Fat people ambassador



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I am wholly disappointed in the lack of gifs in response to this post. With only one per page on the first few pages I almost read the responses. Needs more lulz.



    I can't see your gif at work because they blocked it. (table flip)


    You should thank your work's firewall then. It was a vile and disgusting gif.

  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
  • MissSarahAllison315
    MissSarahAllison315 Posts: 263 Member
    Dear OP, skinny people have scars too. Many of them are internal - so you cannot see what you are dealing with, right up front. And as an ambassador to fat people, you'd do well to try and develop some empathy for the people you are attempting to bring together.

    ^^THIS. My boyfriend's sister is one of those 'natural skinnies' that the OP has been ahem...discussing. She has been struggling for years to gain weight. She hates how skinny she is (*gasp* just like 'fatties' hate their bodies), envies people with curves (*gasp* just how 'fatties' envy the 'skinnies'), and bewails how hard it is for her to get to where she wants to be (*gasp* just like 'fatties' bewail how hard it is for them to lose weight).

    PLEASE don't just assume that the 'skinnies' ('natural' [lol] or not) live perfect lives and have no body image problems. It makes me so sad to see her hating herself because of how she looks.
  • TutuMom41
    TutuMom41 Posts: 278 Member
    Yes body image issues do not discriminate against any size. It is an equal opportunity issue
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Ummm... An IQ of 126 wasn't sufficient enough to tell you that you need to consume less calories in order to benefit your life?

    IQ tests really are over-rated.

    But apparently it DOES enable one to be a bit psychic... They know the skinny people haven't had weight issues and don't understand. (Yeah, I've actually had two "friends" make remarks to me about that...totally dismissing that I have counted calories, boned up on good nutrition facts, AND gotten up extra early nearly every morning to work out the past couple of years.)

    That IQ also apparently allows one to "read" a pitiful look. Huh? I have friends of every flavor, color and stripe (including different body shapes), and I'd best learn what a pitiful look "looks like" so that my friends don't act, think or talk about me this way. Oh wait, I guess I wouldn't consider them friends if they did...

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    Maybe if I had an IQ of 126 I could know everything about everyone just by looking at them. Does MENSA know about this?

    MENSA wouldn't concern itself with anyone down in the 120s

    I've been fighting my nerdrage here, but it must come out.

    The only reason 126 would be considered "above average" is because it's a curved system. There are people down in the 60-70 region, but they drag down the average. So congratulations on being average, OP. Truly.

    Um ... you need a bit of a brush up on your basic statistics. The bell curve describes the population. Although I will agree that it's far from perfect, and IQ only measures a small part of overall intelligence (and even less of who the person is overall).

    And, In an effort to not totally derail with this comment: I have to agree with the majority of the posters here. I have seen the success stories (including the challenges and struggles) of people like Mirey, Acrylics, and Cranq (I swear, ladies, I'm not stalking you!). I would definitely nominate any of them as an ambassador because they have been through it all and still offer insight and help to people, even those who don't want to listen to reason. And they aren't the only ones.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Ummm... An IQ of 126 wasn't sufficient enough to tell you that you need to consume less calories in order to benefit your life?

    IQ tests really are over-rated.

    But apparently it DOES enable one to be a bit psychic... They know the skinny people haven't had weight issues and don't understand. (Yeah, I've actually had two "friends" make remarks to me about that...totally dismissing that I have counted calories, boned up on good nutrition facts, AND gotten up extra early nearly every morning to work out the past couple of years.)

    That IQ also apparently allows one to "read" a pitiful look. Huh? I have friends of every flavor, color and stripe (including different body shapes), and I'd best learn what a pitiful look "looks like" so that my friends don't act, think or talk about me this way. Oh wait, I guess I wouldn't consider them friends if they did...

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    Maybe if I had an IQ of 126 I could know everything about everyone just by looking at them. Does MENSA know about this?

    MENSA wouldn't concern itself with anyone down in the 120s

    I've been fighting my nerdrage here, but it must come out.

    The only reason 126 would be considered "above average" is because it's a curved system. There are people down in the 60-70 region, but they drag down the average. So congratulations on being average, OP. Truly.

    Um ... you need a bit of a brush up on your basic statistics. The bell curve describes the population. Although I will agree that it's far from perfect, and IQ only measures a small part of overall intelligence (and even less of who the person is overall).

    And, In an effort to not totally derail with this comment: I have to agree with the majority of the posters here. I have seen the success stories (including the challenges and struggles) of people like Mirey, Acrylics, and Cranq (I swear, ladies, I'm not stalking you!). I would definitely nominate any of them as an ambassador because they have been through it all and still offer insight and help to people, even those who don't want to listen to reason. And they aren't the only ones.

    What I got from this is that I should be getting a friend request from you. *looks at notifications* :angry:
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I have decided to become a self-proclaimed 'Fat People Ambassador'. The reason? Some things just frikkin gets to me. I might be a little sensitive, but here follows my explanation...

    1. blah blah blah

    2. blah blah blah

    3. blah blah blah

    4. blah blah blah

    I am dedicating my time - from now on - to destroy myths abouth fat people. I have a mirror, thanks... I know what I look like. I have PCOS and Insulin Resistance and I have already managed to lose 50+ pounds. I am smart. I am funny (sarcastic). I know my current weight is unhealty and I am busy losing it.

  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I am wholly disappointed in the lack of gifs in response to this post. With only one per page on the first few pages I almost read the responses. Needs more lulz.



    I can't see your gif at work because they blocked it. (table flip)


    You should thank your work's firewall then. It was a vile and disgusting gif.


  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member

    Um ... you need a bit of a brush up on your basic statistics. The bell curve describes the population. Although I will agree that it's far from perfect, and IQ only measures a small part of overall intelligence (and even less of who the person is overall).

    And, In an effort to not totally derail with this comment: I have to agree with the majority of the posters here. I have seen the success stories (including the challenges and struggles) of people like Mirey, Acrylics, and Cranq (I swear, ladies, I'm not stalking you!). I would definitely nominate any of them as an ambassador because they have been through it all and still offer insight and help to people, even those who don't want to listen to reason. And they aren't the only ones.

    :flowerforyou: :smooched:

    Thank you so very much!!! I don't feel like I should be lumped in with those who have shed huge volumes of weight. I haven't had a lot of weight to lose - maybe 25 pounds, max. I look up to those who have changed their stars in such a different way than what I have fought to achieve. (I'm just shining my stars)

    I am what many would call "naturally skinny"... but I do believe a lot of that was because I had a very active childhood and a family that ate mostly healthy food while I was growing up.

    My victories have been in the areas of:
    - learning to see myself for who I am (and not accept or embrace the labes that were put on me)
    - learning to love myself IN SPITE OF my own flaws (perceived AND real)
    - learning to work on my relationship with food - it is NOT supposed to be my comforter
    - learning to eat smarter (hello - no more ranch dressing with every bite of chicken! put the sour cream away! no I don't need ketchup on everything!)

    I have never been fat, and I won't claim to even know what that is like. I had two babies, but never gained more than 25 pounds with each, so my belly wasn't horribly stretched either. I cannot speak to those things.

    But... I WILL share whatever I have learned, and I will be an open book to whoever wants to read it.

    I feel an insane amount of empathy for people who have a lot of weight to lose. Empathy, not sympathy. There is a HUGE difference. Empathy recognizes that carrying around that weight, and the emotional backlash of it, is horrible, and can be paralyzing. I feel the despair. The sorrow. The struggle.

    Empathy offers to feel those feelings with you.

    I won't feel sorry for someone with a lot of weight to lose, because I believe that they CAN change it... I empathize with the emotional and physical effort it will take, but believe wholeheartedly that it is DOABLE.

    ETA... maybe that makes me a skinny person ambassador? :smile:
  • nopotofgold
    nopotofgold Posts: 164 Member
    News Flash- we don't need a White Knight. Stop making fat people out to be helpless victims.

    I get you most likely mean well, but no. Just no.

    I think she means more for her own peace of mind. Not keeping quiet when something rubs her the wrong way or someone/something makes an assumption based on weight alone.
    Wouldn't that be better put in a blog than a form if it was more for herself.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    Ummm... An IQ of 126 wasn't sufficient enough to tell you that you need to consume less calories in order to benefit your life?

    IQ tests really are over-rated.

    But apparently it DOES enable one to be a bit psychic... They know the skinny people haven't had weight issues and don't understand. (Yeah, I've actually had two "friends" make remarks to me about that...totally dismissing that I have counted calories, boned up on good nutrition facts, AND gotten up extra early nearly every morning to work out the past couple of years.)

