erock0628 Member


  • Do they give you stats on how many other people have kept off the weight after they get off the shakes.
  • Hey everyone, I started my program on December 4th, 2015. And it's seriously changed my life. I've lost a total of about 69lbs so far. You will see that every clinic isn't ran the same way. Like my clinic they really focus on behavioral and cognitive therapy to help us identify our issues with food and help us build that…
  • Wow 600. So it's that 3 shakes
  • Thank you!!
  • I always follow that with its medically supervised and that I see the doctor every week. I don't even mention that it's a very low cal diet.
  • Motivation!! That's so good to hear Julie how many months have you been on this program?
  • I have to do 5 shakes a day because I'm over 300 once I get under I go to 4 shakes. It's interesting some people are only doing 3. And bolloun is essential in my program. We get lectured if we don't have two per day. Honestly the bolloun a have seriously saved me the most when I was really craving.
  • Hey Keren, Are you still on the program
  • Thank you for sharing. I've told close friends and family. But I hate having to keep on explaining myself. But I try to be open because this was my decision and I'm the one that's doing it not anyone else. But if I feel an once of negativity I get defensive lol but I just don't want to be ashamed of this process.
  • Julie how's it going
  • If you can send it to I would appreciate it so much.
  • I love the chocolate and vanilla pudding. All the other shakes that are not pudding is way to watery and not filling. The soups eww eww eww. I hate them. I can't even keep them down. And when I make pudding I can't keep those down as well. So I've just been making a shakes out of the pudding.
  • Hey Amanda just checking in to see how your doing.
  • Hey it is really interesting how each clinic is so different from each other. My clinic wants us to be active (gym/ walking/ resistance). They have us set our own goals when it comes to excercising. Last week I didn't lose any weight and I'm trying to figure out if it's because I'm working out. This week I lost 5.5 pounds…
  • Are you doing maintenance or are you continuing the program. How much exercise do you do and what kind?
  • Lisa that is amazing about your medication. How long have you been on the program? It's interesting to see how each new direction program is sort of different. They don't allow us free foods like celery. We are not allowed. And how some place want you to exercise and some places don't want you to. For me they want us to…
  • Yea I stopped. I hate counting calories and with this program I don't have to and after this program I'm not planning on counting calories something about having to count calories for the rest of my life sounds horrid to me. Just making better decisions and portion control is what's it's all me anyways.
  • Thank you Lisa!!! Your such an inspiration. I can't wait until my close start falling off lol. And thanks for the heads up because I can only imagine losing 6 pounds and than only losing 2. Back when I would try to loss weight on my own that would have been a blow for me and I would probably have given up but I joined this…
  • Thank you I going to need all the luck I can get. It went well. I lost 6.5 pounds! Which is exciting. I can't wait till my clothes starts feeling loser.
  • I would have jokingly told him that I'm a recovering lol.
  • Good job Kendra! Today I get weighted in and I'll let everyone know how it goes. I'm slowly telling people that I'm really focused on losing weight and I've been restricting what I eat. So far people have said they support me. I just don't want to get into details because a lot of people won't understand and I don't feel…
  • Hey I started on December 4th. I'm struggling with cravings but I so want to succeed. I want this so bad. I figure there are two out comes either I commit to this and succeed or I cheat and quite and fail. I want to succeed. Since we started around the same time maybe we can encourage eachother?
  • Hello today is day three for me and I'm on here reading everyone's stories while I'm at Friday's with my family (I'm the only one not eating) it's hard being here and not eating but I'll make it through. I'm currently on five meal replacements a day I break them up. Three shakes and two soups. For some reason I can't keep…
  • I just completed my second day and throughout the days I have my ups and downs. I do want to finish this program successfully. I am on 5 meal replacements a day and will be on four once I get down 300. I am struggling with the soups for some reason they are making me nauseous. I think Im going to just replace the soups…
  • oh wow is the chili or sloppy joe mix a powder that you have to add water too? And I think that is a good idea to bring one of the packets with you.