PCOS, IR, Fibro - Come help me get over myself?

mosaix Posts: 87 Member
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
Hi guys

The idea was to post this as a rant, but I've decided not to. Instead, I want to start a thread for those of us who have various health issues that make weight loss & exercise hard.

I have PCOS, Insulin Resistance, Hypothyroidism & Fibromyalgia, which means that weight loss is near enough impossible, and weight gain stupidly easy!!

Rather than complain, I'd like some company so we can encourage each other, complain together but fight through it together. Anyone?


  • I have PCOS and IR as well.

    I also can complain and make excuses a lot, but the other day, I thought to myself, "I can really fight the IR with daily exercise. Why shouldn't it be any different than washing my hair and brushing my teeth everyday."

    And that's what I've been doing. I have such a long way to go, but in the scheme of the rest of my life, it shouldn't take long to get some weight off. Even a 10-percent weight reduction (26 pounds for me) will have a great benefit in many areas.

    Do you take any meds?
  • sincereme
    sincereme Posts: 276
    I too have PCOS, Insulin Resistance. Its been the hardest battle for me to fight. Sometimes I get discouraged and I feel like its unfair, but then I tell myself that I have to fight harder. My hubby and I are trying for another baby and not being able to conceive is so painful. I pray for strength daily and I know that I WILL overcome PCOS.

    Thanks for starting this thread! :flowerforyou:
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    I have PCOS and IR, but honestly? The best way of not letting it affect my weight loss is to ignore it. I don't tell myself it's harder for me to lose weight and I lose just as much as most of my MFP friends who are a similar weight, but I do tell myself that I have to be stricter with dietary choices, especially with certain fast-releasing sugars. I'm also Med-Free (spironolactone didn't work for me, Yasmin made me feel unwell).

    The thing that pisses me off the most about PCOS is my adult acne on my cheeks and jaw which is scarring and leaving me looking horrible without makeup- I don't want to wear foundation to the gym but all the cardio makes me even redder and the acne even more obvious! I ordered some Liz Earle sample size products... I pray they help!!! I've also ordered some Agnus Cactus (sp) and some Co-Enzyme Q10 to hopefully balance out my hormones more naturally. Losing weight is the EASY part compared to fighting my sodding skin!
  • issabishie
    issabishie Posts: 28
    Hi, I have autoimmune arthritis so I know how hard it can be to be mobile enough to just prevent weight gain let alone lose it. I've been diagnosed almost 18 months, and for the first year was so ill I could barely dress myself. Between not being mobile and comfort eating through my misery, the stones just piled on.
    Medication is finally having an effect and I have some of my mobility back and am starting to do suitable exercise which is all very good and positive, but sometimes fighting through the fatigue and the side effects from the meds makes it a huge battle.
    MFP has been an absolute godsend and I'm sure that together we'll all be able to get where we want to be :)
  • SarzWix
    SarzWix Posts: 21 Member
    Hi there :) I don't have PCOS, but that would be impossible as I had a full hysterectomy about 8 years ago ;) I do however have the thyroid thing, the Fibro thing, hypermobility syndrome, back problems, costochondritis... I'll stop now, I think ;)

    So yeah, it's tough trying to lose weight, but at the same time, you know all these things would be better coped with without the extra weight! So far I've lost 4 kilos, and regained 1.5 of them :(
  • mara232
    mara232 Posts: 93 Member
    Don't give up. PCOS, IR and Hypothyroid here - successfully lost 50lbs following PCOS diet. After I lost the weight - I got pregnant and had a beautiful baby boy. Let myself go and gained the weight. Again lost 50lbs and got PG. Unfortunately, I lost that pregnancy at 10 weeks. I fell into a depression and just let myself gain the weight - it felt liek sitting on a train heading for a wall and not being able to get off.

