Exercising question??

Dietduo Posts: 9
It seems on the days that I exercise, I do not lose weight. But on my off exercise days, I will always lose. What is up? I want to exercise to I can tone what I am losing, but hate to see the scale not move. Anyone else experience this?


  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    In this kind of situation, the scale is not your friend. I don't know why it shows what it shows, but keep exercising!!!!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    i have the same thing happen to me.. it's weird. days i exercise i either stay the same or gain 1lb but if i stop for a few days, the lbs fall right off.. i'm curious as to why
  • There's no doubt that exercise will help you lose weight! Perhaps you shouldn't weigh yourself everyday?
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Can't weigh in everyday. The body is on a 72 hour cycle so it can take that long for the weight loss to show up.

    Once a week on the scale, same day, same time is your best best for getting an accurate reading.

    Keep exercising!
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Muscles replenish glycogen stores after a workout, and water retention is a natural side effect of this process.

    Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/406332-do-muscles-retain-water-after-a-new-exercise-program/#ixzz1Tnomy7l6
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    Most recommend you only weigh yourself once a week at most.
  • Heidi1987
    Heidi1987 Posts: 191 Member
    I only weigh in once a week. but i did read somewhere that after exercise your muscles retain water to help repair themselves, so this could be why there is a slight gain.
    Keep with the exercise!
  • Agreed... you should not weight yourself every day as this does not represent an accurate depiction of your weight loss. Once a week is probably the optimum... or even once a fortnight if you can bear to wait that long :)
  • pftjill
    pftjill Posts: 488
    The people telling you to weigh yourself less are truly right. That being said it is the repair process of your workouts most likely. This happens to me when I chose to take a break. It just lets us know that our body does need some rest!!
  • the best time to take your measurements is in the morning after waking up. Water weight can during the day will increase/decrease your numbers.
  • tayteetots
    tayteetots Posts: 114 Member
    Does anyone have an idea how long it takes after starting a new exercise regime to have your body even out? I'm 10 days into 30DS and still 1lbs heavier than when I started.
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    Does anyone have an idea how long it takes after starting a new exercise regime to have your body even out? I'm 10 days into 30DS and still 1lbs heavier than when I started.

    I just read an article about this the other day and I believe it said if you are still up after 2 weeks of a new workout program, then it's not water weight.
  • i think this weighing yourself too often is a big mistake ,put the scales away for a couple of weeks ,,with regards to what your seeing on the scales ,maybe its the reverse of getting fat ,,example if i go & eat a plate of chips ,couple of cream cakes ,drink some coke etc etc ,,yes ill have a full tummy but it is just the stomach full of the contents ,it takes some time for the body to digest it & turn it into extra fat ,i would not gain the fat whilst im eating it ,,so maybe its the same with exercise that it doesnt actually show there & then ,i just know if i do a hard workout its the next day or the day after that my tummy feels flatter ,not whilst im doing the exercise .
    keep up with what your doing ,,& leave the scales alone ,,if you look everyday then your brain will lose the will as you will never see a really good result ,,& you will start to think what is the point, leave it for a bit & do your best with the food & exercise & then the scales will give you a better number ,,good luck x
  • jkim80
    jkim80 Posts: 7
    There could be a few possibilites for this depending on what type of exercise you are doing. This is especially problematic if you are doing cardio, you might not be hydrating enough and as a result your body retains water. Also if you over or underestimate the calories you are burning. If you under estimate you could accidentally put yourself into starvation mode making your body hord any calories you take in for a little while and if you over estimate and increase your calorie intake too much to compinsate then your body is going to store the food as fat.
    As women we are more susceptible to wieght fluctuations due to hormones etc so if you do weight yourself everyday don't take it to heart, average your weight over the week instead of looking at just one day and compare one week to the next so you can see the downward trend. Make a note of the weeks/days that you get your period etc so that you can see any trends of weight gain either due to giving into cravings or bloating etc.
    You also have to remember to change the time and difficult level or your exercises so that your body doesn't get into a "rut" where your muscles get so used to doing the same thing that is becomes uneffective. This is why they say start out short and just a day or two a week and work up because if you start out everyday for an hour, how do you make room to do more and have time to live your life? Also for fat burning/calorire burning high intensity interval training is the way to go whether you walk, run, jog, use a tredmill, epliptical etc studies show that interval training gives you a better after burn (ie keeps your metabolism running at a higher rate) for longer. But don't forget about weights because they are important to and any increase in muscle mass is going to help since muscles burn more calories than fat even at rest (they also weight more) so sometimes inches lost over a 6wk period is a better measure of how well you are doing.
    Many women think they have to work out differently than men, but we don't, unless you have a hormone imbalance and have a lot of extra testosterone then women just don't bulk up like men do because our bodies are not designed to do that easily. So don't buy into the hype just do the exercises that you have fun doing but remember most sport/recreation activites don't count as your daily exercise since they usually involve to much starting and stopping to really get your bodies metabolism reved up.

    Good luck to us all!!
  • Dietduo
    Dietduo Posts: 9
    Thanks everyone for you suggestions and support. My lifestyle coach told me that weighing in everyday was a behavioral problem that I need to overcome. LOL. So, I put the scales away and am really fighting the urge to not weigh everyday. So far so good! I also liked the suggestions of starting slowly into exercise instead of jumping in from a sedentary life to exercising everyday. It really made sense! Thank you.

    So for now, the scales and measuring tape are hidden from me until next Wednesday, which we have now dubbed "Weigh In Wednesday". Good luck to everyone and thank you again for the encouragement and support!
  • capeto
    capeto Posts: 5 Member
    Hi this is because the MUSCLE is heavier than the FAT, so when you do exercise, the muscles are trained. In your rest days, the muscles are not trained. So thats why your weight ii's more when you do your exercise. If you want ti know the "real" weight, you have to tried measuring your BODY FAT %.

    So then, if you know your BODY FAT % and weight, now you will have real numbers!!

    Remember a bodybuilder weight is about 80Kg-100Kg BUT LEAN!!! NO FAT!!!! yo the weight is important???
  • marie_2454
    marie_2454 Posts: 881 Member
    I've always heard and read that when you exercise your muscles hold on to water more than usual...something about the repairing process. I would definitely keep working out and maybe only weigh yourself once a week. Weight fluctuates daily anyways.
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