

  • Take a look at this link...looked like some tasty recipes! Amy
  • Agava Nectar is really yummy! I think it would be good for teas, yogurts, but don't know about coffee.
  • It's very tricky because some people have entered foods based on the way they have prepared it and not the way you would. You could totally enter it as your own recipe. That will calculate the calories for you per serving.
  • I did p90x lean version and loved it! I stuck to it like they asked you too with the program. I ate between 1500-1800 calories a day and after 90 days I had lost 20 pounds. It was a great way to get myself in the groove of working out and eating right. I tried to do the classic version but was bored so I got into running.…
  • I said that I would never run but I discovered that I actually liked it once I tried it. I never did the couch to 5K but I have ran 2 5Ks and the first one was 48 minutes but my second one I finished in 33 minutes...huge difference! I learned that I could not go out there and just run. I was killing my ankles, knees, and…
  • Congratulations to you!!! That's awesome!!!
  • Stress definitely delays it. A friend of mine tried for 2 years and nothing. She trying to get pregnant the "natural" ways, like holistic meds, workshops, etc. Nothing worked. Her and her husband decided to adopt and got a healthy, happy boy!.....and 6 months later she found out she was pregnant! Everyone told her that her…
  • Check out this website and see if it helps
  • I agree with the others. Only weight in the morning and don't for the rest of the day. I use to do the same thing and I saw the same weight changes throughout the day. It all has to do with if you just ate or drank and in the evening you are going to be a little heavier than morning time. I have even noticed that I could…
  • I did p90x for 3 months (the lean version) and I loved it! I was totally dedicated to it and never missed a workout, even on my "rest" day I did the stretches. I was able to lose 20 lbs and gain much endurance. I tried to start the program over again but the classic version instead. I couldn't do it! I had become bored…
  • Good question! I would love to know an answer to this too....
  • I hated running at first because of my shins. Everyone told me that I needed new shoes and yes...I do but I had never ran before and was running on a up and down trail. I think it was a combination of the surface I was running on and my legs getting use to running all together. After a week of running with pain it slowly…
  • I did p90x for 3 months and dropped 22 pds. but I do feel like I want to add something else into the mix. I'm kind of bored with just it so I have started running, cycling (spin class at the gym), and thinking about trying trx classes. I would love to know other experiences and advice, too. Amy
  • I did the P90X workout program they had in the program for us to mix 1 (or 1 1/2) scoops of whey protein powder, 1/2 banana, 1/2 cups of blueberries (or any type of berries you like), and 1 cup of skim milk. Blend them in a blender with a little ice if you like and drink. I didn't like the banana in it so I took it out but…
  • I just found some really cool desserts on a link from facebook, Skinny Mom. SkinnyPina Colada Cupcakes 1 box Pilsbury Reduced-Sugar Yellow Cake Mix 1 canned pineapple in juice (20oz and do not drain) Frosting: Cool Whip (Fat free) Coconut Cherries (optional) Directions: Preheat oven to 375. In a medium bowl mix cake mix…
  • Don't know if this helps because I am not doing Atkins but I use to have a high tolerance for alcohol (like throw back 6 martinis over an hour or two dinner party). I would be totally fine, sleep well that night and wake up ready for work the next day. Now...I can't! Because I have religiously worked out every day and…
  • I do not think it is too much. I started in January doing the P90X workout program and diet. The workouts are very intense but only last about 55 minutes for 6 days a week. The diet program has you figure out how many calories to take in...what I weighted when I started equaled to almost 2400 calories per day, now that's a…