3 Days of Hunger

Not normal hunger, I am HUNGRY!! I have been rolling along for 6-7 months losing 55 lbs and have not had any hunger issues for the most part. Still eating the same stuff and the last 3 days I cant get enough to eat. I have had a day before where it hit and I just eat a lot for the day and don't worry about it. This hasn't stopped yet.

I normally eat 2200-2400 calories a day of reasonably healthy food, more if I burn off more than normal with exercise. Has anyone else had this pop up? It isn't just thinking I am hungry, my stomach will start growling.


  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    I've had this issue before. I usually just go with it and eat but I'll try to find some filling foods such as nuts, fiber one bars, something with a lot of protein so long as it fits my calories. I'm actually having the opposite problem right now... I'm burning so much during my workouts that I have a surplus of calories and it's very hard for me to find the will to eat an additionall 500+ calories AFTER I've already eaten dinner :/
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Have you been eating more sugar or carbs than usual? It usually hits me when I have more carbs and with Christmas goodies around it is hard to resist. Try upping protein.
  • gloriaqzhao
    gloriaqzhao Posts: 40 Member
    I've read somewhere that the week before menstrual, some women are really craving for lots of food, especially sweet starchy food. This is caused by hormon, no big deal. You will return to normal in a week or so.
  • irvisscott
    irvisscott Posts: 18 Member
    I've read somewhere that the week before menstrual, some women are really craving for lots of food, especially sweet starchy food. This is caused by hormon, no big deal. You will return to normal in a week or so.

    Being male I am really hoping this isn't the issue :-).
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I've read somewhere that the week before menstrual, some women are really craving for lots of food, especially sweet starchy food. This is caused by hormon, no big deal. You will return to normal in a week or so.

    Being male I am really hoping this isn't the issue :-).

    lol, and I was going to say you're pregnant.
  • gloriaqzhao
    gloriaqzhao Posts: 40 Member
    I've read somewhere that the week before menstrual, some women are really craving for lots of food, especially sweet starchy food. This is caused by hormon, no big deal. You will return to normal in a week or so.

    Being male I am really hoping this isn't the issue :-).

    Oops..... Then did you added weight training lately, and the new muscle mass you built recently are yelling for food?

    Another possibility is that your insulin level got boosted when large amount of sugar when in your body, then it suddenly dropped, and causing you to crave for more. I hope this is not the reason, but I find minimizing sugar and refined starch can help ease up hunger, and high protein and fiber fills you up.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Yes, this happens to me. I think a good plan now that you are almost where you want to be weight wise might be a 'refeed day'. Where you eat maintenance or even slightly above once a week. This also helps reset your leptin levels. Maybe someone who knows more about this can jump in.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Have you been eating more sugar or carbs than usual? It usually hits me when I have more carbs and with Christmas goodies around it is hard to resist. Try upping protein.

    This happens to me when I eat a lot of refined sugar, too.
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    I've read somewhere that the week before menstrual, some women are really craving for lots of food, especially sweet starchy food. This is caused by hormon, no big deal. You will return to normal in a week or so.

    Being male I am really hoping this isn't the issue :-).

    lol, and I was going to say you're pregnant.

    Haha! Sounds like you might have some more serious problems than you thought :)

    This is all I have to contribute- I've had some seemingly uncontrollable hunger in the middle of the night... I'm on a water pill so I'm forced to get up a couple times and pee. I will wake up for that reason and sometimes just feel totally ravenous. My stomach will growl and it's hard to get comfortable and go back to sleep. Someone suggested that I take a couple Tums when that happens. Since my doctor also advised me to take Tums as a calcium supplement, I figured it wouldn't hurt to give it a go. Now I don't know if it's all in my head or what, but it does the trick. My stomach settles down and I can sleep again.

    Hope you find a resolution!
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Have you stepped up or varied your workout routines lately? Switching from mostly running to mostly lifting, or vice versa, usually gets me ravenous for a few days until I adjust.
  • irvisscott
    irvisscott Posts: 18 Member
    Have you been eating more sugar or carbs than usual? It usually hits me when I have more carbs and with Christmas goodies around it is hard to resist. Try upping protein.

    I eat plenty of protein already, nothing changed there, but I have been partaking of a few sweets so perhaps that has something to do with it.

    The problem has been temporarily solved with a very rare lunchtime trip to the all you can eat buffet with loads of chicken, roast, bbq, and veggies. Hopefully that will shock the system back to normal, kinda miserable right now.