no or very low impact exercises

vpwelsh Posts: 31
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
I am battling an injured plantar fascia tendon and spend a lot of time in an air cast. It has definitely put a stop to my walking and my Zumba classes. Anyone have any similar issues that has found a great way to exercise without stressing that tendon?


  • MamaJilldo
    MamaJilldo Posts: 63 Member
    try biking, great cardio and easy on the joints.
  • issabishie
    issabishie Posts: 28
    I suffer autoimmune arthritis and so am entirely unable to do any kind of impact exercise.
    I would recommend you do swimming and/or aquafit, pilates and seated aerobics.
    Don't be fooled by the aerobics being sitted, it still works you up into one heck of a sweat. You can still work your lower body doing the seated aerobics if you invest in a resistance band. These are pretty cheap. I have Leanne Grose's chair workout dvd and its fab. It also has a small pilates section in it too.
    Good luck.
  • SuzieR
    SuzieR Posts: 127
    I would suggest swimming - great cardio!
  • issabishie
    issabishie Posts: 28
    you may find biking too stressful on your plantar fasciia, but if not thats a fab idea as the stretch in your foot as you pedal may be beneficial. also, I meant to say you can find seated aerobics dvds on amazon.
  • amfaery
    amfaery Posts: 267 Member
    deep water aerobics! I know all the old ladies do it but you can get a good workout without your feet hitting the ground, regular lap swimming is great too. My gym has aqua Zumba :)
  • Diana35bha
    Diana35bha Posts: 292 Member
    I've just got Leane's chair workout too, it's really good!!

    And swimming is a great exercise
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