Skydemon53 Member


  • The only "reason" for cutting back on the exercise was my age. One of the blood tests did come back a little high that measures creatine kinase enzyme, but I don't remember if I had exercised the day of that they took the sample.
  • They ran tests on all the minerals, vitamins, etc, and they were all within/close to normal limits. Checked for heavy metals too. I would get cramps before all this came about if I got dehydrated and my electrolytes were low (I sweat a lot when I workout or do a lot of heavy work outside in the summer) but some gatorade…
  • My eyes and smile :wink:
  • On work days, I usually go to the gym from 1030-1200. I'm lucky enough to have flexible work hours, so I come in at 5:00 so I can take an 1 1/2 for lunch to go to the gym. On weekends, I do what I can, ride bike, walk, or go to the gym.
  • Great job....keep up the great work!
  • Live in Chesapeake, work in Norfolk :smile:
  • When you enter the number of workouts you do a week, it doesn't effect your daily calorie goal. That exercise is accounted for on the day you do the exercise. Everyone is a little different, and the daily goal is just a guide, and you will likely have to adjust it (by changing your weekly loss) so that your weekly weight…
  • I have no idea what your weekly weight loss goal is, but 1200 net calories is the absolute minimum. For me, my daily net goal is 1720 calories to lose 1/2 pound per week. On days I don't work out (I try to go at least 6 days a week), it's pretty hard to make my goal. Even with my workouts (I average over 600 calories a day…
  • Then beer and wine must count too :)
  • As far as what I have logged, 1725 (Christmas), but I just guessed at the calories, and I suspect it was even worse.
  • You are doing so well; what a change! Keep up the good work
  • Unfortunately, you can't localize fat loss, so all the situps in the world won't get rid of that belly fat. The only way is to continue to burn off more calories than you consume. For me (and I think most of us), the belly fat is some of the last to go. I've met my goal weight, but still have some of that flab on my…
  • I use Dr. Mercola's Miracle Whey. More expensive than some, but disolves good, tastes good, and comes in several flavors. Available online.
  • Did you set up your HRM with your personal data? (sex, age, weight)?
  • Assuming you are healthy, and have a healthy heart, you can't damage it by execising so hard that it reaches your individual Maximum Heart Rate. You can estimate your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220. I quite regularly get above my 90% of my MHR, and it hasn't killed me yet!
  • You can get the transmitter and belt at You will need the Wearlink 31+ model, about $63
  • Nice going....keep up the great work!
  • I have a Polar FT-7, and we have Polar stationary bikes and eliptical machines, and they pick up the signal from my monitor. Works a lot better than the hand grip sensors which seem to give really off heart rates a lot (like 65 when it's 150). I always us the calories burned off my FT-7, since it's a more consistant…
  • I've been using the Polar FT7 and have been happy with it. I can't guarentee the accuracy of the calories burned, but it does take your weight, sex, and age, so at least I'm getting something consistant doing several different types of activities.
  • The general rule is, if it hurts (other than soreness in muscles), then it's best not to do it. I used to run quite a bit up until 6 years ago, and my knees started bothering (more than usual) I finally saw an orthopedic surgeon, and after an xray and MRI, he recommended going in and cleaning things up. After the surgery…
  • You burn calories just by being alive! You burn calories while you sleep, watch tv, or sit at a desk. Of course you burn more calories the more active you are. For me, I average about 2050 calories a day doing my normal routine things. I want to lose about a pound a week, so I subtract 500 calories from my 2050 and get…
  • Do you take the transmitter off the "belt" when you are done with your workout? I believe if it's still connected it uses power. I've only had my Polar for a week, so can't suggest more than that.
  • Thanks for all your comments. I have been adding my exercise calories back in (it does it automatically), and most days I'm within 100 or so of my goal. I'll give it a couple more weeks to see how it goes. But next weekend will be hard, attending a wedding on Saturday, and I'm sure we will be eating with family and going…
  • Great story Kim; and if your sucess influences just one person (but I'm sure it will be more), you have given that person back their life. You have shown what work and dedication can do for someone. You are right, you can't look at this as a diet, but a new way of life. Congratulations, and I look forward to you reaching…
  • I weigh myself almost every morning, before I have breakfast, but I normally use Friday as my "official" weigh in day which I post on here.
  • Welcome MFP! Friend request sent.
    in Add me :) Comment by Skydemon53 May 2011
  • Welcome to MFP; I joined last week and I'm impressed with the features.
  • I just started this week, but thanks to my daughters inspiration, I feel that I can make this work. I'm more concerned with converting fat pounds to muscle, than strictly results on the scale. I've let myself go especially the last 6 years, and it's time to turn it around. I sure miss being able to run (knees won't take it…