Not all progress is at the scale.

Hey everybody.
I tell you, when I (re)commited myself to living healthier, I was really hoping the first result would be some weight loss. Well, not happening... yet. I went down 3, then back up 1.5. I feel like I'm doing to Charelston! (three steps up, one back)lol. Anyway, I've been hit with high bloodpressure last fall. In changing my diet, I got back into running around two months ago.

Whenever I go to the Company nurse, my BP would always be 150/100 or so (unless I was home, then it was lower:-) This morning went up to the nurse's station and my BP was 118/84, w/ a heart rate of 64! The lowest its been since last October (that is, when I've been at work).

I am on meds. But, I hope my BP doesn't ever creep back up. I'm sure a lot of it is stress. But, I had the realization that the real progress I'm making is in my health. And I'm so stoked!

While I still want to lose weight, I want to be able to live strong, healthy, and happy--no matter what weight I'm at!!

Have a blessed day all!!


  • aerobicgirl
    aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
    very true, as long as you are healthy, congrats. on your bp
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I am having to get over the whole scale obsession. I'm 10 pounds heavier than I was at the same size 10 years ago. It has to be from the working out. I'm trying to go by body measurements, pants size, and body fat percentage. I was happy to find out I'm on the low range of normal for measurements and body fat.
  • rpolzin25
    rpolzin25 Posts: 19
    at murdog; Thats excellent. The best way to take your blood pressure is at home. Getting your blood pressure at the doctor is not accurate for many people. Many times people's blood pressure is elevated when they go to a doctor. They call it "white coat hypertension." I don't know how much lower your blood pressure was when you took it at home as compared to the nurse but that would also explain the difference. Keep up the good work.
  • Murdog
    Murdog Posts: 70
    Hey rpolzin25, well... my BP would be, in some cases much lower than when it would be at work. For instance, when my BP was 150/100, I went home early and went for a run. After a shower, and just relaxing at the kitchen table, I took it again. It was 100/70!!!

    What the heck, man!?! I took my BP monitor to work with me and made sure it was calebrated correctly. The nurses said it was. So, I kept going back and double checking (now I'm getting worried--and obsessed):frown:

    After I got on meds, I wouldn't check it but every couple of weeks; it would stay in the 125/74--139/89 range. The lowest it's been since was taken on vacation last November, which was 116/71. :drinker:

    -kwardklinck, y'know, when I went to bootcamp in Parris Island, I weighed 185lbs. When I graduated, I weighed 184 lbs. But I lost 4 inches off my waist. Everybody else seemed to lob off 20-30 pounds... not me baby! :angry: One pound! It's weird how the body works.
  • rpolzin25
    rpolzin25 Posts: 19
    Your blood pressure can fluctuate all day long which could explain why your blood pressure was 100/70 at home. And like I said, for some people, their blood pressure elevates when a nurse or doctor takes it with no explanation. As long as your blood pressure stays under 140/90 that is good as long as you don't have some other condition such as diabetes or heart problems (your goal would then be less than 130/80). For most people if you blood pressure is between 120/80 and 140/90 it is considered prehypertension and over that it is hypertension. But based on what you said it seems like your doing great. I would suggest taking your blood pressure at least a couple times per week at different times of the day and recording the results. This way you can take it to your doctor and help them evaluate whether you need more control. btw, the reason i know so much about this is i am currently going to school to be a pharmacist and will graduate in a year.
  • Murdog
    Murdog Posts: 70
    Your blood pressure can fluctuate all day long which could explain why your blood pressure was 100/70 at home. And like I said, for some people, their blood pressure elevates when a nurse or doctor takes it with no explanation. As long as your blood pressure stays under 140/90 that is good as long as you don't have some other condition such as diabetes or heart problems (your goal would then be less than 130/80). For most people if you blood pressure is between 120/80 and 140/90 it is considered prehypertension and over that it is hypertension. But based on what you said it seems like your doing great. I would suggest taking your blood pressure at least a couple times per week at different times of the day and recording the results. This way you can take it to your doctor and help them evaluate whether you need more control. btw, the reason i know so much about this is i am currently going to school to be a pharmacist and will graduate in a year.

    Good to know, thanks. Oh, congrats on school! You've about got it made, now!