    That IQ also apparently allows one to "read" a pitiful look. Huh? I have friends of every flavor, color and stripe (including different body shapes), and I'd best learn what a pitiful look "looks like" so that my friends don't act, think or talk about me this way. Oh wait, I guess I wouldn't consider them friends if they did...

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    Maybe if I had an IQ of 126 I could know everything about everyone just by looking at them. Does MENSA know about this?

    MENSA wouldn't concern itself with anyone down in the 120s

    I've been fighting my nerdrage here, but it must come out.

    The only reason 126 would be considered "above average" is because it's a curved system. There are people down in the 60-70 region, but they drag down the average. So congratulations on being average, OP. Truly.

    Um ... you need a bit of a brush up on your basic statistics. The bell curve describes the population. Although I will agree that it's far from perfect, and IQ only measures a small part of overall intelligence (and even less of who the person is overall).

    And, In an effort to not totally derail with this comment: I have to agree with the majority of the posters here. I have seen the success stories (including the challenges and struggles) of people like Mirey, Acrylics, and Cranq (I swear, ladies, I'm not stalking you!). I would definitely nominate any of them as an ambassador because they have been through it all and still offer insight and help to people, even those who don't want to listen to reason. And they aren't the only ones.

    Agreed that an IQ is a poor assessment of overall intelligence, so we don't have much to disagree on here.

    And yes. I would nominate all of those people as ambassadors. But the OP self-appointing herself and posting a ragey fit that grossly contradicts her overall message (all people deserve to be treated like people, then proceeds to discriminate against "skinny" folk) is what I have a problem with.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I wish I was smart but I never got IQ tested so I guess I'm not. Actually technically I think I did get IQ tested because that was just like a thing one did in the 70s and 80s with children but I have no recollection of what my "score" was.

    Do they still do that to kids today? I always thought that was a bit weird. Here...lets all pretend that something as dynamic and complex as intelligence can be quantified utilizing standardized testing and not just that we like to apply numbers to ourselves to make us feel like we are in control.
  • CFAddict
    CFAddict Posts: 15
    I do me, you do you and everyone stays happy. What is this rant even about? Fat people don't need an ambassador.
  • Asherah29
    Asherah29 Posts: 354 Member
    I have decided to become a self-proclaimed 'Fat People Ambassador'. The reason? Some things just frikkin gets to me. I might be a little sensitive, but here follows my explanation...

    1. I saw an advert for a weight loss product. There was an outline of a skinny person filled with veggies and an outline of a fat person filled with hamburgers and fries etc. NEWS FLASH***** Not all people are fat because they eat to much. There are hormone problems etc. etc etc. And those who DO eat too much, might not know that they are OR have emotional issues to deal with that other people no nothing about! Ads like these are degrading, uninformed and miss-leading.

    2. Skinny people whom have never had a weight issue, should stop pretending to know what us fatties go through on a daily basis PLUS.... Why do skinny people think that fat people are stupid. NEWS FLASH***** I have an IQ of 126 - which is above average. Yes, I am an under-archiever because of some emotional stuff AND weight stopping me from doing what I really am capable of. The fat did not cover my brain though and it did not make me stupid. Guilty skinnies, wake up!

    3. I HATE the pittiful glances I sometimes get from people. NEWS FLASH**** I am overweight, not disabled. I have many disabled people in my life, including my mom. We are all people.... Able-bodied, disabled, skinny, fat. IT DOES NOT DEFINE YOU!!!!!!

    4. I recently read a VERY disturbing article by KAI that was on Biggest Loser. I always knew it was a crap show, but I am amazed that the trainers are that mean and causing contestants to dehydrate and excersie through injuries. I thought that Jillian Michaels, that used to be fat, would actually be more understanding of what fat people are going though... (She was not on the show when KAI was a contestant, but sure she followed in BOB's footsteps.) - I apologize for this comment if Jillian turns out to be the saint and saviour of fat people on Biggest Loser.

    I am dedicating my time - from now on - to destroy myths abouth fat people. I have a mirror, thanks... I know what I look like. I have PCOS and Insulin Resistance and I have already managed to lose 50+ pounds. I am smart. I am funny (sarcastic). I know my current weight is unhealty and I am busy losing it.

    NEWS FLASH**** Take care, my love. That [whole post] savors strongly of bitterness.
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    Love this!! Now can I find some procrastinators to unite with me... tomorrow?
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    Love this!! Now can I find some procrastinators to unite with me... tomorrow?


    Because Friday.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Love this!! Now can I find some procrastinators to unite with me... tomorrow?
