Planning ahead

pammye65 Posts: 177 Member
I was thinking about going ahead and finishing my Food Diary for the day and then Using that as a guideline for the day. If I already know what im going to eat and then going by that schedule, It may help to stay on track that way too. What do you think?


  • shopgirl192
    shopgirl192 Posts: 102
    I always preplan my meals. I plan the night before! This way, I'm able to see exactly what my calories are and if I have room to sneak more food in! It's totally beneficial! Plus, by doing it the night before, I'm able to input recipes too!
  • avenathus
    avenathus Posts: 113 Member
    I do this as much as possible! I try to plan out everything I will eat for the day the night before. Sometimes I will plan my meals a few days ahead if I know I'm going to be eating certain leftovers, going out to a specific restaurant, etc. It helps me stay on track for sure!
  • ymamyma
    ymamyma Posts: 227
    I always preplan my meals. I plan the night before! This way, I'm able to see exactly what my calories are and if I have room to sneak more food in! It's totally beneficial! Plus, by doing it the night before, I'm able to input recipes too!

    I'm most successful when I do the same.
  • ymamyma
    ymamyma Posts: 227
    I always preplan my meals. I plan the night before! This way, I'm able to see exactly what my calories are and if I have room to sneak more food in! It's totally beneficial! Plus, by doing it the night before, I'm able to input recipes too!

    I'm most successful when I do the same.
  • Hottness4Lyfe
    Hottness4Lyfe Posts: 321 Member
    I pre-plan my meals during the week(usually the day before). It helps me see what I'm eating, whaere I can make changes, and what I need to pack since my time is so limited. I say do it! Just don't close it out until the end of the day just incase you make changes...
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    I was thinking about going ahead and finishing my Food Diary for the day and then Using that as a guideline for the day. If I already know what im going to eat and then going by that schedule, It may help to stay on track that way too. What do you think?
    I've been doing this for a few weeks (except weekends, usually). It's time-consuming but works really well for me. I end up looking foward to eating what's planned instead of developing random cravings for things I "shouldn't" have. Good luck!
  • issabishie
    issabishie Posts: 28
    yep, I agree with all of the above, I find pre planning my food diary for the day beneficial, it helps me to know what I'm going to be eating and I like to fiddle around and try to get a good balance and the most from my calories. It really does help keep those random cravings away too! :)
  • pammye65
    pammye65 Posts: 177 Member
    Thanks Yaw!