EspressoLvr Member


  • Week two is hard! How's it going ladies? SW 343 Week 30: 340 Week 29: 338 Week 28: Week 27: Week 26: Week 25: Week 24: Week 23: Week 22: Week 21: Week 20
  • I also love the convenience and lightness of a protein drink. My protein drinks have added minerals and vitamins, making them highly nutritious, not "just" protein (for the person who suggested there was no other nutritional value). I wonder if your protein intake calculation is wrong. I'd do more research if I were you.…
  • People who matter don't mind, and people who mind don't matter. That's some real wisdom, I tell ya! Also, change the battery in your scale, could help, that's what I do when my scale gives wildly different weights within seconds of each weigh.
  • My personal goal is also a bit more than this, but the MFP website doesn't allow for more than 2lbs a week, this post was edited by MFP moderators.
  • I work at 6am, so I bring a strawberry protein drink and have an apple. I have a stash of nutrition bars at 210 calories each if I feel hungry later in the morning, or, when I remember to buy them, I bring 1oz of raw almonds (170 cals) to crunch on. It's amazing that so many people have such elaborate breakfasts, I mean…
  • Good luck this week everyone! It feels great to stay on plan, so be good to yourself!
  • Sacrifices Breads Fatty dressings Ground beef Cheese Sugar: cookies, chocolate Substitutions spring roll wrappers Mustards of all varieties Yogurt based dressings (Bolthouse is excellent - U.S.) Ground Turkey Feta - use less, get plenty of cheesy goodness MyWholeFoodLife - amazing recipes with natural sugar substitutes,…
  • I'll add you. I've got long term goals, too.
  • The challenges help me stay focused. If you don't see a challenge that you like, create one, people will join you!
  • Unfortunately many people don't know how to compliment, or mention the changes they see in you in a constructive or supportive way. It's nice to get feedback until you get a back-handed compliment like, "Wow, you use to be so huge, now look at you!" For me personally, there's a lot of shame associated with my weight and…
  • I would think the majority of people here are on a roller coaster. Such is life! Good that you are re-dedicating yourself, it feels good to start again and even better when you make it through those first few hard weeks. Try some of the challenges, they help keep you focused on a daily or weekly basis, whichever you need…
  • It helped de-skunk my dog. I originally bought it for health, but it's disgusting. I'd rather take a swig of pickle juice.
  • I'm also a fan of magnesium. I only take it a few times a week as a preventative measure. Mine is combined with calcium, which I assume is to help aid absorption.
  • I have a really old Polar that's held up great over the years. It's the only one I've ever owned, so I can't compare.
  • I use to have a little velcro wrist band with a zipper pouch. Something promotional that I got for free. Too, we all have special work-out set of keys! haha!
  • Maybe it's helpful to differentiate between "activity" and walking for fitness. I sit at work for 8 hours, so your daily base burn is going to be higher than my daily base burn because you are more active at work. But if I walk 5 miles at an ideal intensity, my burn could exceed yours if you don't do anything extra…
  • I support your decision. I'm also in the "evil" camp when speaking of refined sugar. If you normally eat foods with refined sugar and you cut it out, naturally you'll lose some weight, so there's that to look forward to! And I found that when I do eat refined sugar now, it makes me feel ill. Not terrible, but I can tell…
  • I thought for sure this thread would be about healthy desserts, not regular ole sugary crap. Baked apples with cinnamon for me. No sugary pies or crisps, and certainly not caramel!
  • I would go with the one which better matches your intensity level. The intensity you entered on MFP is almost HALF the intensity of what recorded on MapMyRun, you can't expect them to be close. Try entering "running" into MFP, there was one in the database for 10.9 mph. Regardless, both are just calculations based on…
  • I keep a water bottle on my desk that has 1 pound of (colored) water in it so I be more appreciative of how much volume is gone from my body. Water might not be the best substance to represent the true volume, can you think of something more accurate. I think sand is too dense. What do you think?
  • I had a good week! Start Weight: 343 Current Weight: 340 Goal Weight: 250
  • I'm thrilled that other people want to do this with me! Yay! The last time I did this, I was literally in AWE of you ladies who can stick with a plan and live with people who are eating foods which are not on your plan. I live alone and I know how hard it is, I can't even imagine the extra level of challenge you have to…
  • Week 30: finishing off all the food left in the house. To throw it away or eat it. Luckily I've gotten to a place where the only bad food in my house is ice cream. Everything else is a whole food, healthy, nutritious, and low fat/sugar. So I'll throw out the ice cream and eat the rest in once-a-day 500-700 calorie…
  • It's normal to bank calories, we do it after the fact, too. Like...I'll have a salad after a weekend of pizza. But as others have said, 1200 is the base, no wiggle room. I use to be like you, very strict, but when I went up to 1500, knowing that I don't HAVE to eat 1500, but that I can eat it and still lose p-l-e-n-t-y, my…
  • I also do shift work and I've just started this intuitive eating program, and it's working out great as far as scheduling meals. I don't feel as restricted to have breakfast foods when I wake up or a hot meal for dinner. My staple meal at work is a hard boiled egg, a 1.1oz stick of cheese, 20 almonds, and some kind of…
  • I would suggest you try new foods in general. But from your list of likes, bananas, corn, and carrots are high in sugar, and while "healthy", not great for weight loss.
  • It's not clear what your goals are, but your carbs goals are really high for cutting or weigh loss. Based only on today's diary, your sodium is off the charts, you'll retain water - that sausage is no good. Your protein goal of 390 grams per day means you have to eat at least 125 grams at every meal, and you aren't…
  • If you are on a very low calorie diet, you won't hit your macros. I accidentally stumbled across my calorie sweet spot by trying to hit my macros. I lose better on 1500 than I ever did on 1200, and that extra 300 calories a day feels like an indulgence!
  • I use to use cabbage in my salads to make it crunchier. Also a cucumber tomato salad with a modest amount of olive oil and a little crumbled feta (a little goes a long way) will fill you up with very low calories. There are endless salad combinations to try! Look at vegetarian sources for great recipes to make meals out of…
  • I'm a huge fan of protein powder and never heard of this - sounds great! Gotta get some gum!