hitting my macros

I am having a hard time hitting my macros. My fat percentage is too high. But I am also including my fish oil supplement that I take is well. Should I be doing this or not doing this?


  • EspressoLvr
    EspressoLvr Posts: 100 Member
    edited October 2015
    It's not clear what your goals are, but your carbs goals are really high for cutting or weigh loss. Based only on today's diary, your sodium is off the charts, you'll retain water - that sausage is no good. Your protein goal of 390 grams per day means you have to eat at least 125 grams at every meal, and you aren't anywhere near that until dinner. If you want to hit your macros, try choosing foods which satisfy the macros you've set up, and look for foods which do that more efficiently, for example, turkey has heaps more protein per serving than beef. Protein is certainly very important, you can take some cues from Atkins and low carb groups on how to maximize protein intake. The low fat version of Atkins is called Stillman's, if you want lower fat protein sources. You have a lot to work with, you just need to sit down and plan it out.