Fat people ambassador



  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Ditch the excuses and stop looking at as fat vs skinny, as if that's the only two things a person can be.


    I'm just gonna say this.

    The worst thing you can do when trying to lose weight is be hyper-sensitive about things. You're gonna get comments you hate. You're gonna read things you don't like. You're going to hate other people and yourself on a regular basis.

    If you get fired up about something, good, you're supposed to. But ranting is a waste of energy. Save it for the gym.


    I don't need a freaking ambassador. I don't need someone to hold my hand and I don't need someone to motivate me. I am my own person, I was the hand that fed me and now I'm the one undoing my mistakes.

    If someone wants to associate my body with their negative thoughts, so be it. It has no bearing on my life.

    The best day of my weight loss happened when I started to talk clinically about my weight. Not "oh my god I'm so fat" or "ugh she has it easier!". Those words were replaced with things like "lifting weights helps retain LBM" and "eating at a 500 calorie deficit should produce a one pound loss each week". Notice the difference. One is full of feelings and placing my self worth on being fat. The other approaches the problem in a way that fixes it without needing to be self harming.

    Fat doesn't make me who I am. I am FIXING it. And if someone can't understand that, I don't need them in my life anyway.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I hear where you're coming from. I do. But I want to submit to you, for your consideration, this:

    What if I told you that a lot/many of the "skinny" people you see also have thyroid and other hormone issues, also battle depression, also have injuries that limit them. Knowing that they fight the same emotional battle as you every day, would you see them differently?

    ^This! I have Hashimotos, and need to take various medications to treat my depression and anxiety. I am injured with a nasty case of plantar faciitis and could not even walk for fitness for 3 months. I haven't gained any weight because I don't over eat. Period. Also, I don't like being called "skinny".
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    2. Skinny people whom have never had a weight issue, should stop pretending to know what us fatties go through on a daily basis PLUS.... Why do skinny people think that fat people are stupid. NEWS FLASH***** I have an IQ of 126 - which is above average. Yes, I am an under-archiever because of some emotional stuff AND weight stopping me from doing what I really am capable of. The fat did not cover my brain though and it did not make me stupid. Guilty skinnies, wake up!

    You're applying the same generalizations you accuse the so-called "skinnies" of here. It sounds like you have quite the load of insecurities to work through OP... sorry, but I don't need you to be my ambassador. I can be my own.

    ETA: Self-righteousness is unbecoming on anyone, regardless of their BMI.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    You have my support, Ambassador ;)
    I wish I could see all these born skinny smart *kitten* if they had my metabolism. Half of them would be beyond morbidly obese, no disability needed. I envy the genes but they have no right to say anything.

    Fat or thin is not genetic.

    Unless a medical condition it is a choice!

    What medical conditions force a person to consume above their TDEE?

    And what percentage of the overweight to obese are inflicted with said conditions that force them to consume above their TDEE?
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    You have my support, Ambassador ;)
    I wish I could see all these born skinny smart *kitten* if they had my metabolism. Half of them would be beyond morbidly obese, no disability needed. I envy the genes but they have no right to say anything.

    Unless you have been diagnosed with a metabolic disorder, your metabolism is just fine.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    You have my support, Ambassador ;)
    I wish I could see all these born skinny smart *kitten* if they had my metabolism. Half of them would be beyond morbidly obese, no disability needed. I envy the genes but they have no right to say anything.

    So which of us are "born skinny" people?

    Can you tell?
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Is your first role of a 'fat people ambassador' going to be to bash 'skinny' people?? Because that's what I see.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    You have my support, Ambassador ;)
    I wish I could see all these born skinny smart *kitten* if they had my metabolism. Half of them would be beyond morbidly obese, no disability needed. I envy the genes but they have no right to say anything.

    Unless you have been diagnosed with a metabolic disorder, your metabolism is just fine.

    On this note, I would have sworn 4 years ago that I had a crappy metabolism. It turns out my metabolism is just fine-- it's actually a little higher than MFP estimates. I was just really really sedentary and I didn't adjust my eating to reflect that. And yeah, I've got chronic fatigue syndrome, which made it hard to get up and move. But once I started cutting calories the weight fell off easily.

    Some people do have metabolic disorders. But most people are just overestimating their activity and underestimating how much they eat.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    You have my support, Ambassador ;)
    I wish I could see all these born skinny smart *kitten* if they had my metabolism. Half of them would be beyond morbidly obese, no disability needed. I envy the genes but they have no right to say anything.

    So which of us are "born skinny" people?

    Can you tell?

    The ones without tickers. :wink:
  • lmann72
    lmann72 Posts: 82 Member
    Let me be honest and tell you a bit about myself, I started my journey in November 2012....

    I was fat - 321lb at the beginning of this journey

    I was lazy - sat at the laptop all day and worked sitting down all evening

    I was depressed - I hated what I saw in the mirror

    I spouted the exact same lines as you've just typed, only I'd say it to anyone crazy enough to listen to me, I didn't just type it on a website (this is not to criticize what you've done)

    I turned to food because it was always there for me (I live a 2 minute walk away from a large Morrisons store) - I was a stereotypical fatty, I didn't exercise because I hated the idea of thin people watching me sweat, puff and pant at the gym.

