NYBNY Challenge October (closed group)



  • MsBrwnSugga
    MsBrwnSugga Posts: 164 Member
    Here is a Halloween Scary Story( not really that scary though)


    Jerry was driving home late one night when he saw a young lady waiting by a bus stop. He stopped his car and told her that he didn't think the buses were running so late at night and offered her a ride. The fall night air was getting chilly, so he took off his jacket and gave it to her. Jerry found out that the girl's name was Mary and she was on her way home.

    After an hours drive, they arrived at her home and he dropped her off by the front door. Jerry said goodnight and went home himself.

    The next day he remembered that Mary still had his jacket.

    He drove to her house and knocked on the door, an old woman answered.
    John told her about the ride he had given her daughter Mary, and had come back to get the jacket he had lent her. The old woman looked very confused.

    John noticed a picture of Mary on the fireplace mantel. He pointed to it and told the old woman that that was the girl he had given a ride to.

    With her voice shaking, the old woman told Jerry that her daughter had been dead for many years and was buried in a cemetery about an hours drive away from there.
    Jerry ran to his car and drove to the cemetery....

    He found his jacket, neatly folded on top of a grave...the name on the gravestone was Mary!
  • MsBrwnSugga
    MsBrwnSugga Posts: 164 Member
    Today I invited a former co-worker to my house for dinner this weekend.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Here is a real life scary story.

    My grandfather haunts the house my parents live in. It was originally his house and he died there in 1998 surrounded by my family. He was ill with cancer and was gone within a week of his diagnosis.

    We hear footsteps down the hall as if he's patrolling and watching out for us. We've heard voices and found no one there.

    Recently, my dad awoke to hear the footsteps and thought it was my mom returning to bed. The footsteps didn't stay on the hardwood floor but continued onto the carpet of his bedroom, unlike before when the footsteps stayed in the hallway.

    He then her tinkering noises and the sound of clothes shifting. He thought he mom was removing her robe so she could return to bed but the noises stopped and he opened his eyes wondering what in the world she was doing.

    Then he rolled over and found my mom, dead asleep. It wasn't her he was hearing. Then he thought a burglar had broken in and was stealing my mom's jewelry. He waited with his eyes opened (but the blankets pulled ALL THE WAY up to his nose) for the person to appear.

    The footsteps continued to his side of the room but he couldn't see anyone or anything. That's when he realized it was grandpa coming back to his room. Back to were he and my grandmother used to sleep. Back to where he passed on.

    It's creepy, I'll admit even though the spirit is peaceful and not at all harmful. But it's odd. The room where he died is always cold and my son has seen my grandfather standing next to my mom. It didn't scare him because he was too little to understand and because he'd never met my grandfather.
  • lauralou23
    ROAK for Tuesday:

    I am in charge of our Adopt-A-Class program for my office and we are going to visit our little 5-6 year olds on Monday. I spent my lunch break shopping for goodies and then spent part of my afternoon filling goody bags for the kids. I can't wait to see them on Halloween! :)
  • ljjorgensen
    Tuesday I put the equipment we use for our water aerobics class away for the girls.
  • wvualum
    wvualum Posts: 428
    My tuesday RAOK, was I bought donuts from Krispy Kreme (all just to get 2 hats, come to find out they were out of hats :grumble: ). So instead of eating them, I took them to the neighbors.
  • wvualum
    wvualum Posts: 428
    My tuesday RAOK, was I bought donuts from Krispy Kreme (all just to get 2 hats, come to find out they were out of hats :grumble: ). So instead of eating them, I took them to the neighbors.

    Correction: instead of eating all of them! :bigsmile:
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    I know I'm tired when I interpret your RAOK to mean that you ate the neighbors. Time for bed! LOL!
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    I know I'M tired when I read RAOK as "rack" and I automatically think of boobs....

    RAOK: I made more room for one of the regulars in my class tonight when I saw the instructor bring out floor gliders. She thanked me. :)
  • rebeccask
    rebeccask Posts: 170
    I've noticed my appetite for salads has lowered and I remembered back to what a nutritionist once told me about warming and cooling foods. Here's part of an article I found related to warming and cooling foods, I hope you find it useful.

