and a little feta cheese. Super filling and yummy. The other huge upside to beans is they are CHEAP (unlike protein bars/shakes, etc.).

    I'm not a huge fan of processed fake meat products personally, but they did really help me in my early vegetarian days when I was busy and not cooking much. Look into some of the less processed veggie burgers (or even better, find a recipe you like and make a bunch and freeze them) for a quick protein boost.
  • PrissyPisces
    PrissyPisces Posts: 117 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    You guys made some AWESOME suggestions. I can't wait to try these out!
    The first week I focused more on eggs, fish, veggies, fruits, and occasionally some brown rice. I really wasn't that hungry! This week, I've been eating these tiny veggie burgers, this SWEET corn, and 150 calorie whole wheat burger buns, that are as tiny as the veggie patty. :grumble: Those things are NOT filling me up. Also, I went snack shopping, because TOM has me craving goodies. Too many 100 calorie snacks, that aren't that filling! And to be honest, they were taking from my meal calories. Going over my daily calories is NOT an option, so instead, I just suffer through the effects of snacking like a kid. :laugh:

    It's time to get a little smarter about my eating. I've done a complete 360 with my diet, and I'm proud of myself. Never eaten this many fruits and veggies in my life! I love it!

    P.S. I made a niiiice veggie casserole/medley type of dish tonight. The veggies were so filling, and the cheese was so satisfying! Much better than having the corn and little veggie burger. Maybe not something I can do all of the time, but it was so lovely! Only 243 calories! :love:
  • annko65
    annko65 Posts: 18 Member

    You can get your protein from the pulses and if you don't cook you can find canned lentils, chick peas (try hummus with carrot sticks or celery sticks), beans. It's best to prepare them yourself but if you don't cook much, then it's a good alternative. They are also very cheap. Whole meal pitta bread is very cheap, just warm it up in a toaster and dunk in a hummus dip; it's delicious.

    Fruits make good snacks, also try the Greek yogurt (not type but the authentic) with a teaspoon honey and blueberries; if you like yogurt that is!

    Also, another idea, is tomato and cucumber in slices, some yellow cheese in tubes or olives (if you like them). This is what I do for snacking at work; my work doesn't allow me lunch breaks and because of the nature of it I can't have hot meals because they smell. So, I try those snacks that keep me going till the end of my shift!

    I really hope that this could help you a bit!

    All the best!

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    They are not going anywhere for me. I just try to keep them under control and to eat in moderation... Sometimes I have a huge cheat day though, just because I have a big craving that isn't going away otherwise, lol.
  • msrn8143
    msrn8143 Posts: 90 Member
    I would strongly suggest you go to a non-surgical weight loss doctor who will help you with those cravings. They will do a lot of labs to determine if there are any hormonal issues impacting your ability to stick to your diet or not lose weight even when you do. PCOS typically goes hand in hand with many other disorders like insulin resistance and depression. Wellbutrin can help fight the cravings and metformin will help level your blood sugar out making it easier to fight them. It is well worth the money.
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    As long as you eat grains and sugar, you're always going to crave them. I use grapefruit essential oil on my belly to help cravings. Sounds crazy, but it helps me. I would eat a piece of fruit if you are having a craving. Apples really help keep you full and healthy fats like coconut oil and real butter may help. I'd go for almond butter too. Low-fat diets only cause more issues.
    Good job on your current weight loss. Keep up the great work. Be consistent, it didn't take over night to get here so it will take time lose the weight. 2 lbs is a lot to lose in one week. Maybe bump it back to 1.5.
    Lots of great ideas posted so if one doesn't work, move on to the next. We're all different so one thing that works for one person might not work for you.
  • ChampCrucial
    ChampCrucial Posts: 120 Member

    I am not sure if this has been mentioned before, but I can definitely give a suggestion or 2. I never really hit my protein goal, but that will change shortly. (PROTEIN SUPPLEMENT COMING IN)!!! Here are my suggestions below.

    1. Milk. I say go for whole milk. There is a lot of jazz around skim and low fat milk, but unless the calories are ever so dire, I say go for whole.

    2. Mix whole grains with fluids. If you can do milk, put it in oatmeal or some whole wheat cereal like frosted mini wheats. The mini wheats soak up the milk and you will feel a little fuller as well. My strategy is whole milk and oatmeal with 32 oz of water. Of course, if you are lactose intolerant, don't like milk, or need to shave calories then by ll means keep splashing the water! I am full up to the neck or I needed to eat. 7/10 it isn't the latter.

    3. Protein supplement. When all else fails I say uses a supplement. A supplement is simply a supplement; something you use when your current lifestyle position, or best attempts still fail. Good luck and I hope my post reaches and helps you!