    Now I am back to losing the weight and doing okay. I keep telling myself to stop making excuses and to push harder. I know I need to cut my carbs and it's what is holding me back from huge weightloss. PCOS sucks! I used to hide behind my diagnosis for ages and use it as an excuse. But I told myself no more - I can do this. I found having thyroid meds helped and eating PCOS diet if you are not on metformin help. You can do this! You are not alone.
  • ParkersMomma2010
    ParkersMomma2010 Posts: 99 Member
    Hi I think this post is great for support! I have PCOS as well however do not have IR fortunately. I lost 100lbs out of high school but gained 60lbs when pregnant with my son (with the help of fertility meds). I am now on the quest to drop 10 more lbs. I am fortunate in the aspect that I can lose weight with ALOT of determination but because of the PCOS if I slip up a few times that weight comes right back full force. I attempt to maintain a 1200 a day diet and its stinks when you only eat 1500 calories or not even that much and gain weight WTF!

    I think you have a positive outlook and that is the most important thing. Feel free to add me as a friend. Best luck and wishes on your journey!
  • yellowpear
    yellowpear Posts: 137 Member
    Don't worry. I understand how you feel. I too am travelling in the same boat. I too am having PCOD that makes me extremely difficult to lose weight.
    Just sitting at home eating nothing will make me put on weight. & It's frustrating. But we have to somehow do it! A lot of hard work & healthy diet. I found that having lots of white carbohydrates makes me feel hungry very soon. But if I have more of healthy protein, I am able to stay for a longer time. Also having sugar makes me put on weight with the blink of an eye! So I have managed to get rid of that habit. Whenever I feel like having sweats, I opt for the sugar-free types (not healthy but just to stop the craving) & in tea I use a plant based (stevia) sugar substitute that I hope does not have any side effects. & loads of exercise & determination. Right now I have been trying to find out about the 17-day diet by Dr. Mike Moren. It will take time for me to get the book. Found this site useful even though it doesn't provide the complete details: http://tksinclair.com/?page_id=119
    Also you can check out this post: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/255829-17-day-diet
    Do add me so that we can support each other. :)
  • Here's another PCOS and IR person to add to the list. When I finally did get pregnant I got gestational diabetes and I was soooo miserable. I followed that diet to perfection and never let my sugar get very high but it was so hard and I don't want to have to do that for the rest of my life. It's better to get it under control before its too late!
  • issabishie
    issabishie Posts: 28
    I also have hyperthyroidism (although thats quite well under control) and hypermobility which is quite challenging when taken alongside the arthritis lol - my joints over flex but because of the arthritis it is hideously painful... catch 22!

    I too would welcome friends who also suffer from autoimmune arthritis, or indeed any other kind of autoimmune disease, fibro, lupus, psa, wegeners to name a few I know of......, as I think its a good thing to have the support of other who can understand the extra challenges there are on this journey, such as dealing with chronic pain and fatigue issues.
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Hi I think this post is great for support! I have PCOS as well however do not have IR fortunately. I lost 100lbs out of high school but gained 60lbs when pregnant with my son (with the help of fertility meds). I am now on the quest to drop 10 more lbs. I am fortunate in the aspect that I can lose weight with ALOT of determination but because of the PCOS if I slip up a few times that weight comes right back full force. I attempt to maintain a 1200 a day diet and its stinks when you only eat 1500 calories or not even that much and gain weight WTF!

    I think you have a positive outlook and that is the most important thing. Feel free to add me as a friend. Best luck and wishes on your journey!

    I presume you mean 1200 net?
  • mara232
    mara232 Posts: 93 Member
    I also have hyperthyroidism (although thats quite well under control) and hypermobility which is quite challenging when taken alongside the arthritis lol - my joints over flex but because of the arthritis it is hideously painful... catch 22!

    I too would welcome friends who also suffer from autoimmune arthritis, or indeed any other kind of autoimmune disease, fibro, lupus, psa, wegeners to name a few I know of......, as I think its a good thing to have the support of other who can understand the extra challenges there are on this journey, such as dealing with chronic pain and fatigue issues.

