

  • You look GREAT! (Better than a lot of people that wear them actually) Congrats on your success, you should be SO proud of yourself :flowerforyou:
  • Yup, that one is AWESOME for running - just used it this morning to get me through the last quarter mile!
  • That's like putting up a Free Puppies sign at the playground! Brilliant & devious with a sense of humour - you'll do very well on mfp!
  • OMG - this is too funny! Imagine what the pro/con list for dating this guy would look like.. Pro - he wouldn't have a problem "cleaning my bike seat" after a workout; imagine how much water I could save on showers; he'd probably volunteer to do all my laundry Con - how would he respond to meeting my friends, by sticking…
  • You look GREAT! What an inspiration! Keep it up & stay healthy!
  • To heck with the physical characteristics, you're my twin cuz of the sparkle fetish! I'm going to the dollar store to pick up a tiara, shall I get one for you while I'm there? Or should we craft out own with our secret stash of glitter & sequins?
  • Just cuz something is fat-free, light or whole grain does NOT mean that it's good for you or low in calories. Watch everything. And count everything. Some people think all fruits & veggies are 'free' (because they are on some diet plans) but they are certainly not calorie-free so count them all.
  • My very strong suggestion is to start out slowly. Set yourself to maintain your current weight and eat that many calories for a week, then knock off 100/day for a week, then another 100 the following week, etc. That's what I did when I started and it made all the difference in the world!!! There was no way I could eat so…
  • My suggestion is not to bother counting calories cuz it's hard when you don't REALLY know exactly what's in everything anyway. Allow yourself to eat a small-medium sized portion of everything you want. You deserve a stress-free day and a few small indulgences is not going to make or break you. I have a cheat day once a…
  • Yes... Yes... Yes... Right there... Don't stop... :love:
  • Right there with you. I miss cheese almost as much as chocolate. I have both sometimes but not with the delightful, calories-don't-matter wild abandon that I used to. I get genuinely excited when they have cheese samples at Costco. :ohwell:
  • Congrats!!!!!! You were always beautiful but now you're totally smokin'! We'll done! And very inspiring!
  • Divorced by 25. Trust me, stereotypes and judgement are easier to live with than an unhappy marriage. You'll get over all the bs and be happy someday (either alone or with someone better) and that's what life is about, not paying for the rest of your life for a mistake you made when you were young (or old, or middle aged…
  • Yeah, um, I have several of these on my phone and many that are worse... - Baby (yes, Justin Bieber, don't judge me) - some 'cutesy songs' like The Hamster Dance, Snoopy vs. the Red Baron, Patricia the Stripper and Little Blue Man - several VERY old school country tunes that I grew up on like All the Gold in California and…
  • LOL at the old navy commercials - that's funny. Sorry. Evil marketing *kitten* eh?
  • No offense, but I hate you A LOT right now... I'm going to have to go to bed without peeing and hope that 1) I don't wet the bed, and 2) that image is gone from my head by morning.
  • This! I can barely swim, but even with a lifejacket on, I wouldn't want to bob around out in the middle of all that water. And cold water makes me totally freak. My chest clenches up and I can can't breathe and I panic. Almost left the gym without a shower the other day cuz the water was cold but just as I was about to run…
  • Make changes you can stick with long term... Start eating more veggies. Then cut back on condiments. Start walking. Then have smaller portions. Then switch to whole grains. Do some weight-bearing exercises. Then eat better snacks. Cut out deep fried foods. ...You get the point, just keep making small changes that you can…
  • First husband was 8 years older, marriage didn't last long. Then met a sweet young thing while going through divorce (me 24, him barely 19) who was supposed to just be a fun little stress busting fling but wound up getting attached and have now been married 13 years! On top of being hotter, more fun and better in bed, it…
  • I'm tired of how commercial it all is. It seems like it's just a list of obligations anymore... where to be, what to bring, what to buy. It's tough when both sides of the family are VERY traditional and doing something out of the norm would be a huge departure, but I think next year we are going to sit down with our…
  • Maybe contact a local radio station & see if they'll talk about it on air and see if someone wants her? You could also try the newspaper - it might make a good 'human' interest story for them, talking about the bad rep that pits have and seeing if there is anyone who wants her or an agency that will claim her.
  • love couch 2 5k! and remember, baby steps! go at your own pace, don't feel like you have to be going fast to be doing your body good. do what you can and keep plugging away. the benefits are SO worth it! my confidence and mood have improved greatly since i started running because i feel empowered and proud of myself! good…
  • :laugh: Yup, that's much more accurate!
  • Ooh, ooh, over here! *waving hand in the air Redneck, er um, Red Deer, Alberta :o)
  • Mini-Bob - lol! Great job!
  • I JUST signed up on the running room's website and I believe they have a training log & stuff but I haven't had a chance to explore yet. It's & I think you sign up for their club or membership or something like that, it's free so might as well check it out.
  • never heard of it, but now I'm searching for remote control..
  • :laugh: :drinker: :laugh: :drinker: :laugh: :drinker: :laugh: :drinker: