Always under calorie goal

Ok so like everyone else my calorie goal for the day is 1200 calories. I work out for about 80 minutes a day (cardio and strength training) and burn about 700 calories (as determined by both MFP and my elliptical machine). This puts me at 1900 calories for the day that I'm allow to have. The problem is that I only am eating around 900 calories a day, leaving me a deficit of 1000 calories every day. I feel like this isn't good for my body. The problem is, I eat! It's not like im starving myself at all! I have a full breakfast, lunch and dinner, with a couple snacks and ice cream at night. I log all my food and I eat whenever I am hungry. I feel like to try to eat more to gain more calories that I would be stuffing myself and thats not good for my body either. So I feel like I'm in a lose lose situation. I either eat too few calories or eat 1200 calories but feel sick to my stomach because I'm overeating. What should I do? Thanks for the advice!


  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    Are you eating "diet" food? laughing cow cheese, fat free salad dressing, smart pop popcorns, lowfat crackers, etc.. if so, eat the regular versions of these foods and you will come closer to your goals. Also are you cutting out carbs in the form of bread and grains? These are high in calories but provide essential nutrients and are fine in moderation on a low cal diet.
  • rpolzin25
    rpolzin25 Posts: 19
    I sometimes have the same problem so Im curious to this answer too. I suppose one way to increase your calories would be to eat small meals throughout the day as that may be able to increase your caloric intake.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I would LOVE to see how you eat 3 meals a day, snacks, and even ice cream and are hitting only 900!
    Can you make your diary public? or add me as a friend so I can see it if it's friends only?

    Are you sure you are calculating everything? drinks too? little nibbles here and there?
    Are you getting enough carbs and protein?
    have a handful of nuts or a spoonful of peanut butter.
    That will add a lot of calories without "stuffing" you....

    Occasionally I am only around a thousand but I will have an extra snack before bed to get it closer to 1200.

    you are right, it's not good for you. Try to find a way to get some more calories daily....
  • Sarah_LM
    Sarah_LM Posts: 96
    I agree with robin52077, I can't see how you can possibly eat a 'full'breakfast, lunch and dinner plus snacks and ice cream and only hit 900 calories. Are you certain you are calculating everything right? I eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast, a jacket potato for lunch, a tea with lots of veg and snack on yoghurt and fruit with the occasional low fat snack and if I am at 1,200 that's great, sometimes its more like 1450 or so.

    I don't mean to sound condescending, it just doesn't add up to me. If you are doing everything right, please share your secret! I wants some ice cream too!!! lol
  • jdurham87
    jdurham87 Posts: 62
    Ya! Share your diary so we can take a looksy :-)
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I had this same problem when I first started on MFP. Don't worry, it doesn't last very long :laugh:

    You will realize that is okay to eat foods that you used to love, and you will begin to incorporate them back into your diet. I really don't see any way that you are getting a balanced diet on only 900 calories a day. Of course it is possible, but I think you should add more healthy calories in, like chicken breast, peanut butter, almonds, etc. Just experiment and you will figure it out :)
  • amillward27
    Yes I do eat diet food (fat free icecream, nonfat yogurt, fat free dressing, etc) and my deficiet all depends on how much I work out that day. I made my food diary public so you all can see it. Some of it may not make sense because I work nights so I will wake up at 4 in the afternoon and have breakfast and not put anything down for lunch, and then eat my dinner at 9 pm (just letting you know so your not confused. I know it weird but it doesn't matter what time I wake up, I need a breakfast item!) Let me know maybe what else I can do to add calories? I eat a lot of protein, I can't think of how much more I can eat!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Yes I do eat diet food (fat free icecream, nonfat yogurt, fat free dressing, etc) and my deficiet all depends on how much I work out that day. I made my food diary public so you all can see it. Some of it may not make sense because I work nights so I will wake up at 4 in the afternoon and have breakfast and not put anything down for lunch, and then eat my dinner at 9 pm (just letting you know so your not confused. I know it weird but it doesn't matter what time I wake up, I need a breakfast item!) Let me know maybe what else I can do to add calories? I eat a lot of protein, I can't think of how much more I can eat!

    There's your food!! Your fat for the day is extremely low. I know people say "low fat" but you need fat to be able to absorb vitamins A, D, K, and E, and various other bodily processes. I would recommend things like I said before: peanut butter, almonds, avocado, more milk/yogurt, olive oil (or whatever oil you wish to use). The only thing "fat free" that I like is Greek yogurt, but to each her own :)

    You could add some eggs to your breakfast, some cheese here and there. I am a big fan of double fiber bread and high fiber english muffins. It's a good source of carbs and only 100 cals for both. You're not on a specific diet right now are you?

    Here's what I eat on the average day (I tend to eat a lot of carbs):

    Breakfast: 1 scrambled egg, 3 egg whites, piece of cheese, on a light english muffin (300 cals)
    Lunch: sandwich (bread, meat, cheese, light mayo, lettuce), grapes or yogurt, baby carrots, chips (400 cals)
    Dinner: 4 oz. of chicken or fish, pasta/rice, lots of veggies. (600 cals)
    Snacks: fruit, yogurt, crackers and cheese, hummus and veggies, popcorn, cereal, peanut butter is a fave (200-300 cals)