    Warming and Cooling Characteristics of Common Foods
    Published on Jan 25, 2010 by Ping Ming Health in Food & Diet
    2 Each food has its own characteristics. In very ancient times Chinese TCM practitioners use specific foods to balance the bodies yin and yang and to treat disease. Because Chinese medicine discovered that most foods have either cooling or warming characteristics so when you eat cooling foods, it is adding cooling effects to your body and eating warm foods will adding warming effects to your body so they can be used to balance the body which may be deficient in yin or yang. Chinese medicine has divided food into three characteristics;
    1) cooling food
    2) warming food
    3) balanced food (neither cool nor warm)

    1) Effects of cooling foods
    Cooling food has effects of clearing heat and toxins, cooling and calming the blood and nourishing yin. These types of food are suitable for people who have heat constitution of the body. Usually these people have the following symptoms; The body feeling hot, perspiration, thirst, constipation, pungent wind and stool, burning of the *kitten* area after bowl movement, anxiety, red eyes, red face, emotional, head aches, vivid dreams, ulcers in the mouth or tongue, coldsore’s around the mouth, red tongue with a thick yellow coating on the tongue, rapid pulse, heart burn and dark or yellow urine.
    If you have any of the symptoms listed above, the following cooling foods are suitable to be eaten;

    Cooling foods:
    Celery, chinese radish, cabbage, cucumber, tomato, mushrooms, eggplant, green vegetables, spinach, bananas, pear, oranges, apples, kiwi fruit, winter-melon, watermelon, sweet melon, chicken eggs, duck eggs, rabbit, crabs, seaweed, green tea, peppermint tea, mung beans, lotus root, locuts and tofu.

    2) Effects of warming foods
    Warming foods have the effects of raising the yang, energy (qi) of organs and warming and improving the circulation and dispelling the cold. These types of food are suitable for people who are yang deficient. Usually with the following symptoms; cold hand, cold feet, cold body, diarrhea, stomach pains or discomfort after eating or drinking cold things, bloating after eating, lack of energy, sore joints, odema and fluid retention.
    If you have any of the following symptoms listed above, it is suitable to eat more of the following foods;

    Warming foods
    Onion, chives, ginger, spring onions, garlic, chilli, pumpkin, coconut, cherries, peaches, dates, nectarine, lamb, deer, chicken, ham, goat milk, prawns and pepper.

    3) Foods which are neither warm nor cold, and is suitable for any type of body;
    Chinese cabbage, carrots, sweet potato, potato, black mushrooms, peanuts, olives, lemons, grapes, plums, sunflower seeds, pork, beef, duck, fish, oysters and cow milk.

  • Twinmom1221
    Twinmom1221 Posts: 191 Member
    My tip for the day is to keep a box of No Pudge Brownies in your cabinet. I love these becuase when you have to have choclate you can mix up an individual brownie with mix and vanilla (or plain) yogurt. I'm sure you could use a flavored yogurt for something different. One of these with a little no fat whipped topping is a very delightful treat.
  • lauralou23
    Recipe today!

    Mini Pumpkin Muffins: 48 calories each!
    1 - box of Spice Cake Mix
    1 - Can of canned pumpkin (15oz)
    2 - large eggs

    Mix everything together and bake in mini cupcake pan for about 15 minutes on 350! So simple and so yummy!

    I made 1/2 of them as cupcakes and topped them with cream cheese icing for my co-workers today!
  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    Strawberries-n-Cream Cupcake

    (Makes one cupcake, Single-Lady style!)

    3 T flour (I used white-whole-wheat. You can use all-purpose, or even ww pastry)
    1/4 tsp baking powder
    heaping 1/16 tsp salt
    1 or 2 T chopped strawberries
    1/2 tsp vanilla extract
    1 T coconut oil (You can sub a different oil; however the coconut oil gives it a rich flavor and fun texture. You can use applesauce for a fat-free version.)
    1 T plus 1 tsp nondairy milk (Use less if using liquid sweetener.)
    1 T sugar (you can also use 1 packet stevia) I omitted, but most people will want some sweetener
    Preheat oven to 330 degrees. Mix dry, then add wet. Mix until just combined (don’t overmix), and bake for 17 minutes or so/ (Baking time will vary, depending on the flour and oil/applesauce you use.)
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Simple Turkey Chili

    Ground Turkey (I use Jenni-o 93/7 Lean Ground Turkey) 20oz pack
    1 can Low Sodium kidney beans
    1 can diced roasted tomatoes
    red pepper flakes

    First I brown the turkey in a little olive oil. If I've got it together I add a crushed garlic clove or two along witht he spices and seasonings. I try to make this a little spicy so I go light on salt and pepper and a little heavy on the cayenne and red pepper flakes. When browned, I add the drained kidney beans and the tomatoes. I only drain a little of the juice from the tomatoes and add the rest into the pan.

    I simmer till for about 15-20 minutes.

    This makes about 10 servings measured out in 1/2 cups. For lunch I usually have 1 cup with rice or a salad.

    a 1/2 cup is 77 calories and 8 gr protein.

    Try to go for low sodium in the beans. I didn't this time and one serving is 273 for sodium! I try to watch that because it can add up fast throughout the day.

  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    I love nachos and found this recipe!

    Skinny Loaded Nachos with Turkey, Beans and Cheese
    Gina's Weight Watcher Recipes
    Servings: 4 • Serving Size: about 14 chips • Old Points: 7 pts • Points+: 9 pts
    Calories: 347 • Fat: 9.4 g • Protein: 27.1 g • Carb: 40.6 g • Fiber: 7.1 g


    4 oz baked tortilla chips (I used Baked Tostitos Scoops)
    8 oz 99% lean turkey breast
    1 tsp cumin
    1 tsp garlic powder
    salt and pepper
    1 cup fat free spicy black bean dip
    1 1/3 cup reduced fat Mexican cheese like Weight Watchers
    2 cups pico de gallo salsa
    1/2 cup light sour cream
    2/3 cup fresh cilantro


    Preheat oven to 425°. Place 1 oz (about 14) chips on four oven-proof dishes or one large baking sheet.

    Heat a large nonstick sauté pan over high heat. Add turkey. Season with cumin, garlic powder, salt and pepper and sauté until cooked through, breaking up meat into small pieces with a wooden spoon. When cooked, add bean dip and mix well.

    Spoon the turkey mixture over the chips and sprinkle the cheese on top. Bake until cheese melts, about 6 minutes.

    Remove the nachos from the oven, top with pico de gallo, sour cream, cilantro and jalepeños. Serve immediately.
  • wvualum
    wvualum Posts: 428
    Congratulations to Team Thin It to Win It who won this weeks challenge with a total of 141 points!

    Individual with the highest % of weight lost compared to goal: Katie with 6.7%
    Individual with the most pounds lost: Rebecca with 2.3 lbs.
    Top 3 Calorie Burn Challenge Winner: Marti with 5189, Melissa with 3254, Jeanie with 3224.

    Perfect 14's: Jessica, Gwynne, and Marie

    Team Star's (new category to recognize those who contributed the most to each team, in total points):

    Thin It to Win It: Jessica
    Weight Loss Warrior Princesses: Kelly (JamesonsMommy)

    We have lost a total of 178 lbs so far!!!
    Team Thin It to Win It here is your trophy....


    copy and paste to your signature, change the capital I's in Img to lowercase i's at the beginning and end.
  • wvualum
    wvualum Posts: 428
    My tip:
    If you are are going to a halloween party and want to make some healthy alternatives to typical party food, try some of these cute ideas

  • minni2906
    minni2906 Posts: 182
    Stole this recipe from: http://wingitvegan.blogspot.com/2010/10/halloweegan-kicks-off-with-leggy.html

    It looked like an awesome idea for a Halloween treat!

    Leggy Whoopie Spiders (Gluten-Free and Soy-Free)

    For the whipped ganache:

    1/2 cup full fat coconut milk
    1 tbsp maple syrup
    1 tsp vanilla
    7 oz semi-sweet chocolate chips (it's about one heaping cup)

    1. Bring the coconut milk and maple syrup to a boil and immediately remove from heat.

    2. Add the vanilla and the chocolate chips and whisk as if your life depended on it! The chocolate should melt completely and it should become lovely and smooth, but if it's not happening you can warm it up for a few seconds while stirring or whisking constantly. Watch it carefully, burnt chocolate is the only type of chocolate that sucks.

    3. Refrigerate for a couple of hours or until it's completely cold. We will whip it later...

    For the cookies:

    1/2 heaping cup rolled oats
    1/4 heaping cup dried coconut flakes
    1/2 cup ground turbinado sugar or white sugar
    2 tbsp tapioca starch
    1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
    1 tsp baking powder
    1/4 tsp baking soda
    1/4 tsp salt
    1/2 cup full fat coconut milk (at room temperature)
    1/4 cup smooth peanut butter or other smooth nut butter
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    1/4 tsp almond extract (optional)

    1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F and spray a baking sheet with cooking spray.

    2. Grind the oats and the coconut in a blender or food processor. I use my Magic Bullet with the short blade base. Sift them into a medium size mixing bowl. There will be gritty bits left in the sifter that you will discard, which is why you will need heapingness when you measure the oats and the coconut.

    3. Add the sugar, tapioca, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda, salt, coconut milk, peanut butter, vanilla, and almond extract. Beat with an electric mixer for about 30 to 45 seconds.

    4. Use a medium size (1.5 tbsp) cookie Scoopto drop one cookie onto the baking sheet and watch it for a few seconds. The soft batter should barely flatten itself on top, but it shouldn't spread more than a couple of millimeters. If it spreads too much. add a little more ground coconut. If the top doesn't flatten at all add a little more coconut milk. When you're happy with your batter, scoop the rest of it onto the baking sheet leaving a couple of inches in between cookies.

    5. Bake for 12 minutes. Gingerly remove the cookies from the oven without banging the baking sheet against the oven walls or rack or they might *de-poof*. Let them sit on the sheet for five minutes. Use a thin metal spatula to transfer the cookies to a cooling rack and let them come to room temperature.

