Fat people ambassador



  • beritrocksmyuniverse
    OK, I understand that there are exceptions, but MOST overweight people are overweight because they eat too much and exercise too little. And by MOST I mean the vast majority! The health risks of being severely overweight are well documented. I used to spend a lot of time trying to feel better about being overweight; now I spend that time trying to work towards and maintain a healthy weight.

    Instead of being an "ambassador for fat people" why not try being an advocate for health in a sugar-saturated culture? I imagine you want to live a long, healthy life-- work towards that goal!
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    May I be the ambassador for aging, sarcastic, SOBs? I want to throw my shoe at the OP and need to be within range. That's proper etiquette at these things, right?
  • beritrocksmyuniverse
  • marissanik
    marissanik Posts: 344 Member
    Choosing to be a self-proclaimed pizza ambassador. Dedicating my time to finding the perfect dough to topping ratio.
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    i started my journey years ago at 370 pounds.. i was diagnosed wuth uc.. put on steroids and i ballooned to 370..doc wanted to operate give me a bag for life.. was it the meds that made me gain weight.. the meds played a factor it made me feel hungry. increasing my appetite..did the meds put me at that high weight alone.. no my choices did. i was 16 . i choose to eat crap.. i choose not to exercise..i choose not to care until one day a 370 pound woman i no longer recognized looked back at me from my mirror.

    it wasnt until i got off my *kitten* took responsibility for my actions. started eating healthy.. exercising.. my family calls me a obsessive health nut now.. i exercise 6 days a week.. i hate rest days.. i make all my own foods. i cant eat things that dont work well with my body.so i dont eat anything processed, no dairy, meat, eggs, gluten.. yes im a veg head other than fish and my body loves it.. my uc is now in remission..i eat plant based.. green smoothies love them.. salad my best friend.. nuts, healthy fats..

    SIDE effect.. i have tons of energy..my uc is in remission.. i have dropped 204 pounds.. .. 160 i have kept off for years than lost my dad gained weght back.. so i started again in 2013 . went from 250 pounds back to 168 .now im back at 204 pounds released working on my last 31pounds to my goal weight of 135

    i have gotten emotional eating under control with a great book called beck diet solution. most would never know i was ever 370 pounds.. you cant judge a book by its cover. skinny people.. or thin people may have issues you dont know about it.. they could be thin and in shape because they put in the work and dedication to shape themselves that way.

    so fat people dont need you as a ambassador.. why dont you focus on you.. get your health under control and let others do whats best for them..

    im still working on my last 31 pounds, but being healthy, living a long life.. setting a example for others is my motivation.i dont need someone to hold my hand.

    i know what to do.. the key is doing it .. everyone really knows how to release weight. its not rocket science so dont think you have the key for them.. they are the key to their own lives.

    the love and spirit they have within them to change their life is all they need to motivate them.
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    i started my journey years ago at 370 pounds.. i was diagnosed wuth uc.. put on steroids and i ballooned to 370..doc wanted to operate give me a bag for life.. was it the meds that made me gain weight.. the meds played a factor it made me feel hungry. increasing my appetite..did the meds put me at that high weight alone.. no my choices did. i was 16 . i choose to eat crap.. i choose not to exercise..i choose not to care until one day a 370 pound woman i no longer recognized looked back at me from my mirror.

    it wasnt until i got off my *kitten* took responsibility for my actions. started eating healthy.. exercising.. my family calls me a obsessive health nut now.. i exercise 6 days a week.. i hate rest days.. i make all my own foods. i cant eat things that dont work well with my body.so i dont eat anything processed, no dairy, meat, eggs, gluten.. yes im a veg head other than fish and my body loves it.. my uc is now in remission..i eat plant based.. green smoothies love them.. salad my best friend.. nuts, healthy fats..

    SIDE effect.. i have tons of energy..my uc is in remission.. i have dropped 204 pounds.. .. 160 i have kept off for years than lost my dad gained weght back.. so i started again in 2013 . went from 250 pounds back to 168 .now im back at 204 pounds released working on my last 31pounds to my goal weight of 135

    i have gotten emotional eating under control with a great book called beck diet solution. most would never know i was ever 370 pounds.. you cant judge a book by its cover. skinny people.. or thin people may have issues you dont know about it.. they could be thin and in shape because they put in the work and dedication to shape themselves that way.

    so fat people dont need you as a ambassador.. why dont you focus on you.. get your health under control and let others do whats best for them..

    im still working on my last 31 pounds, but being healthy, living a long life.. setting a example for others is my motivation.i dont need someone to hold my hand.

    i know what to do.. the key is doing it .. everyone really knows how to release weight. its not rocket science so dont think you have the key for them.. they are the key to their own lives.

    the love and spirit they have within them to change their life is all they need to motivate them.

    YOU, my dear friend, are an ambassador of the highest ranking.

  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    most would never know i was ever 370 pounds.. you cant judge a book by its cover. skinny people.. or thin people may have issues you dont know about it.. they could be thin and in shape because they put in the work and dedication to shape themselves that way.

    First off your entire post was incredible. A very motivational and inspiring journey you've had.

    I wanted to single this out for it's utter truth. You really can not judge a book by it's cover. When I was fat I was one of those people who "carried their weight well". I SEEMED confident in my skin and the rare time I would mention to anybody that I wanted to lose weight they would look surprised and say something along the lines of "Why? I can't even see you skinny. You look great".

    I lost a load of weight in the past and again now. And people who know me now don't have any idea that I was once clinically obese, over 300 lbs. Without fail every single reaction upon finding out is "What?! I can't even picture you fat!". They had no clue. You just often have no clue where people are coming from.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    is this real life right now??
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I won't tell people what to do. I don't know their struggle and challenges.

    But, I have worked hard at fitness my whole life. It is conscious choices I make every day to make activity, fitness, health a priority for both the physical and mental benefits that it has on my life and well-being.

    I have faced and overcome challenges and still do. I don't always talk about it in the forums. And even people that think they know what those are, don't actually know all of it.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    Ummm... An IQ of 126 wasn't sufficient enough to tell you that you need to consume less calories in order to benefit your life?

    IQ tests really are over-rated.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    i started my journey years ago at 370 pounds.. i was diagnosed wuth uc.. put on steroids and i ballooned to 370..doc wanted to operate give me a bag for life.. was it the meds that made me gain weight.. the meds played a factor it made me feel hungry. increasing my appetite..did the meds put me at that high weight alone.. no my choices did. i was 16 . i choose to eat crap.. i choose not to exercise..i choose not to care until one day a 370 pound woman i no longer recognized looked back at me from my mirror.

    it wasnt until i got off my *kitten* took responsibility for my actions. started eating healthy.. exercising.. my family calls me a obsessive health nut now.. i exercise 6 days a week.. i hate rest days.. i make all my own foods. i cant eat things that dont work well with my body.so i dont eat anything processed, no dairy, meat, eggs, gluten.. yes im a veg head other than fish and my body loves it.. my uc is now in remission..i eat plant based.. green smoothies love them.. salad my best friend.. nuts, healthy fats..

    SIDE effect.. i have tons of energy..my uc is in remission.. i have dropped 204 pounds.. .. 160 i have kept off for years than lost my dad gained weght back.. so i started again in 2013 . went from 250 pounds back to 168 .now im back at 204 pounds released working on my last 31pounds to my goal weight of 135

    i have gotten emotional eating under control with a great book called beck diet solution. most would never know i was ever 370 pounds.. you cant judge a book by its cover. skinny people.. or thin people may have issues you dont know about it.. they could be thin and in shape because they put in the work and dedication to shape themselves that way.

    so fat people dont need you as a ambassador.. why dont you focus on you.. get your health under control and let others do whats best for them..

    im still working on my last 31 pounds, but being healthy, living a long life.. setting a example for others is my motivation.i dont need someone to hold my hand.

    i know what to do.. the key is doing it .. everyone really knows how to release weight. its not rocket science so dont think you have the key for them.. they are the key to their own lives.

    the love and spirit they have within them to change their life is all they need to motivate them.

    Wow. :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    <redacted to avoid whining from puritans.>
  • 6ftamazon
    6ftamazon Posts: 340 Member
    i started my journey years ago at 370 pounds.. i was diagnosed wuth uc.. put on steroids and i ballooned to 370..doc wanted to operate give me a bag for life.. was it the meds that made me gain weight.. the meds played a factor it made me feel hungry. increasing my appetite..did the meds put me at that high weight alone.. no my choices did. i was 16 . i choose to eat crap.. i choose not to exercise..i choose not to care until one day a 370 pound woman i no longer recognized looked back at me from my mirror.

    it wasnt until i got off my *kitten* took responsibility for my actions. started eating healthy.. exercising.. my family calls me a obsessive health nut now.. i exercise 6 days a week.. i hate rest days.. i make all my own foods. i cant eat things that dont work well with my body.so i dont eat anything processed, no dairy, meat, eggs, gluten.. yes im a veg head other than fish and my body loves it.. my uc is now in remission..i eat plant based.. green smoothies love them.. salad my best friend.. nuts, healthy fats..

