hCG Diet...



  • chicago_dad
    yay! glad someone noticed my more sensible alternative-to-HCG diet plan... ;-)
    apotemnophilia is a great alternative to HCG if anyone is interested in losing a lot of unwanted and unsightly weight.

    I do feel like I have one arm too many...
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    apotemnophilia is a great alternative to HCG if anyone is interested in losing a lot of unwanted and unsightly weight.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    yay! glad someone noticed my more sensible alternative-to-HCG diet plan... ;-)
    apotemnophilia is a great alternative to HCG if anyone is interested in losing a lot of unwanted and unsightly weight.

    I do feel like I have one arm too many...

    I do have to say, having my leg amputated would make me lose more weight, though.
  • samatalma
    samatalma Posts: 197
    Eating healthy and exercise is probably a better idea yes? You learn better eating habits that way, keep more muscle, get to eat more, and have energy.

  • chicago_dad
    yay! glad someone noticed my more sensible alternative-to-HCG diet plan... ;-)
    apotemnophilia is a great alternative to HCG if anyone is interested in losing a lot of unwanted and unsightly weight.

    I do feel like I have one arm too many...

    I do have to say, having my leg amputated would make me lose more weight, though.

    good point. like with any diet that is sponsored by NEW EXTREMELY EXTREME AND NEW NEW NEW Doritos, you need to be careful not to overdo it. (hijack complete)
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I never said I was doing it. I probably won't. But I wanted to hear what people who have actually tried it think. The ones who actually tried it and have messaged me it's about 50/50 results. Either it worked great but it was super hard or it worked great and it was super hard and then I gained all the weight plus some back. Not what I want. I'll probably stick to my 1- 1.5 lb/week loss plan and exercise and eat healthy like I've been doing for the past several months. And eventually I'll lose the weight I want and be happy with myself.

    With the amount of weight you want to lose, you could probably easily do 2 lbs per week for awhile. If you add in exercise (not sure what your current routine is) you could eat a bit more, too. It seems like you're doing pretty good with the MFP plan already. If you're just feeling like something needs to change, you could always go see a registered dietician for suggestions on how to change your diet for more results, or start seeing a personal trainer (again, not sure of your current routine) for specific advice on how to shape your body through exercise.
  • formersec
    formersec Posts: 233 Member
    Why do people think they nerd to "jump start" their weight loss? What's the hurry? If you're like me, you put on weight over a lifetime of bad eating habits and/or little or no exercise? So why expect to drop the weight overnight?

    Work on changing your eating habits and, if possible, get moving. The weight will come off when the cost is damm good and ready.
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    The FDA has actually banned the sale of hCG in the US because it is so dangerous..... If you are wise you will stay away from it!
  • lauralou23
    I never said I was doing it. I probably won't. But I wanted to hear what people who have actually tried it think. The ones who actually tried it and have messaged me it's about 50/50 results. Either it worked great but it was super hard or it worked great and it was super hard and then I gained all the weight plus some back. Not what I want. I'll probably stick to my 1- 1.5 lb/week loss plan and exercise and eat healthy like I've been doing for the past several months. And eventually I'll lose the weight I want and be happy with myself.

    With the amount of weight you want to lose, you could probably easily do 2 lbs per week for awhile. If you add in exercise (not sure what your current routine is) you could eat a bit more, too. It seems like you're doing pretty good with the MFP plan already. If you're just feeling like something needs to change, you could always go see a registered dietician for suggestions on how to change your diet for more results, or start seeing a personal trainer (again, not sure of your current routine) for specific advice on how to shape your body through exercise.

    Well, I am on the MFP to lose 2lbs/week but I tend to stick more towards the 1.5/week for some reason. I run intervals 3x a week for 45 minutes and walk 30 mintues 2x week and zumba and DVD videos when I have the time... oh and chase around my 2 year old :) One of my best friends is actually a Registered Dietician and she's helped me out but still thinks 1200 cal/day is not enough. I know I should have asked her about the hCG diet but I didn't and after all this I probably wont!
  • ruststar
    ruststar Posts: 489 Member
    I've read that it also teaches your body to maintain on smaller portions and less calories. So you develop healthy eating habits along the way.

    You really want to force yourself to live off 500 calories a day forever? I'd rather train my body to maintain on the most calories possible.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    Why is this garbage still up? If mods are going to take down the fun threads, they should remove this trash too.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I'm not going to run on a pregnancy board and ask what people think about me smoking while I'm pregnant and expect pleasant replies.

    That's the perfect analogy.

    Haha, thanks! I tried :-)
  • koolmum
    koolmum Posts: 39
    You could always take the money you were going to use for the hCG and put it towards a Personal Trainer and a Nutritionist. You would end up losing weight at a pace you could maintain as well as gaining the knowledge to see you to your goal. Just my .01.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    This thread will be locked soon. Don't waste your time arguing here.

  • Goopta
    Goopta Posts: 5
    My mom did it and had to stop after a month because she lost alot of hair and her body went into starvation mode. As soon as she stopped she gained all the weight that she lost from it and more, even though she walked everyday for almost an hour. She doesn't recomend it and neither do I.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Why is this garbage still up? If mods are going to take down the fun threads, they should remove this trash too.

    You have to report it for them to know it's here. They're not mind-readers. AND they're volunteers with other jobs. So do that...
  • LosingLizard
    It sucked. They say the HCG keeps you from being hungry - I was ready to chew on my hand...and I might have a few times....

    I lost 10lbs the first week - HUNGRY THE WHOLE TIME - and then I had one off day (I added up the calories - 2200 for the day, which based on my BMR, would have been enough for me to be dead even for the day) and I gained 4 lbs. So, whatever it is, it's smoke and mirrors. There's no way to go off it without gaining the weight back.
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    Throwing my two pennies in.

    If someone recommended that you become temporarily anorexic for a while, just to jump start your metabolism, you'd think they were insane.
    That is, essentially, what this diet is. 500cals a day is not enough to keep my 5yr old going.
    The only reason that people flock to it are the magical letters....HCG. They consider it a miracle drug. It really isn't.

    The reason that the pro-HCG loons are inboxing you rather than posting is not because they're afraid of hateful replies, it's because as soon as a mod sees more than a couple of replies advocating or advertising the HCG 'diet', the thread gets shut down.

    As is everything in life, it is your choice who you listen to and whose advice you take. I only plead with you to choose wisely. :flowerforyou:
  • rockergirl45
    I am on the diet right now (this is my second round) the first round I lost 20 lbs. This time I am hoping for 20 more! I eat 500 calories a day accompanied by the hCG drops and I have been very impressed. A lot of my family has done it as well. The least that someone lost in a month is 17 lbs. Good luck with what ever you decide! :)
  • lauralou23
    Goodness! Take it down already! PLEASE! I didn't mean to cause all this havoc! I want to defend what I was looking for but I'm not going to try anymore.


    Even though I keep getting messages in my inbox of success stories... people are afraid to post on here because they a afraid of being attacked!


This discussion has been closed.