    To assemble the cookies:

    1. When the ganache is cold and the cookies are at room temperature, use an electric mixer to whip the ganache. Beat on high for about a minute or until it looks soft and fluffy and the color changes from dark brown to a lighter brown. If it's too hard and it's refusing to whip, add a tablespoon of coconut milk. It shouldn't be too soft though, or it won't stay put between the cookies.

    2. Test the ganache on a cookie: grab a cookie bottom-side-up, scoop a generous amount of whipped ganache on top, and top it with another cookie bottom-side-down. Gently press down the top cookie just a little to help the ganache spread toward the sides. If it spreads out too much and it runs down the sides of the bottom cookie, add 1 tablespoon of sifted powdered sugar plus 1/2 tablespoon of sifted unsweetened cocoa powder to the rest of the ganache and keep beating until well combined. Keep adding sugar and cocoa powder until it's firm enough. That's it! Finish the rest of the cookies and move on to the fun part - leg making!

    To make the legs:

    1. Set up your leg making station. Print out the leg pattern and tape it to a chopping board. Tape a piece of wax paper on top of the pattern, just big enough to cover it.

    2. Melt about 1/3 cup of semi-sweet chocolate chippers in the microwave in a dry glass bowl. It took my microwave 90 seconds on medium power, stirring every 30 seconds, to melt the chips completely. Transfer the melted chips to a small ziploc bag and cut the tip off one of the bottom corners. Just a small cut, no more than three millimeters.

    3. Ready? Fun! Squeeze the melted chocolate out of the little opening and onto the wax paper, drawing the legs as you squeeze. I knew this would be hard for me to explain, so I made a video of my hands making the spidery legs. Instead of dragging the chocolate against the wax paper, squeeze it out from about a half an inch above the paper and let the stringy chocolate fall on it as you draw the legs. See? I told you I wouldn't be able to explain it! The video should help, it's right below the recipe :)

    4. Take the whole chopping board to the freezer and let the chocolate harden for about five minutes. Remove from the freezer and gently peel off the legs using a thin metal spatula. Transfer the legs to a compulsively dry large plate. Repeat until you've made enough legs for 6 spiders.

    5. Working quickly, because those legs will melt in your fingers if you dilly-dally, insert four legs into a side of one spider's creamy filling (insert the shortest tip into the filling) and four more legs into the opposite side. You'll notice that the pattern pint-out has four legs facing one way and four legs facing the opposite way, that is so that no legs look flat from the front.

    Are you tired of working on them or do you want to add eyes to them? You do? Awesome!

    Combine 1/4 cup of powdered sugar plus 1/2 tablespoon of water and stir until well combined. It should be rather stiff, but if it's crumbly you can add a few more drops of water until it complies. Use a little ziploc bag with a cut-off corner again to squeeze the little eyes onto the tops of the spiders. At this point, you probably have a little leftover chocolate from all the leg making, use a toothpick to drop a tiny drop of chocolate in the middle of each eye. Warm up the chocolate in the microwave for a few seconds (though not in the ziploc!) if it's too hard. Now we're all done! Phew!

    This adventure makes 6 (3 inches wide) Whoopie Spiders! :)
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    You can make any kind of dip out of greek yogurt.. Last week i mixed some taco sauce and franks red hot (thick) in with the greek stuff and it was the perfect addition to my bok choy lettuce wraps.
  • KelieHerrera
    Ceviche recipe!

    What you'll need

    4-5 Fresh firm-fleshed fish filets (that's a great example of alliteration right there!)
    About 15 limes
    A handful of jumbo shrimp - cooked
    1 cucumber- diced
    1 red onion- diced
    2 roma tomatoes- diced
    1 tsp garlic powder
    1 good squirt of ketchup (yes, seriously)
    1.5 cups of Clamato juice
    Salt and Pepper to taste
    Optional- a few dashes of hot sauce

    Take your fish filets and rinse them off, and cut them into small chunks. This is really your preference on how big your chunks of fish are, but remember the bigger the chunks the longer this will need to marinate. Put the fish-chunks into a bowl.

    Squeeze all your limes with a citrus juicer, or a citrus press,. You *have* to use fresh lime juice, so no cheating with bottled. It's ok for some pulp to be present. Pour the lime juice over the fish and make sure it's all covered. You may need to squeeze more limes to make sure there is enough juice to cover all of the fish.

    Cover the bowl with a lid or plastic wrap and put the fish and lime juice mixture into the fridge to marinate, the minimum time is 2 hours, but I usually leave it for much longer, about 4-6 hours, and overnight if you're really paranoid. You know when it's done when the fish turns from pink and semi- transparent to a solid opaque white. The acid in the lime juice "cooks" the fish and changes it's makeup to make it safe for eating.

    When the fish is thoroughly "cooked", add in your diced veggies, seasonings, and the Clamato juice, stir it up, and enjoy with chips or on tostadas. Yum!