HRMS - a question

I just got my Polar FT4. I have only used it once. I have a couple questions....

1) I have a Nordictrack treadmill that came with a Polar chest strap. I've never used it. I noticed when I tried my new Polar FT4, my machine was saying my heart rate...and it matched my monitor. Does anyone know if it's just picking up my signal? I thought it was odd!

2) I was using a wrist HRM from KMart ($30). I upgraded after hearing about the accuracy of Polars/chest straps, etc. I wore both and both had my heart rate right. Consistently within a couple beats. But the calories were different. The Polar showed lower. Is this where the "accuracy" comes into play? I figured the chest was more accurate because it was closer to heart. But both pick up right pulse. It's the burned calories I notice the difference. Is this right?

3) How tight should the strap be? And you have any problems with bras and the strap? Like I've said, I only used mine once but it felt like it was fighting with my bra at times.


  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    BUMPING I wanna see if anyone has any advice for this because I am getting a HRM soon.
  • lovecola06
    lovecola06 Posts: 180 Member
    i too would love to hear the answers to these questions
  • Brownski860
    Brownski860 Posts: 361 Member
    I have the FT4. I have found that while it compares with other devices when it comes to the actual heart rate, the calories burned is more reliable with the FT4 than other gadgets. I only use the FT4 results. Also since it sits at the bottom of the sports bra i have not had any trouble with it. There should be adjustable straps in case it gets too tight.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I would go by your HRM as it should have all your current info (age, weight, gender etc.) I'm not sure if the machine has all of that info. The machine may also not be using the HR to calculate calories burned but just showing it. Does it count calories when not wearing/tracking your HR?
  • Skydemon53
    Skydemon53 Posts: 33 Member
    I have a Polar FT-7, and we have Polar stationary bikes and eliptical machines, and they pick up the signal from my monitor. Works a lot better than the hand grip sensors which seem to give really off heart rates a lot (like 65 when it's 150). I always us the calories burned off my FT-7, since it's a more consistant reading. The various models of machines seem to vary quite a bit even though I feel like I'm expending the same effort.
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    Does the Nordictrack say " Polar Ready" on it any place? I discovered that the Life Fitness treadmills at my gym have a decal that say that and YES! It reads my chest strap (both HR and calories burned) exactly as my watch does (actually noticed that before I noticed the decal LOL). Very cool (but I still wear the watch so I have the info saved on my training files in there) :)
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    HRM for the win on this one.

    My chest strap is pretty tight, not enough that I am dying or anything, but its important to have it moderately tight so 1.) you are getting proper accuracy and 2.) it doesnt slip and slide.

    My strap goes right under my under wire line and I haven't had any problems with that at all. I will play tennis for 2 hours and hardly remember that it is even there.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    The treadmill should be picking up your heart rate... mine always does at least.

    Also I trust your Polar HRM over the other one.. I have a Polar FT7 and before that I had a Timex.. Big difference in the calorie burn and my Polar was lower too.

    I also set my strap right under my bra and haven't had any issues with slipping or sliding.
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    I checked. My treadmill says Polar Technology but that's it. Manual didn't have anything either. Oh well. Its nice that it picks up!

    I knew HRM would read better. Was just shocked at calorie burn difference for 2 HRMS that read the same rate. I just figured if the heart rate was right, the calories would be too since both are based on my info.

    Tonight I ran with it. I put it under my underwire. It was pretty snug. Didn't feel it while running. But now, several hours later I have an abrasion where the computer was. And its SORE! :(