Carlories burned while pushing stroller????

louell33 Posts: 85
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
Anyone have any idea how many cals burned while pushing a child in a stroller? I usually just log my daily walks as 'walking - leisurely 2.5mph. However, having my OH home last week he pushed the stroller with our 2 yr old in and I walked, which was undoubtedly much easier. mfp has pushing / pulling stroller and the actual calories burned are less than just walking leisurely - which surprised me.


  • froggzy1015
    froggzy1015 Posts: 178 Member
    I don't know either, but interested in finding out since I have a double jogger I push about 60 pounds around on dirt roads, lol
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    you would need a hear rate monitor to calculate that correctly ...I definitely wouldnt log it if I was going to eat back calories unless I calculated with a HRM
  • issabishie
    issabishie Posts: 28
    really hard to know if the calories burned are accurate on here I think. The only way to know for sure is to invest in a heart rate monitor. Maybe when you're pushing the stroller you should class it as walking but at a higher pace than your usual leisurely stroll?
    I have to admit I always go for the lowest option to be on the safeside. For example, I do an hour of aquatone, but I only put it in as half an hour as I'm not convinced I do it hard enough to burn the calories the site reckons I do lol
    I think, without a hrm the only thing we can do is make our best guess at what we feel is the right number
    Well done on ur current loss, keep up the good work
    :) x
  • momma_roo
    momma_roo Posts: 146 Member
    I don't use the pushing stroller exercise when I walk because it isn't specific to how fast you are walking. The only reason I can think that it would burn less calories is because you aren't swinging your arms? I just count it as walking or jogging without adding the stroller. I think it is harder and I burn more cals, but I don't log it because I generally under estimate my exercise and over estimate my food anyway. Hope this helps :)
  • jennyph2006
    jennyph2006 Posts: 356 Member
    i will love to know too. i push a Double stroller with my 2 boys ( around 60 lbs)
  • issabishie
    issabishie Posts: 28
    thats a good point about the arm swinging thing actually, never thought about that!
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    Mine tends to work out roughly the same with the buggy or without it. I wear an HRM. So for me it's about 500cals per hour.
  • theseagull
    theseagull Posts: 181 Member
    I gogled it before and found it to burn about 200 cal in an hour pushing double stroller with kids.
  • louell33
    louell33 Posts: 85
    :happy: Thanks guys, I think I need to get a hrm, when the I have the funds! I always underestimate my cals burned when logging but would like to know how many I actually am burning, just had a flash of inspiration - doesn't happen very often - I will see if there is an app i can download to my phone. Will check and post if I find one.
  • louell33
    louell33 Posts: 85
    That was easy, found loads, downloaded two. miCoach (adidas one) and one called runtastic. Just registered for the runtastic it allows you to enter your height and weight and tracks with gps. I suppose it won't be as accurate as a hrm, but its a start. Will try the runtastic this afternoon. The apps were free too!
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