    SIDE effect.. i have tons of energy..my uc is in remission.. i have dropped 204 pounds.. .. 160 i have kept off for years than lost my dad gained weght back.. so i started again in 2013 . went from 250 pounds back to 168 .now im back at 204 pounds released working on my last 31pounds to my goal weight of 135

    i have gotten emotional eating under control with a great book called beck diet solution. most would never know i was ever 370 pounds.. you cant judge a book by its cover. skinny people.. or thin people may have issues you dont know about it.. they could be thin and in shape because they put in the work and dedication to shape themselves that way.

    so fat people dont need you as a ambassador.. why dont you focus on you.. get your health under control and let others do whats best for them..

    im still working on my last 31 pounds, but being healthy, living a long life.. setting a example for others is my motivation.i dont need someone to hold my hand.

    i know what to do.. the key is doing it .. everyone really knows how to release weight. its not rocket science so dont think you have the key for them.. they are the key to their own lives.

    the love and spirit they have within them to change their life is all they need to motivate them.

    Perfect response. I agree.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    it wasnt until i got off my *kitten* took responsibility for my actions. started eating healthy.. exercising.. my

    this makes me want to go to the gym and i will!
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    i started my journey years ago at 370 pounds.. i was diagnosed wuth uc.. put on steroids and i ballooned to 370..doc wanted to operate give me a bag for life.. was it the meds that made me gain weight.. the meds played a factor it made me feel hungry. increasing my appetite..did the meds put me at that high weight alone.. no my choices did. i was 16 . i choose to eat crap.. i choose not to exercise..i choose not to care until one day a 370 pound woman i no longer recognized looked back at me from my mirror.

    it wasnt until i got off my *kitten* took responsibility for my actions. started eating healthy.. exercising.. my family calls me a obsessive health nut now.. i exercise 6 days a week.. i hate rest days.. i make all my own foods. i cant eat things that dont work well with my body.so i dont eat anything processed, no dairy, meat, eggs, gluten.. yes im a veg head other than fish and my body loves it.. my uc is now in remission..i eat plant based.. green smoothies love them.. salad my best friend.. nuts, healthy fats..

    SIDE effect.. i have tons of energy..my uc is in remission.. i have dropped 204 pounds.. .. 160 i have kept off for years than lost my dad gained weght back.. so i started again in 2013 . went from 250 pounds back to 168 .now im back at 204 pounds released working on my last 31pounds to my goal weight of 135

    i have gotten emotional eating under control with a great book called beck diet solution. most would never know i was ever 370 pounds.. you cant judge a book by its cover. skinny people.. or thin people may have issues you dont know about it.. they could be thin and in shape because they put in the work and dedication to shape themselves that way.

    so fat people dont need you as a ambassador.. why dont you focus on you.. get your health under control and let others do whats best for them..

    im still working on my last 31 pounds, but being healthy, living a long life.. setting a example for others is my motivation.i dont need someone to hold my hand.

    i know what to do.. the key is doing it .. everyone really knows how to release weight. its not rocket science so dont think you have the key for them.. they are the key to their own lives.

    the love and spirit they have within them to change their life is all they need to motivate them.

    YOU, my dear friend, are an ambassador of the highest ranking.


    Agreed. Action will always be more inspiring than hollow words and excuses.
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    i started my journey years ago at 370 pounds.. i was diagnosed wuth uc.. put on steroids and i ballooned to 370..doc wanted to operate give me a bag for life.. was it the meds that made me gain weight.. the meds played a factor it made me feel hungry. increasing my appetite..did the meds put me at that high weight alone.. no my choices did. i was 16 . i choose to eat crap.. i choose not to exercise..i choose not to care until one day a 370 pound woman i no longer recognized looked back at me from my mirror.

    it wasnt until i got off my *kitten* took responsibility for my actions. started eating healthy.. exercising.. my family calls me a obsessive health nut now.. i exercise 6 days a week.. i hate rest days.. i make all my own foods. i cant eat things that dont work well with my body.so i dont eat anything processed, no dairy, meat, eggs, gluten.. yes im a veg head other than fish and my body loves it.. my uc is now in remission..i eat plant based.. green smoothies love them.. salad my best friend.. nuts, healthy fats..

