I don't think I am consuming enough fluids... that's why I said I need to rehydrate my body. I know to eat more fiber and less processed foods on a daily basis and detoxification is ongoing in the body, but toxins and stress prevent us from doing it optimally, which can eventually affect other systems in the body... When I…
Oh My Gosh! I haven't even gotten to read all of these comments but I love hearing what all of you have to say!!! I work in the financial industry so cleavage should be minimal (ah hem #1 dress is not minimal!) lol I do love that dress!!!! I am wondering if I use some dress tape I could fix that issue? If I wear #3 I would…
HAHA! The sit test! I love it! I know I LOVE #1 (and so does most others!) but I am worried about the ceavage factor! I might get my dress tape out and see if that helps. If not I may have to do #3 or #4 with a jacket or shrug. I work in the financial industry sooo... lol
So sweet! Thank you!
I agree... #2 was my mom's pick (go figure) it's too conservative for me though. Thanks!
Thanks! Me too... it's so hot right!? :)
Thanks!!! I like Sexy Hot! hehe
Thanks! :) When I showed a few girls I work with they voted the exact same way!
Thanks! :)
Goodness! Take it down already! PLEASE! I didn't mean to cause all this havoc! I want to defend what I was looking for but I'm not going to try anymore. I WILL NOT DO THE HCG DIET PEOPLE Even though I keep getting messages in my inbox of success stories... people are afraid to post on here because they a afraid of being…
Well, I am on the MFP to lose 2lbs/week but I tend to stick more towards the 1.5/week for some reason. I run intervals 3x a week for 45 minutes and walk 30 mintues 2x week and zumba and DVD videos when I have the time... oh and chase around my 2 year old :) One of my best friends is actually a Registered Dietician and…
I never said I was doing it. I probably won't. But I wanted to hear what people who have actually tried it think. The ones who actually tried it and have messaged me it's about 50/50 results. Either it worked great but it was super hard or it worked great and it was super hard and then I gained all the weight plus some…
Now I know why I stay away from the message boards... Geesh! Thanks to those of you who answered my actual question. Those of you who just wanted to throw your opinions out there, I didn't ask for that. I thought this message board was for "Diet and Weight Loss Help" not "Diet and Weight Loss Opinions". I apologize, I…
I didn't qualify for it because I wasn't over weight enough.
Thank you, this is exactly what I want to use it for... I'm not looking for a quick fix, I need a jump start and I'm willing to follow a strict diet for 6 weeks and train myself to eat better. I've looked into the lapband and I don't qualify for it.
Didn't ask your opinion... asked if anyone has done it or know anyone who has done it... thank you though
Thank you, this is all I asked... If someone had tried it or knew someone who tried it. I appreciate your feedback, thanks!
Thank you, this is all I asked... If someone had tried it or knew someone who tried it.
Ohmygosh, it's my life story!!! I love a Fresh Start though! I'll add you!
It happens right!? We'll help each other out!
There is a Couch to 5k app!?! No way! That's awesome!
Great! I accepted your friend request, so glad I have others who are in the same boat... but we'll get out soon! :) hehe
YES!!! I accepted your invite! We can sooooooooo do this!
OMG I know!!!! There is so many treats still around, it's not helping! I cleaned out all the candy and brought it to work for my co-workers... Also though, where I work we have a lot of vendors who send us treats throughout the Holiday season and it's all still here! Good thinking I'm getting burnt out on the stuff that's…
Recipe today! Mini Pumpkin Muffins: 48 calories each! 1 - box of Spice Cake Mix 1 - Can of canned pumpkin (15oz) 2 - large eggs Mix everything together and bake in mini cupcake pan for about 15 minutes on 350! So simple and so yummy! I made 1/2 of them as cupcakes and topped them with cream cheese icing for my co-workers…
ROAK for Tuesday: I am in charge of our Adopt-A-Class program for my office and we are going to visit our little 5-6 year olds on Monday. I spent my lunch break shopping for goodies and then spent part of my afternoon filling goody bags for the kids. I can't wait to see them on Halloween! :)
I LOVE the app!!! I love that you can scan barcodes on food packages and it pops up with the nutrition info and allows you to add it to your diary right there if you want!
My RAOK for today: My co-worker has been wanting to start dieting and asked me to remind her to remind her to call this doctor that I went to about my weight loss. So instead of just reminding her I made a pretty little note with all of his information on it and stuck it to her phone so she won't forget! :)