Fat people ambassador

I have decided to become a self-proclaimed 'Fat People Ambassador'. The reason? Some things just frikkin gets to me. I might be a little sensitive, but here follows my explanation...

1. I saw an advert for a weight loss product. There was an outline of a skinny person filled with veggies and an outline of a fat person filled with hamburgers and fries etc. NEWS FLASH***** Not all people are fat because they eat to much. There are hormone problems etc. etc etc. And those who DO eat too much, might not know that they are OR have emotional issues to deal with that other people no nothing about! Ads like these are degrading, uninformed and miss-leading.

2. Skinny people whom have never had a weight issue, should stop pretending to know what us fatties go through on a daily basis PLUS.... Why do skinny people think that fat people are stupid. NEWS FLASH***** I have an IQ of 126 - which is above average. Yes, I am an under-archiever because of some emotional stuff AND weight stopping me from doing what I really am capable of. The fat did not cover my brain though and it did not make me stupid. Guilty skinnies, wake up!

3. I HATE the pittiful glances I sometimes get from people. NEWS FLASH**** I am overweight, not disabled. I have many disabled people in my life, including my mom. We are all people.... Able-bodied, disabled, skinny, fat. IT DOES NOT DEFINE YOU!!!!!!

4. I recently read a VERY disturbing article by KAI that was on Biggest Loser. I always knew it was a crap show, but I am amazed that the trainers are that mean and causing contestants to dehydrate and excersie through injuries. I thought that Jillian Michaels, that used to be fat, would actually be more understanding of what fat people are going though... (She was not on the show when KAI was a contestant, but sure she followed in BOB's footsteps.) - I apologize for this comment if Jillian turns out to be the saint and saviour of fat people on Biggest Loser.

I am dedicating my time - from now on - to destroy myths abouth fat people. I have a mirror, thanks... I know what I look like. I have PCOS and Insulin Resistance and I have already managed to lose 50+ pounds. I am smart. I am funny (sarcastic). I know my current weight is unhealty and I am busy losing it.


  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    thats EXACTLY what i was just going to say!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Ummm OK. Good luck in your crusade.
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    LOL I hear your pain. It's very frustrating sometimes. I have severe abdominal adhesions due to multiple surgeries. They span from right under my rib cage, down my tummy and wrap around my hips. I'm in surgical menopause and have Hashimotos thyroiditis. Due to the Hashimoto's I was having issues with losing weight but I was maintaining nicely, ran 3-7 miles on daily, and was generally healthy except for the hormone thing, I was overweight as well but had good stats and felt wonderful. Last year I began gaining weight unexpectedly and the adhesions started getting worse. I couldn't run anymore, I can barely move without limping some days. I then found out I had a large tumor on my thyroid. I had half of my thyroid removed due to the malignant tumor. The cancer happened to be encapsulated (luckily) but, of course, that half of the thyroid I kind of needed since it wasn't functioning properly to begin with. The combination was devastating and I gained 60lbs in a year. I'm just now getting things under control but the damage is done. I'm not lazy (never have been), my diet's not the best but for a normal person it wouldn't have made much of a difference. I think I've always been a fat people ambassador. I get somewhat irate when assumptions are made. You can't tell by looking at someone if they're fat due to choices or they're fat due to circumstances beyond their control. Generally those who body shame using the excuse it's not "healthy" really don't give a crap about that person's health anyway.
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    News Flash- we don't need a White Knight. Stop making fat people out to be helpless victims.

    I get you most likely mean well, but no. Just no.

    I think she means more for her own peace of mind. Not keeping quiet when something rubs her the wrong way or someone/something makes an assumption based on weight alone.
  • cheexy85
    cheexy85 Posts: 119
    Nice rant...(I think)
  • YamaMaya1
    YamaMaya1 Posts: 49 Member
    I don't really get into the politics of weight loss shows which obviously need to show results or they won't get ratings. I would say not to follow advice or take part in any way with shows like that because at the end of the day, television is not a snapshot of reality. It makes weight loss seem really easy when it's not. Jillian Michaels is kind of a *****, but hey, maybe she's projecting her former fatty emotions of self hatred onto the contestants and that's what makes her push them too far. I only watched The Biggest Loser once, and I was quite disgusted by what I saw, so I stopped.
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
    Cool story bro.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    NEWSFLASH, yes you are right that some people are fat because of medical conditions, BUT, the majority of people are fat because they are poorly educated in nutrition, and can't keep from stuffing their own face with nice tasting things. You'd be better being a crusader for the people with the medical problems.

    Also a lot of the traits in fat people are typically lazy ones, it's the same reason a lot of fat people are less successful in life, negative traits that also lead to lack of looking after oneself, so don't go fighting the good fight as if they are all victims.

    Bare in mind I'm also a fatty so i think I can say this stuff without you thinking Im just a thin person fighting my corner, but as for the skinny people being awesome in adverts I can also disagree with that, being skinny doesn't necessarily mean being healthy, which too often is linked together. I'm far from skinny, but I would probably say I'm fitter and healthier than the 30 slim people I've probably interacted with today at work.
  • Nojoke81
    Nojoke81 Posts: 131
    Ummm... An IQ of 126 wasn't sufficient enough to tell you that you need to consume less calories in order to benefit your life?

    IQ tests really are over-rated.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Ummm... An IQ of 126 wasn't sufficient enough to tell you that you need to consume less calories in order to benefit your life?

    IQ tests really are over-rated.

    Fist bump.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    You mean you would like people to judge you on the content of your character rather than the way you look and not make false assumptions based on appearances?

    How dare you!!!
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    This oughta be good
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    You mean you would like people to judge you on the content of your character rather than the way you look and not make false assumptions based on appearances?

    How dare you!!!

    God forbid! Let the pearl clutching ensue.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I hear where you're coming from. I do. But I want to submit to you, for your consideration, this:

    What if I told you that a lot/many of the "skinny" people you see also have thyroid and other hormone issues, also battle depression, also have injuries that limit them. Knowing that they fight the same emotional battle as you every day, would you see them differently?
  • TMM211073
    TMM211073 Posts: 153 Member
    Let me be honest and tell you a bit about myself, I started my journey in November 2012....

    I was fat - 321lb at the beginning of this journey

    I was lazy - sat at the laptop all day and worked sitting down all evening

    I was depressed - I hated what I saw in the mirror

    I spouted the exact same lines as you've just typed, only I'd say it to anyone crazy enough to listen to me, I didn't just type it on a website (this is not to criticize what you've done)

    I turned to food because it was always there for me (I live a 2 minute walk away from a large Morrisons store) - I was a stereotypical fatty, I didn't exercise because I hated the idea of thin people watching me sweat, puff and pant at the gym.

    Today 18th July 2014....

    I am thinner than I've ever been (as an adult) - 165lb

    I spend too much time at the gym (according to my family) - I go 6 days a week, and sometimes more than once a day

    I'm nicknamed the Duracell Bunny - because I'm always on the go, always happy and am always looking for something to do

    I find it extremely patronising when people spout on about how fatties get a raw deal - there are NHS Weight Management programs for us fatties - they are free and if you want to join one, go see a doctor, they are free too (here in the UK) - what have the skinnies got to help them.... not all skinnies are skinny because they are happy, healthy and energetic, a friend of mine died of Anorexia about 10 years ago (everyone thought she was happy and just small framed, no she was killing herself)

    I turn to exercise to make me feel better and it usually does, food used to make me full, feel sick and then feel hatred for getting fatter and fatter.

    Fatties and skinnies all have their own issues - now I weigh almost half of my starting weight I have developed issues, I now have lower back and hip problems and I take daily medication, I never had to do that when I was 321lb: I now have baggy skin on my torso, arms, legs and chin; my butt (which was the only slim part of my body) is none existant - I have to sit on a cushion all the time.

    Basically being fat has ruined my body and now I am trying to get slim and right some of the wrongs I did to myself - please don't turn your weight loss journey into a fight against Them & Us - make it about you, concentrate on getting yourself where you want to be.... We're all fighting a fight, we just have different motivations and different destinations.

    By worrying about your journey and doing something about your weight you are proving that fatties don't need sympathy or help, you are proving that you don't envy skinnies and you are proving you have over come whatever made you put on weight in the first place....

    Now that is a worthy cause in my former fatty point of view xXx
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I was a fat kid.

    Fat many of my adult years.

    High weight of 320lbs.

    I've hated being fat since the 6th grade. It ALWAYS felt wrong and incompatible with who I am. I can't imagine why anybody who is actually trying to get into a healthy weight range would sit around trying to be an "ambassador" for fat people. Why are you even trying to lose a massive nearly 64 kgs if your focus is on being an "ambassador" for the obese? I truly believe that the only people who escape overweightness and obesity long term are the ones who stop seeing themselves as fat. If that's what defines you, if fat politics are what primarily concern you, that'll be what you stay as, or eventually arrive right back as.

    I do believe that compassion and understanding are key. And nobody deserves to be discriminated against. But when you're morbidly obese, which you are OP, then I think you'll likely get a lot more leverage out of defining yourself at the weight/size/look/FEELING you're envisioning and leave the ambassador job to those who are planning to stay fat and define part of their identity as "Fat".
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I hear where you're coming from. I do. But I want to submit to you, for your consideration, this:

    What if I told you that a lot/many of the "skinny" people you see also have thyroid and other hormone issues, also battle depression, also have injuries that limit them. Knowing that they fight the same emotional battle as you every day, would you see them differently?

    Interdasting isn't it?

