Extremely hungry before period?

Hey everyone! This question is more for women but if you guys have any insight or indirect knowledge about this, please share!
A few days before my period I usually can eat more than usual. I generally can keep it under control but this month is crazy!!
For the past three days I've been really hungry, but today is just uncontrollable. On top of what I usually eat (and what normally fills me up no problem), I've had a ton of fruits, veggies, a couple of slices of pizza, and nuts but I'm still starving! I could eat and eat and never feel full! It's different from emotional hunger or boredom hunger, I know my body well and it's not the same.
Anyways, my question is, should I eat more because my body is asking for more? What can I eat so I'm finally full? Anyone else have this problem?


  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    Yes, sometimes I'm hungrier. No, I do not eat more just because of TOM but everyone is different.

    There have been a number of these threads this week, you may want to search the topic to see what else you find that may help.

    Good luck!
  • gloriaqzhao
    gloriaqzhao Posts: 40 Member
    Bump! I have the same issue this week. I tried to stop eating after my daily goal calorie, but the hunger kept me up all night. This morning, I had a 1400 calorie breakfast as I simply could not starve any longer. Feeling very frustrated :-(
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Same problem here. I try to resist, but when I fail, it can take the rest of the month to get rid of the weight I can gain in just a few short, grumpy days.

    It helps to remind myself of what is causing the extra hunger and that it will pass in a few days.
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    I think I'm just hungry all the time... so I try to drink a lot of hot tea now and that has helped tremendously with my cravings. :smile:
  • krispy1982
    krispy1982 Posts: 47 Member
    I like to think about it like this: if you list 3 lbs this month's and it takes 3500 calories to make a lb of fat, are you really going to go over by 10500 calories in one day? Probably not. I'm like a two year old in that when I tell myself I can't have something it becomes an obsession. Then I'm in trouble.

    For me, it works best if I just go ahead and eat it and know that tomorrow is a new day. As long as it's only one or two days out of a month of smart choices, it's not worth worrying about.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    So what I do is eat. If your body needs it then it's telling you something.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    yep, I eat a horse.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    During the luteal phase (usually day 16-28), both increased energy expenditure and hunger are noted. You may burn an additional 90-280 calories during this time but increased appetite may tempt you to consume more.

    Lyle Mcdonald discusses a research paper on the topic here.
  • droxeene
    droxeene Posts: 43 Member
    Here's an excerpt from a Woman's Day article I found:

    Days 16–28: Prep for PMS
    The good: Your body burns an extra 100 to 300 calories per day the week before your period, so if you’ve ever felt hungrier during that time, it’s for a good reason. Try to get your fill of extra calories with healthy protein-carb combos, like 1 Tbsp of peanut butter on a whole-wheat pita, or a handful of nuts with a few whole-wheat pretzel sticks.

    Here's a link to the full article:

  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    Yes, it is normal to experience a few days of increased hunger at or near your cycle. I don't feel like looking for the link but I've read your BMR does increase slightly. Knowing your TDEE is terrific knowledge to have during this time because you know you can eat up to that number and still maintain or lose. I focus on eating more protein when I get my monthly hunger spikes (lots more eggs and I always crave red meat) and I always always keep logging and using my food scale to keep track. Hasn't hurt my progress at all.
  • DanaHerro
    DanaHerro Posts: 186 Member
    I eat like a FIEND when I PMS. I just can't help it.

    Fortunately, I always drop the weight I put on as soon as my period is over....so for me it's no big deal.
    It doesn't affect how my clothes fit or my maintenance weight or anything.

    I just go with it :)

    Hormones suck!
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    Well.. I don't have a TOM anymore because I skip it with my pills. But.. I can say that when I did, I was noticeably hungrier around that time. And I had much less will power for some reason. Maybe try to eat more protein or foods that are filling?
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    You do burn SLIGHTLY more calories per day during the TOM so the hunger during or leading up to it is normal and natural. But sometimes women use that as an excuse to overeat or binge on cravings.

    I still feel hungry no matter how little or much I eat, so I just try to take in more fluids and just suck it up.
  • dzorra123
    dzorra123 Posts: 7 Member
    I definitely get cravings for unhealthy foods and salty things.

    Just try and eat healthy, drink lots of water, and stay out of the kitchen! I try and avoid salty foods since they only add to the bloat and make me feel worse :(

    Good luck!
  • wertgirlfor
    wertgirlfor Posts: 161 Member
    My philosophy is that when I'm truly hungry (not emotional/boredom) then I eat. I usually eat more before/on my period because I get hungry no matter what I eat. I never gain any weight long term because of it, so I figure it evens out.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Happens to me every month for a few days. And it's definitely not cravings... just so hungry! So I go over a couple days typically (but still under my TDEE if possible).
  • I also get incredibly hungry for a few days about one week before I get my period. I always know it's coming when I go through these times where I feel like the hunger never goes away! I TRY not to give in but usually do end up eating alot more during these days. The good thing is I always know my hunger goes back to normal after a few days so I don't feel like the 2-3 days completely sabotages me. Yes, I do give in to the hunger but I try REALLY hard not to go too crazy. I find protein foods to really help me - like 2-3 slices of deli turkey and a light mozzarella cheese stick really do it for me. So I guess try to find those few foods that seem to quench the hunger and get through it. I don't stress toooo much because I know it's my poor body reacting to crazy hormones! Good luck. So fun being a woman! ;)
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    Yes! So hungry. It is distracting. I do eat more but try not to go crazy. I am focusing more on eating protein during snacks but try and stick to veggies for the non-stop hunger eating.
  • 67667
    67667 Posts: 14
    Hey everyone! This question is more for women but if you guys have any insight or indirect knowledge about this, please share!
    A few days before my period I usually can eat more than usual. I generally can keep it under control but this month is crazy!!
    For the past three days I've been really hungry, but today is just uncontrollable. On top of what I usually eat (and what normally fills me up no problem), I've had a ton of fruits, veggies, a couple of slices of pizza, and nuts but I'm still starving! I could eat and eat and never feel full! It's different from emotional hunger or boredom hunger, I know my body well and it's not the same.
    Anyways, my question is, should I eat more because my body is asking for more? What can I eat so I'm finally full? Anyone else have this problem?

    It is completely normal and I experience this as well. I heard a scientific explanation of it once, from a professional, and it's just something which happens. Make sure to eat a particularly balanced diet on these days (in terms of nutrient intake) and drink lots of water. You should feel free to eat just a bit more but not much.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    I just make sure I'm drinking tons of water and eating more protein because it fills me up faster.