

  • fantastic! keep up the good work!! :)
  • Agreed... you should not weight yourself every day as this does not represent an accurate depiction of your weight loss. Once a week is probably the optimum... or even once a fortnight if you can bear to wait that long :)
  • yep, I agree with all of the above, I find pre planning my food diary for the day beneficial, it helps me to know what I'm going to be eating and I like to fiddle around and try to get a good balance and the most from my calories. It really does help keep those random cravings away too! :)
  • @ fattack I hear that, I try really hard to make sure I avoid 'white carbs' and try to make sure I'm well balanced and don't just eat my allotted calories any old way. Every week has been a good loss week for me except for one, but I had a couple of days where I pigged out, went over my calories, and basically ate lots of…
  • At the moment I'm on steroids, 3 types of immune suppressant (including chemo and transplant drugs which come with their own special side effects), anti inflammatories, pain killers, ppi antacids, calcium and vit D and high doses of codeine. There are some horrid side effects to these pills but hey ho, at least I can dress…
  • I also have hyperthyroidism (although thats quite well under control) and hypermobility which is quite challenging when taken alongside the arthritis lol - my joints over flex but because of the arthritis it is hideously painful... catch 22! I too would welcome friends who also suffer from autoimmune arthritis, or indeed…
  • Hi, I have autoimmune arthritis so I know how hard it can be to be mobile enough to just prevent weight gain let alone lose it. I've been diagnosed almost 18 months, and for the first year was so ill I could barely dress myself. Between not being mobile and comfort eating through my misery, the stones just piled on.…
  • thats a great attitude to have luna, common sense dictates that there will be ups and downs and not every week will be a blinding success. I gained 1lb last week and was a little fed up because I've been losing a steady 3lb a week for weeks, but what can you do, it's one of those things. I knew I hadn't eaten well for a…
  • you will become more flexible to an extent as you lose weight as your fat won't 'get in the way' when you bend and reach, but the right kind of exercise will do wonders for you, pilates is fantastic for regaining and building flexibility. any kind of low impact low cardio work will help, pilates, tai chi, yoga etc.
  • you may find biking too stressful on your plantar fasciia, but if not thats a fab idea as the stretch in your foot as you pedal may be beneficial. also, I meant to say you can find seated aerobics dvds on amazon.
  • I suffer autoimmune arthritis and so am entirely unable to do any kind of impact exercise. I would recommend you do swimming and/or aquafit, pilates and seated aerobics. Don't be fooled by the aerobics being sitted, it still works you up into one heck of a sweat. You can still work your lower body doing the seated aerobics…
  • I used to, but I forced myself to eat something at breakfast time, just a very small amount to begin with, and eventually I got used to it and can manage a proper breakfast and actually enjoy it now too. It really is important to eat breakfast and get that metabolism started up, so I would advise making yourself eat…
  • That''s fantastic! Just goes to show you should never rely solely on your scales :)
  • Hi I suffer badly from autoimmune arthritis, walk with a stick and can't walk very far, but I have a seated aerobics dvd that's a great cardio workout and really gets your heart pumping (you can find them on amazon) and I also swim 3 to 4 times a week. I sometimes also manage a small walk with my dog if I wear a knee…
  • Good luck!!! :)
    in Hi! Comment by issabishie June 2011
  • It very much depends on whether you are left with excess skin once you have lost your weight. The flab itself can be lost through diet and exercise but depending on the elasticity of the skin it may not be able to shrink back with the weight loss and you could be left with excess skin. Unfortunately, until you actually get…
  • Its worked out on a number of variable such as your age, height, activity levels, how much you want to lose and what rate you want to lose it. I'm 5'8 and exercise at least 3 times a week, I have several stones to lose and am set at a target of 2lb per week loss. MFP has given me 1510 calories. hope that helps you x
  • maybe you've gained muscle because of the working out.
  • Hi Like you I'm trying to take the slow and steady weight loss route, not least because my skin no longer has the elasticity of youth and I don't want to end up looking like I'm wrapped in a wrinkled bedsheet lol Am averaging about 3lb a week, although mfp has be targeted for 2lb a week. Keep up the good work and feel free…
  • Hiya Good luck, am sure you'll make it! Everyone here is so positive and also practical in their support and advice. I'm another one that's tried several times before to lose weight and failed miserably, but since finding this site I've found its been much easier and the weight is really coming off. I'm also eating a much…
  • Hi Of course you can!! Just remember that we're all here for the same reasons and there's always somebody to cheer you up when you're feeling down. Take it one pound at a time and you will make it :)
  • Well done, keep it up! Sometimes its hard but you just have to remember that muscle weighs heavier than fat and the loss of inches is probably a more accurate indicator than the loss of pounds! (well thats what I keep telling myself anyways lol) :)
  • thats a good point about the arm swinging thing actually, never thought about that!
  • really hard to know if the calories burned are accurate on here I think. The only way to know for sure is to invest in a heart rate monitor. Maybe when you're pushing the stroller you should class it as walking but at a higher pace than your usual leisurely stroll? I have to admit I always go for the lowest option to be on…
  • Well done for the positive attitude, keep up the good work :)
  • I lost an amazing 10lb in my first week and have lost a steady 3lb a week after that. I have stuck to between 14-1500 calories (my recommended is 1510) and usually use up some of the extra calories I've been allowed for exercise (although I have to admit I try not to use them all). The first week is apparently always a…
  • Not really, I have exercise goals but I just take the calories burned as they come, as long as there's 2 or 3lb gone every week when I step on the scales I'm a happy bunny :)