I've fallen off the band wagon.

Like so many of my diets before I've lost track of my motivation and have begun to let weight loss go to the way side. I'm very disappointed in myself and upset because I wanted this time around to be different. If anyone has any tips for getting back on track I'd be very grateful.


  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    Simply recognizing that you've backslid is the first step in the right direction. In the past, I have started, succeeded for a while, then failed, at countless attempts to lose weight "for good." This time around is different. This time around is the ultimate time around. I may slip up. I may have a day, a few days, or even a week, of not eating well, not recording everything I eat, or not making it to the gym, but I continue to come on here and log. I come on here and do my best. Some days are better than others. But, since April of 2012 I have lost what my ticker below says. The key is to recognize when you have slipped up, NOT let it make you stop trying, and get back on track right away. You are on the right track and I wish you all the best of luck in your endeavor to become fitter and healthier. It takes a lot of willpower and determination, but it eventually becomes easier, then habit, then a way of life. I'm at the way of life point now. It feels great! Is it easy yet? Not really. But, I do miss exercise when I miss a day of it. That's how much it's become a way of life for me. I bet it can be for you as well!
  • Dawnieb01
    Dawnieb01 Posts: 12 Member
    Feeling the same way as you do. I can't figure for the life of me how it is that "fit" people find the motivation to keep going. I start off strong full of ideas then fall...ugh. I am staring over again and hope that this time I find whatever it is that I need make the lifestyle change I so desire. GOOD LUCK.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    stop 'going on a diet'... make reasonable choices most of the time and do some regular exercise.
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    You recognize it… you want to change it. That's the first step. The way to make this time different from every other time is that this time you don't give up when you fall off the wagon. You get up, dust yourself off, and get back on. Don't beat yourself up. Don't try to make up for lost time. Just start again. Then this time really be different. And it really be the "last time." We all "fall off the wagon" from time to time. The difference is whether or not we get back on.
  • Fatandfifty3
    Fatandfifty3 Posts: 419 Member
    Maybe this isn't the right diet for you. I agree with most of what the others have said. For a diet to be sustainable one needs to make lifestyle changes. I'm on the 5:2 or Fast Diet. This is something I can and will stick to for the rest of my life. It's simply a case of finding what works for you. Good luck and you can do this! :-)
  • tinydancer4
    tinydancer4 Posts: 114 Member
    I'm the same! Don't beat yourself up, it happens to most people at least once if not more. You've already taken the first step by recognising it, now just go back to what you were doing before and you'll soon be back to where you were. Good luck!
  • Carol_
    Carol_ Posts: 469 Member
    Sometimes it helps to go grocery shopping , not for the family, but for your food only. 'New food' sometimes motivates me.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    stop 'going on a diet'... make reasonable choices most of the time and do some regular exercise.
    This 100 times over and again. make permanent and sustainable changes... that way, you won't be back here blaming "diets" or whatever.
  • Carol_
    Carol_ Posts: 469 Member
    I feel 'hangin' out here, reading blog posts, etc..helps. It's always hard. Sometimes for days and days, I have to look for new ways to stay motivated. I have heard of a lot of good reviews for a book called the Beck System.It's NOT a diet..it's about how to keep yourself motivated, etc. I plan on getting it this week.:)
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    stop 'going on a diet'... make reasonable choices most of the time and do some regular exercise.

    ^^^^ this. Plus - don't go overboard with a 'strict' regime - make small adjustments and when they have become 2nd nature make another small but positive change and so on. Suddenly forcing yourself to eat within tight calorie allowances or exhaust frantically exercising (unless you enjoy it) is, in my opinion. doomed. Moving more can simply mean taking a regular walk or swim with your friends - some of us get hooked and are keen to be more vigorous - some are not. But walking can be very enjoyable and you can build up gradually. There is no need to suddenly and drastically drop to a low calorie intake - weigh, log and gradually make changes until you are eating at a reasonable deficit. You can do this without punishing yourself but you have to want it enough to adapt your lifestyle and not just 'diet' - no quick fixes :smile:
  • I've seen my weight loss like an on-going process. I've been doing this a little less than three months, and had a period of about three weeks where I didn't really watch what I ate. I didn't lose weight, but I was okay with that. Losing weight doesn't have to happen at once. It's a lifestyle change, and as long as you move forward (even if it's slowly and you fall down a couple times) you're on the right track.
    My motivation is thinking about those before and after picture on commercials where people wear their old fat pants. I think about doing that myself and how amazing it will feel when I eventually do get there.
  • YamaMaya1
    YamaMaya1 Posts: 49 Member
    The single most valuable thing I've learned in life is that if you fall, get up, dust yourself off and try again. You have nothing to gain from lying there in the dirt feeling sorry for yourself.