ESueM67 Member


  • Hi Lisa! My name is Sue. I live in Maryland, and I have 3 dogs. Riley is an almost 10 year old hound/pointer/spaniel mix who used to compete in flyball. Lucy is a 5 year old border collie/terrier mix who is currently in basic obedience training and competes in flyball. Jasper is my 6 year old pit bull who competes in…
    in Hello! Comment by ESueM67 April 2016
  • I'm in! Looking forward to the challenge!
  • Hi Owlett5! Congratulations! The first few days are the hardest. I think you'll find the folks in this group very helpful, supportive and informative. I got a lot of information about New Direction, ketosis, and countless tips and tricks from these great people.
  • Hi Kendra, The first week is the hardest. Stick with the plan and reach for help when you need it. The MFP community is rich with people who have gone through this, and they can offer a lot of support and creative ways to get through the cravings. To your question about the emergency meal--an emergency meal is one that…
  • My goal, despite my username, was never to really reach a certain a weight. My New Direction/Outlook (2 shakes and 1 meal/day) provider helped me (forced me) to pick a goal weight (144#) based on a BMI chart. My personal weight goal is more of one to keep losing until my health care providers and I decide it's time to…
  • Is that bit about the blender ruining the protein true? I always use a blender to mix water, ice, hot cocoa mix and powdered peanut butter. Our nutritionist even used a blender in a recipe session. I don't want to give up using my blender.
  • Hi! I'm not new either. I started the New Direction program last July and had great success losing 70 pounds. A change in my insurance prompted me to move into the Outlook program (2 shakes/day and 1 meal). I've lost another 10 pounds on that program. Yesterday, I switched to what my center calls the "Individual Plan"…
  • Hi Julie, I'm nearing my anniversary in a formal weight loss program. I started the New Direction program in July and was very successful losing nearly 75 pounds. In January, I switched to Outlook (2 New Directions shakes and 1 meal per day) and have lost another 15 pounds since then. The weight loss on the Outlook program…
  • I'm going to switch back to the New Directions program. I've been doing one (or two) meals a day for a little over a month now. My weight has fluctuated around the same three pound range since. Plateaus are normal, but I'm doing this mostly to protect my body from fatty liver disease damage. And with only 30 more pounds to…
  • I'm not a fan of cooked salmon either. I used to think that I didn't like cooked fish. Recently, I've had a lot of different kinds of sashimi thanks to a fabulous sushi chef. So, I decided to try cooking some fish for myself. I started with mahi mahi. Brushed some EVOO on it, sprinkled it with salt, pepper and paprika,…
  • Hi! Wishing you the best on the last bit. Are you going to go back to all shakes? I'm likely to be switching to the Outlook program tomorrow. My insurance coverage is changing drastically on the 1st, and the New Direction labs and doctor visits aren't going to be covered. I've also been eating one meal a day more…
  • Hi Carol, I've been on a prescribed keto diet for the past six months, and I am about to begin a paleo keto diet with more flexibility. I need some support, information, motivation, etc. too, and I like to think that I provide the same back to my friends. Send me a friend request if you like, my food diary is open, but I…
  • Just checking in to see how things are going. My insurance change has prompted me to start investigating truer ketogenic and paleo eating.
  • Hi Rebecca, I'm on my way to losing more than 110 pounds. So far I have lost 76. Feel free to add me as a friend! Sue
  • I've never heard of a reset before! I learn so much from you! Good luck with it!
  • Will you let me know what alternative you pick? My insurance is changing in January, and I may not be able to afford to remain on New Direction after that.
  • Way to go, Karen! You will be fine. Getting as far as you have requires motivation, dedication and support. You have the tools to keep succeeding! We are all in your corner rooting you on!
  • --I made the meal replacement hot cocoa cold first in the blender and then microwaved it; i do the same thing with the soups. I'll try the hot cocoa hot again one day when I am feeling lucky. :)
  • Beware of making the Hot Cocoa hot. I did this for the first time this morning (I usually drink them cold), and instead of hot cocoa, I got runny brownie bread pudding!
  • The people I work with are starting to bring this as I am nearing a 70 pound loss, and I really do look different now. When the topic comes up, I tell people that I am on a physician prescribed weight loss program. If they express a genuine interest and ask me questions, I answer them honestly. So far everyone has been…
  • I can have two bars in lieu of one shake, but I can only have the Chocolate Fudge bars. They have about 12g of carbs each. I have one between lunch and dinner and another after dinner.
    in Day 2 Comment by ESueM67 October 2014
  • I almost exclusively have iced Hot Cocoa shakes now. My second favorite is the lemon pudding made as a shake.
  • Aetna is paying for everything except food. I'm only responsible for co-pays and food costs. Next year, I have to switch to Cigna, so I am looking into whether they will cover the New Direction program.
  • It depends on what I am craving. If I am craving something high in protein that is good for me like sashimi/sushi or a pork chop (my two favorites), then I will have it usually once/twice a week. If I am craving something that isn't so good for me like cake or cookies, I will think about the progress I have made and my…
  • Me too! All the Halloween candy is a huge temptation. But like you, Karen, I've made way too much progress to stop now. Besides, my diet consists of mostly chocolate shakes, so my sweet tooth is satisfied! My plan for Thanksgiving and Christmas is similar to yours. My family is very supportive of my weight loss efforts, so…
  • Hi Sonal, Congratulations on your start on the New Direction program. I've been on it since the middle of July and have had a lot of success. The members of The Drinkers community have been so very supportive. Welcome! Sue
    in Hello! Comment by ESueM67 September 2014
  • I'm coming in a little late to the party, but the variances are intriguing. I started with a goal of losing around 100 pounds (I know the screen name says 110, but my center upped my ultimate weight goal). - I am on a four "beverage" plan daily. "Beverage" means shake, soup or two chocolate fudge bars. - After being on the…
  • Excellent advice! Thank you. I have accepted a few dinner invitations from business associates and have begun checking out the menus online in advance of the trip. Besides being better prepared to stick to the plan, I also learned what haricot verts are and how to pronounce it ("hairy co fair"/green beans)! Who knew…