gloriaqzhao Member


  • Steamed or baked pumpkins, especially butternut, buttercup, and acorn pumpkins. Steamed or based sweet potato They are sweet yet have low GI, filling, savory, full of fiber, Vitamin A, and iron. I think these root vegetables are a better alternative to brown rice.
  • Chocolate Banana Pudding: 1 frozen ripe banana (110 cal) 2 table spoon of unsweetened coco powder (10 cal) 1 brick of silk or firm tofu (180 cal) Vanilla soymilk 1/4 cup (20 cal) vanilla extract optional cinnamon powder optional Just put everything in blender for 1 minute. You get a huge bowl of nice pudding. You can add…
  • :-) Been there, Done that!
  • I had the same question. Just googled, and it seems to be Textured Vegetable Protein
  • Thanks you! Adding grain back to diet started to work. I am feeling better today.
  • Thanks for follow up! My detail work out includes: Monday: Ab 20 minutes, Core and leg weight 30 minutes, Swim 30 minutes. Tuesday: Walk/Run 5 miles in 1 hour Wednesday: Walk/Run 5 miles in1 hour Thursday: Total body weight 30+20 minutes (Upper arm mostly), swim 30 minutes Friday: Walk/Run 5 miles in1 hour Saturday:…
  • Bump I have the same issue the past week. My workout load is similar to you, ding weight about 3 times a week, and cardio 6 times a week. Starting 2 weeks ago I tried to cut grains and added more lean meat to my diet. But starting last Friday, I start to feel extreme fatigue. I used to run 5 miles every single day in 60…
  • Bump! I have the same issue this week. I tried to stop eating after my daily goal calorie, but the hunger kept me up all night. This morning, I had a 1400 calorie breakfast as I simply could not starve any longer. Feeling very frustrated :-(
  • It means you give your body a fairly long window of not eating any solid food, and a relatively short window to eat almost whatever you want. For example, skip breakfast, eat lunch and dinner between 12 noon and 8 PM, then you get 16 hours fasting each day.
  • Thanks! I guess the question is which way is healthier for the digestive system, as we can manage total calorie in-take one way or the other.
  • coconut oil for cooking, avocado for spread.
  • Hard boiled egg works for me. They are only 70 cal each. I always carry a couple of eggs with me to cure the hunger attack. They do not cause insulin spike like the sweet energy bars.
  • Good point! That's why I stick to plain greek yogurt and add my own fresh fruit or honey. However, sugar flavored greek yogurt is still better than icing on the cup cake
  • I agree with all the above advice. The guilty feeling after indulgence is worse than the indulgence itself. No big deal, just get back to normal routine like it never happened. With that said, you don't want this to happen every one during the holiday season, if some coworker is nice enough to bring treats everyday. I have…
  • I have made greek yogurt, using fat free plain regular yogurt from the store and fat-free milk. It turned up to be great each time. Here is the youtube link where I learned how to make it:
  • Oops..... Then did you added weight training lately, and the new muscle mass you built recently are yelling for food? Another possibility is that your insulin level got boosted when large amount of sugar when in your body, then it suddenly dropped, and causing you to crave for more. I hope this is not the reason, but I…
  • I've read somewhere that the week before menstrual, some women are really craving for lots of food, especially sweet starchy food. This is caused by hormon, no big deal. You will return to normal in a week or so.
  • 1200 to 1500 per day calorie intake, 30-90 minutes workout. I do cardio and strength interval training in the morning with empty stomach to start the day, which is supposed to boost up metabolism and burn more fat. Loosing 1 lb per day is easy at the beginning. But when you approach the last 5 lb before reaching the goal,…
  • Fat and poorly educated people are more likely to be addicted to processed food, and are reluctant to admit the truth. 100 calories from sugar, salt, and preservative loaded cookies do not equal to 100 calories from nuts or dark green vegetables, even if you keep the total calorie intake within your daily goal.
  • The reason rice is healthier than bread, is probably because it has a lower GI index, especially brown rice. Also it is gluten free. High GI food tend to jump start your insulin level, which is a fat storing hormone, and after the insulin surge, the sudden drop of insulin makes you crave for more sugar.
  • So encouraging! I had 3 boys in 5 years, and have a mommy belly just like yours
  • Congratulations! the additional muscle you built up worked wonders!
  • Could not agree more! If you relax and switch back to your old eating habits, you may lose all your hard work and gain the lbs back. Also it will be even more difficult and take longer to lose the same amount of weight next time, as your metabolism may slowed with aging, and with calorie restriction. If you are happy with…
  • I've got to try this tonight. Does it taste like a chocolate pudding? or chocolate cake?
  • Yum! red bell peppers are sweet and crunchy, loaded with vitamin C. I also like English cucumber or baby carrots with hummus
  • You can substitute part of butter with ripe avocado. But don't completely eliminate butter.
  • You can also do scrambled egg with woodear, high protein and fiber! Use some green onion in the medium-high oil for 30 seconds to get the aroma, them do scrambled egg. When the egg is solid but not too hard, take them out to a plate. Then stir fry the soaked woodear till it is tender, then throw back the scrambled egg.…
  • I have the same issue. Feel like a frog, with slim arm and legs, small chest, but fat belly, even with average 60-90 minutes cardio and strength training, and almost vegan whole food diet.
  • Have you removed refined sugar and refined grain, basically processed food from your diet yet? Your calorie range sounds good, but the food choice also matters. Try to make the good nutritious choices and stay away from empty calories. Also if you want to burn more fat, lengthen the cardio from 30 minutes to 45 minutes.
  • Use your phone to take a picture of everything you taste, then log in the food with the closest description with the portion. 1-2 bites is probably 1/4 cup