    It's a common narrative. I was fat because I got injured, I got sick, I had a thyroid problem, I was depressed, I was anxious, I lost a loved one, I was dealing with stuff nobody understands, etc, etc, etc.

    As if all thinner people are just coasting around life dealing with nothing. No, some people deal with those difficulties...they just don't consistently eat above their TDEE while doing so.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    In for kitten giffs
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    From the OP I dont agree that being a Fat People Ambassador is ideal for you.

    I feel that you have a much higher calling.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
  • kuroi19
    kuroi19 Posts: 45
    You have my support, Ambassador ;)
    I wish I could see all these born skinny smart *kitten* if they had my metabolism. Half of them would be beyond morbidly obese, no disability needed. I envy the genes but they have no right to say anything.
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    I've got to be honest here.

    I think everyone sort of gets a raw deal - regardless of body type (fat people, thin people, in between people). People just get judged by the way they look ALL THE TIME. For every issue that a fat person has to deal with (and hey, I deal with them, as a fat person), a skinny person has to deal with too.

    Here's some stereotypes for you:
    As a fat girl, I'm lazy and unhealthy, while my thin friends must have eating disorders and are exercise nazis.
    As a fat girl, I use my humor to succeed, while my thin friends just use their bodies. None of us has any brains.
    As a fat girl, I must hate my body, while my thin friends must love theirs. Never mind that everyone has some insecurities.

    I could go on and on, but there's no point really. We judge people by the way they look, whether they're fat or thin. There's just as much skinny prejudice as there is fat prejudice. I think a real body acceptance movement would encompass all sizes, and encourage people to look past what they see on the outside.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    You have my support, Ambassador ;)
    I wish I could see all these born skinny smart *kitten* if they had my metabolism. Half of them would be beyond morbidly obese, no disability needed. I envy the genes but they have no right to say anything.

    Fat or thin is not genetic.
  • Valrotha
    Valrotha Posts: 294 Member
    First off, OP, I'm sorry for your pain. There's a lot of hurt feelings behind your comments. I know how badly people can make you feel for not looking good.

    Having said that, I think you may be addressing these concerns and complaints to the wrong community. For the most part, people aren't here because they've been skinny all their lives and have no weight issues. Seriously...what's the point of tracking calories, looking for support from others, and trying to find leaner and healthier recipes, if they're already thin and have never had weight issues?!?

    There doesn't need to be a 'fat people ambassador' as though they're from a different country or something. If they really are the same, as you say, 'they' don't need an ambassador.

    And, although you are right that there are some medical issues which cause weight issues, for the overwhelming majority of us (me included), it's simply been poor diet choices. These 'poor choices' are so thoroughly pervasive that it's no wonder we have as many obese people as we have in this country. Our collective diet is ****. There's so much crap put in our food that isn't necessary that one almost has to shop at a health food store just to get normal food anymore.

    I celebrate your success and wish you continued progress towards your weight loss goals, but we're not the enemy. And, I agree with one of the people above me who said, "I dont agree that being a Fat People Ambassador is ideal for you. I feel that you have a much higher calling."
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    You have my support, Ambassador ;)
    I wish I could see all these born skinny smart *kitten* if they had my metabolism. Half of them would be beyond morbidly obese, no disability needed. I envy the genes but they have no right to say anything.

    Fat or thin is not genetic.

    Unless a medical condition it is a choice!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Fighting perceived stereotypes with anger and stereotypes?
    Right out of Victimology 101.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    I've got to be honest here.

    I think everyone sort of gets a raw deal - regardless of body type (fat people, thin people, in between people). People just get judged by the way they look ALL THE TIME. For every issue that a fat person has to deal with (and hey, I deal with them, as a fat person), a skinny person has to deal with too.

    Here's some stereotypes for you:
    As a fat girl, I'm lazy and unhealthy, while my thin friends must have eating disorders and are exercise nazis.
    As a fat girl, I use my humor to succeed, while my thin friends just use their bodies. None of us has any brains.
    As a fat girl, I must hate my body, while my thin friends must love theirs. Never mind that everyone has some insecurities.

    I could go on and on, but there's no point really. We judge people by the way they look, whether they're fat or thin. There's just as much skinny prejudice as there is fat prejudice. I think a real body acceptance movement would encompass all sizes, and encourage people to look past what they see on the outside.

    Very much this.

    OP, you're not helping. you're assuming that anyone who is thin has been magically gifted to be so and that all problems of life just pass them by. it's not true. we're all ppl. we all struggle.

    you have no idea what demons someone is fighting. so just... be nicer.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You have my support, Ambassador ;)
    I wish I could see all these born skinny smart *kitten* if they had my metabolism. Half of them would be beyond morbidly obese, no disability needed. I envy the genes but they have no right to say anything.

    Fat or thin is not genetic.

    Unless a medical condition it is a choice!

    Granted certain medical conditions and medications can make losing and maintaining harder, but it doesn't make it impossible. So it's still a choice.