    I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and as I get older it is causing me more and more trouble. particularily in my ankles. It's the biggest reason I decided for once and for all that I need to lose the weight. i wake up in the morning and cannot even get out of bed - or even walk. It takes me 15 minutes before I can do anything properly. I feel your pain.
  • mosaix
    mosaix Posts: 87 Member
    It's really nice that so many of you replied, I feel better already.

    I'm prescribed Levothyroxine, Metformin, Vitamin D & Calcium, Copious amounts of pain killers. Problem is that some of the meds I'm on have weight gain as side effects. FML!! I was given a 1000 cal sheet by the gynae clinic once "PCOS diet" it was called but I did struggle with it. My GP suggested I follow a diabetic diet.

    Has anyone tried the GI diet? It's apparently good for PCOS.
  • I also have PCOS, Addison's Disease, Insulin resistance and Hypothyroidism. I have to take steriods for the Addison's Disease, so to say the least that all these things combined makes it very difficult to lose weight. I have got to get motivated some how and sugar is my biggest weakness. How did you guys do the PCOS diet? I have the books, but found the diet hard to follow. Any suggestions would be great. I am wanting to have another child also. I have had 4 miscarriages and I have one healthy 3 year old daughter. I know that getting this weight off would bring my periods back and help me to have the chance at another baby. I concevied my daughter on Femara and HCG trigger shot.
  • mara232
    mara232 Posts: 93 Member

    Has anyone tried the GI diet? It's apparently good for PCOS.

    I've done the PCOS Diet and Insulin Resistance diet as well as Eat Clean Diet and have had great success with all of them. the problem is that I always revert back to my old ways. Oy vey!
  • mara232
    mara232 Posts: 93 Member
    I also have PCOS, Addison's Disease, Insulin resistance and Hypothyroidism. I have to take steriods for the Addison's Disease, so to say the least that all these things combined makes it very difficult to lose weight. I have got to get motivated some how and sugar is my biggest weakness. How did you guys do the PCOS diet?

    I'd suggest the Clean Eating or Insulin resistance Diet - both are easy to follow. I like Clean Eating the best.
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Has anyone tried the GI diet? It's apparently good for PCOS.

    I eat Low GI foods most of the time (but still weigh all my foods and count calories) - I wouldn't diet any other way, especially since reading Jennie Brand Miller's PCOS GI Diet book. It could be why I have good losses every week, and I find it a wonderful "lifetime" way of eating (I do have the occasional white carb treat though!). I've never tried *just* eating my 1200 of any old food, and wouldn't want to, so sadly can't say how much less I'd lose if I weren't eating low GI but sticking to 1200.
  • issabishie
    issabishie Posts: 28
    At the moment I'm on steroids, 3 types of immune suppressant (including chemo and transplant drugs which come with their own special side effects), anti inflammatories, pain killers, ppi antacids, calcium and vit D and high doses of codeine. There are some horrid side effects to these pills but hey ho, at least I can dress myself now lol.

    On a serious note though, being on long term steroids is doing nothing to help with the weight loss so I know how you all feel about that, it does make it extra hard work to shift the weight, but I have to say that now the weight has started coming off I'm really enjoying pushing myself to meet the challenge. There are days which are more difficult than others, but the fact that I can start to see change is spurring me on. It's great being able to come here and get an overview of what I'm eating and how I'm exercising and being able to share with other people in similar situations is a great plus.

    All in all, I'm really enjoying being here on MFP and I know we can all get where we want to be if we keep cheering each other on.... haha I always wanted to be a cheerleader :wink:
  • katsaria
    katsaria Posts: 8
  • issabishie
    issabishie Posts: 28
    @ fattack

    I hear that, I try really hard to make sure I avoid 'white carbs' and try to make sure I'm well balanced and don't just eat my allotted calories any old way. Every week has been a good loss week for me except for one, but I had a couple of days where I pigged out, went over my calories, and basically ate lots of crap and didn't exercise all week so it figures.
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