

  • Keep at it. I just passed 60 days and i feel like i have been changing more towards the end of the program. My pics from day 1 and 30 weren't a huge difference, but day 1 to 60 was much more noticeable.
  • La Banderita Xtreme fiber tortillas have 233 mg sodium and only 70 or so calories
  • I count my warm up and cool down as mild stretching.
  • Only I don't have place to hook the bands too? Any ideas for that?
    in p90x Comment by rpolzin25 April 2010
  • I notice when I drink at least 8 cups of water per day the weight tends to come off that much easier. It is recommended to drink at least 8 cups of water per day.
  • Do you take any medications prior to exercising? Many times a doctor can prescribe rescue inhaler which you can use prior to exercise in order to prevent the asthma from kicking.
  • I know you said you wanted to avoid any drugs but nicotine replacement therapy...such as the gum or patch...can really help you quit smoking. You also don't need a prescription for them. Depending how much you were smoking before, using the patch can help you quit in 8-10 weeks. If you smoked less than 10 per day then 8…
  • Too much sodium on a long term basis can elevate your blood pressure and also short term.
  • Your blood pressure can fluctuate all day long which could explain why your blood pressure was 100/70 at home. And like I said, for some people, their blood pressure elevates when a nurse or doctor takes it with no explanation. As long as your blood pressure stays under 140/90 that is good as long as you don't have some…
  • at murdog; Thats excellent. The best way to take your blood pressure is at home. Getting your blood pressure at the doctor is not accurate for many people. Many times people's blood pressure is elevated when they go to a doctor. They call it "white coat hypertension." I don't know how much lower your blood pressure was…
  • The only FDA approved medication that you can take that is over the counter is Alli. But that is a long shot because it has some nasty side effects such as uncontrollable diarrhea and you absolutely must watch what you eat. The best thing to do is forgo pills and eat healthy and exercise. Also, many of the other pills that…
  • I sometimes have the same problem so Im curious to this answer too. I suppose one way to increase your calories would be to eat small meals throughout the day as that may be able to increase your caloric intake.
  • actually i am a pharmacy student so this is what i study. Different women lose different amounts of blood. I never said that it is necessarily the blood that is the weight loss but might be part of it. I highly doubt taking the 7 inactive pills will allow u to lose 3-4 lbs. There may be more to the weight loss such as your…
  • Pretty much all contraceptive pills can make you gain some weight. Normally not very much and diet can help control that. The reason you lose weight the week you are off the pill is likely due to blood loss. Think about it, you are losing blood, blood is weight, so the loss of blood can explain the weight loss.
  • La Banderita Xtreme fiber tortilla taco size. Only 72 calories and 12 g fiber.
  • Too much milk is not a problem. Just make sure you are not drinking all your milk in one sitting. Spreading it out throughout the day is best because you body can only absorb so much calcium at one time. Probably around 500-600 mg at a time. So if you are drinking too much milk in one sitting then you are getting extra…
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