    Today 18th July 2014....

    I am thinner than I've ever been (as an adult) - 165lb

    I spend too much time at the gym (according to my family) - I go 6 days a week, and sometimes more than once a day

    I'm nicknamed the Duracell Bunny - because I'm always on the go, always happy and am always looking for something to do

    I find it extremely patronising when people spout on about how fatties get a raw deal - there are NHS Weight Management programs for us fatties - they are free and if you want to join one, go see a doctor, they are free too (here in the UK) - what have the skinnies got to help them.... not all skinnies are skinny because they are happy, healthy and energetic, a friend of mine died of Anorexia about 10 years ago (everyone thought she was happy and just small framed, no she was killing herself)

    I turn to exercise to make me feel better and it usually does, food used to make me full, feel sick and then feel hatred for getting fatter and fatter.

    Fatties and skinnies all have their own issues - now I weigh almost half of my starting weight I have developed issues, I now have lower back and hip problems and I take daily medication, I never had to do that when I was 321lb: I now have baggy skin on my torso, arms, legs and chin; my butt (which was the only slim part of my body) is none existant - I have to sit on a cushion all the time.

    Basically being fat has ruined my body and now I am trying to get slim and right some of the wrongs I did to myself - please don't turn your weight loss journey into a fight against Them & Us - make it about you, concentrate on getting yourself where you want to be.... We're all fighting a fight, we just have different motivations and different destinations.

    By worrying about your journey and doing something about your weight you are proving that fatties don't need sympathy or help, you are proving that you don't envy skinnies and you are proving you have over come whatever made you put on weight in the first place....

    Now that is a worthy cause in my former fatty point of view xXx

  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    You seem kind of like a bitter ahole.

    I"m certain nobody wants you as an ambassador.
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    I've got to be honest here.

    I think everyone sort of gets a raw deal - regardless of body type (fat people, thin people, in between people). People just get judged by the way they look ALL THE TIME. For every issue that a fat person has to deal with (and hey, I deal with them, as a fat person), a skinny person has to deal with too.

    Here's some stereotypes for you:
    As a fat girl, I'm lazy and unhealthy, while my thin friends must have eating disorders and are exercise nazis.
    As a fat girl, I use my humor to succeed, while my thin friends just use their bodies. None of us has any brains.
    As a fat girl, I must hate my body, while my thin friends must love theirs. Never mind that everyone has some insecurities.

    I could go on and on, but there's no point really. We judge people by the way they look, whether they're fat or thin. There's just as much skinny prejudice as there is fat prejudice. I think a real body acceptance movement would encompass all sizes, and encourage people to look past what they see on the outside.

    Very much this.

    OP, you're not helping. you're assuming that anyone who is thin has been magically gifted to be so and that all problems of life just pass them by. it's not true. we're all ppl. we all struggle.

    you have no idea what demons someone is fighting. so just... be nicer.

    I agree with these two people so much. I've battled my weight since puberty, because I never had self control. I did this to myself and until I faced that reality, I didn't start dropping the weight. (5lbs on here, about 10 before that). Do people judge me all the time for what I look like? Oh hell yes. Did I used to hate skinny people because I thought they were lucky? Hell yes to that, too.
    My best friend is 5'4'' and never been over 119lbs. I HATED her when we met. But she works so hard for that body. Is it easier for her to avoid tempting food, well yes, because her whole life has been spent ultivating the good habits. She reaches for carrots when I want cake. She goes to the gym every day to maintain that body. etc. There's a world behind each person. Just because someone said mean things once, doesn't mean everyone in the world is out to get you. Are there jerks? Well duh. But in my experiences, the good outweighs the bad and self acceptence counts for more than what anyone else says.

    And I don't need an ambassador. I'm perfectly capable of standing up for myself thank you very much.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    You have my support, Ambassador ;)
    I wish I could see all these born skinny smart *kitten* if they had my metabolism. Half of them would be beyond morbidly obese, no disability needed. I envy the genes but they have no right to say anything.

    Fat or thin is not genetic.

    Unless a medical condition it is a choice!

    What medical conditions force a person to consume above their TDEE?

    And what percentage of the overweight to obese are inflicted with said conditions that force them to consume above their TDEE?

    There are a few, and someone with PCOS will have a very difficult time losing without changing lifestyle to increase activity significantly which without that otherwise the needed severe dieting often results in nutritional and hunger issues.

    So while I understand the difficulty the OP might have in weight loss, one owns the attitude one brings to the table.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    You have my support, Ambassador ;)
    I wish I could see all these born skinny smart *kitten* if they had my metabolism. Half of them would be beyond morbidly obese, no disability needed. I envy the genes but they have no right to say anything.

    Unless you have been diagnosed with a metabolic disorder, your metabolism is just fine.

    This. Even though for years and years this was my go to line when I would think about trying to lose weight.
  • TutuMom41
    TutuMom41 Posts: 278 Member
    I have decided to become a self-proclaimed 'Fat People Ambassador'. The reason? Some things just frikkin gets to me. I might be a little sensitive, but here follows my explanation...