    SIDE effect.. i have tons of energy..my uc is in remission.. i have dropped 204 pounds.. .. 160 i have kept off for years than lost my dad gained weght back.. so i started again in 2013 . went from 250 pounds back to 168 .now im back at 204 pounds released working on my last 31pounds to my goal weight of 135

    i have gotten emotional eating under control with a great book called beck diet solution. most would never know i was ever 370 pounds.. you cant judge a book by its cover. skinny people.. or thin people may have issues you dont know about it.. they could be thin and in shape because they put in the work and dedication to shape themselves that way.

    so fat people dont need you as a ambassador.. why dont you focus on you.. get your health under control and let others do whats best for them..

    im still working on my last 31 pounds, but being healthy, living a long life.. setting a example for others is my motivation.i dont need someone to hold my hand.

    i know what to do.. the key is doing it .. everyone really knows how to release weight. its not rocket science so dont think you have the key for them.. they are the key to their own lives.

    the love and spirit they have within them to change their life is all they need to motivate them.

    YOU, my dear friend, are an ambassador of the highest ranking.


    the feeling is mutual my badass songbird.
  • FitnFeistyLyness
    FitnFeistyLyness Posts: 757 Member
    it wasnt until i got off my *kitten* took responsibility for my actions. started eating healthy.. exercising.. my

    this makes me want to go to the gym and i will!

    laughs my own words are pushing me to go to the gym thanks!
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I hear where you're coming from. I do. But I want to submit to you, for your consideration, this:

    What if I told you that a lot/many of the "skinny" people you see also have thyroid and other hormone issues, also battle depression, also have injuries that limit them. Knowing that they fight the same emotional battle as you every day, would you see them differently?

    People are people. I think it's pretty rare for a person to gain weight and/or get fat from not overeating. I will say a friend of mine packed on 40 pounds in a short amount of time. Her doctor kept telling her that it was her thyroid, but she disagreed and got a second opinion and ended up in the cardiologist's office. Good thing she did because she failed every stress test they have her and ended up having emergency open heart surgery. The surgeon told her it was a good thing she got the second opinion because she was close to death's door. The "weight" was water retention buildup in her body from her heart problem. The weight is all gone now.

    Stuff like this happening is pretty rare, though. With thyroid disorders and other medical issues, it might take awhile to fine your sweet deficit number, but it can be done.

    Besides this, OP, even though I think your intentions are noble, a lot of what your rant sounds like projection and perception to me. Also, to be a "fat people ambassador," means that you are seeing fat people has victims, and they are not anymore than anyone else is
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    i started my journey years ago at 370 pounds.. i was diagnosed wuth uc.. put on steroids and i ballooned to 370..doc wanted to operate give me a bag for life.. was it the meds that made me gain weight.. the meds played a factor it made me feel hungry. increasing my appetite..did the meds put me at that high weight alone.. no my choices did. i was 16 . i choose to eat crap.. i choose not to exercise..i choose not to care until one day a 370 pound woman i no longer recognized looked back at me from my mirror.

    it wasnt until i got off my *kitten* took responsibility for my actions. started eating healthy.. exercising.. my family calls me a obsessive health nut now.. i exercise 6 days a week.. i hate rest days.. i make all my own foods. i cant eat things that dont work well with my body.so i dont eat anything processed, no dairy, meat, eggs, gluten.. yes im a veg head other than fish and my body loves it.. my uc is now in remission..i eat plant based.. green smoothies love them.. salad my best friend.. nuts, healthy fats..

    SIDE effect.. i have tons of energy..my uc is in remission.. i have dropped 204 pounds.. .. 160 i have kept off for years than lost my dad gained weght back.. so i started again in 2013 . went from 250 pounds back to 168 .now im back at 204 pounds released working on my last 31pounds to my goal weight of 135

    i have gotten emotional eating under control with a great book called beck diet solution. most would never know i was ever 370 pounds.. you cant judge a book by its cover. skinny people.. or thin people may have issues you dont know about it.. they could be thin and in shape because they put in the work and dedication to shape themselves that way.

    so fat people dont need you as a ambassador.. why dont you focus on you.. get your health under control and let others do whats best for them..

    im still working on my last 31 pounds, but being healthy, living a long life.. setting a example for others is my motivation.i dont need someone to hold my hand.

    i know what to do.. the key is doing it .. everyone really knows how to release weight. its not rocket science so dont think you have the key for them.. they are the key to their own lives.

    the love and spirit they have within them to change their life is all they need to motivate them.
    You are incredible! Thank you for sharing this.