    1. I saw an advert for a weight loss product. There was an outline of a skinny person filled with veggies and an outline of a fat person filled with hamburgers and fries etc. NEWS FLASH***** Not all people are fat because they eat to much. There are hormone problems etc. etc etc. And those who DO eat too much, might not know that they are OR have emotional issues to deal with that other people no nothing about! Ads like these are degrading, uninformed and miss-leading.

    2. Skinny people whom have never had a weight issue, should stop pretending to know what us fatties go through on a daily basis PLUS.... Why do skinny people think that fat people are stupid. NEWS FLASH***** I have an IQ of 126 - which is above average. Yes, I am an under-archiever because of some emotional stuff AND weight stopping me from doing what I really am capable of. The fat did not cover my brain though and it did not make me stupid. Guilty skinnies, wake up!

    3. I HATE the pittiful glances I sometimes get from people. NEWS FLASH**** I am overweight, not disabled. I have many disabled people in my life, including my mom. We are all people.... Able-bodied, disabled, skinny, fat. IT DOES NOT DEFINE YOU!!!!!!

    4. I recently read a VERY disturbing article by KAI that was on Biggest Loser. I always knew it was a crap show, but I am amazed that the trainers are that mean and causing contestants to dehydrate and excersie through injuries. I thought that Jillian Michaels, that used to be fat, would actually be more understanding of what fat people are going though... (She was not on the show when KAI was a contestant, but sure she followed in BOB's footsteps.) - I apologize for this comment if Jillian turns out to be the saint and saviour of fat people on Biggest Loser.

    I am dedicating my time - from now on - to destroy myths abouth fat people. I have a mirror, thanks... I know what I look like. I have PCOS and Insulin Resistance and I have already managed to lose 50+ pounds. I am smart. I am funny (sarcastic). I know my current weight is unhealty and I am busy losing it.

    Fat People do not need an ambassador. I know its frustrating, People can be judgmental, and Fat discrimination is one of the only acceptable discrimination left. The simple truth is that it is up to the individual to make changes in their lives to become more healthy and it is possible under most circumstances. NO excuses. I have multiple Sclerosis. I have had it 22 years. Exercise is a challenge. I have to force myself to do the things I want to do never mind the harder things. I gained weight having my kids (in my 30's) I took the weight off. I am now over 40. I suffer from fatigue, pain and One of the most difficult challenge is I have to take Prednisone. (look it up it causes weight gain) I have to take 1000 MG IV over 15 minutes. Some times I take it in pill form. I have so many of the challenges I hear people using as excuses. Fat people do not need to be vied as victims. They don't need spokes people (who do exist and are most often a person struggling themselves) People with emotional problems need help and need t find a different coping mechanism. People need to feel empowered. Know that if you want it bad enough you will get there. If I can do it any one can.
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    You have my support, Ambassador ;)
    I wish I could see all these born skinny smart *kitten* if they had my metabolism. Half of them would be beyond morbidly obese, no disability needed. I envy the genes but they have no right to say anything.

    Fat or thin is not genetic.

    Unless a medical condition it is a choice!

    What medical conditions force a person to consume above their TDEE?

    And what percentage of the overweight to obese are inflicted with said conditions that force them to consume above their TDEE?

    What I meant was - you might be skinny, fat or obese either because of a medical condition or else by choice -
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    one owns the attitude one brings to the table.

  • SomberG
    SomberG Posts: 36
    Nice rant. Wrong audience.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    You have my support, Ambassador ;)
    I wish I could see all these born skinny smart *kitten* if they had my metabolism. Half of them would be beyond morbidly obese, no disability needed. I envy the genes but they have no right to say anything.

    Fat or thin is not genetic.

    Unless a medical condition it is a choice!

    What medical conditions force a person to consume above their TDEE?

    And what percentage of the overweight to obese are inflicted with said conditions that force them to consume above their TDEE?

    What I meant was - you might be skinny, fat or obese either because of a medical condition or else by choice -

    But there is no medical condition that forces you to consume above your TDEE.

    There are medical conditions that affect your metabolism, thus lowering your TDEE.

    You chose to either approach those changes one of two ways:

    A. Consume less calories to accommodate your lowered TDEE due to metabolic slow down.
    B. Eat exact the same way you did prior to to the onset of your medical issue, and gain.

    Some people who run into conditions like PCOS, for example, do not gain weight. They adjust their eating accordingly. But the majority of people who gain weight due to a medical condition do so because they usually don't realize that their body requires less calories, and thus they continue to eat as "normal". Then they gain weight and are eventually diagnosed. The problem is that it seems totally unfair that they'll have to work harder to maintain their previous weight, and instead they just eat above their new TDEE and say "the disease made me fat".

    The disease didn't make you fat. The disease put you in a position where it became easier for you to make yourself fat.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Fighting perceived stereotypes with anger and stereotypes?
    Right out of Victimology 101.

    Saved me from typing.

    You will never represent me.