

  • Also, I'm not sure where you live, but if you are in the U.S., you should definitely take Spanish since this is becoming one of the must-have skills in most states. Any other English speaking country, and French makes much more sense. England is next to France, Australia is near Vietnam, etc., which were part of the French…
  • I would switch. Looks really good on a resume to say that you gained proficiency in two foreign languages before college. Also looks good on a college application. Puts you over the top when applying to good schools. You will also now be able to travel to many, many more countries, giving you a much fuller, more fulfilling…
  • I'm barefoot when doing Insanity. Makes it harder, but that's kinda the point!
  • Most cleanses take a few weeks to work. They filter the crap out of your liver, kidneys, gallbladder, etc., and this is a slow process. It needs to build up in your system and then have time to work. That's probably why you need to take it for 24 days. And don't listen when they tell you that you have fecal waste built up…
  • Zinc helps speed up the healing process. I don't know for certain whether it works for sore muscles, but I don't see why it wouldn't. I cut my foot extremely bad this weekend and the wound care nurse told me to take 100 mg of zinc everyday because it can cut healing time almost in half. Muscle is one of the things that I…
  • If you are weight lifting or doing cardio (aerobics, etc., anything other than walking/ jogging)) you probably have put on muscle. This kind of weight gain is good, since more muscle means that your body burns off more calories, even when just sitting down watching TV. Keep it up! This isn't a short-term thing, its a…
  • Wow, I got lucky with who I get to rate! 10, definitely.
  • Silica is sand. The only reason I could see it being in there is that it might swell up when it gets into your stomach, causing you to have less room to be filled with calorie laden food. Not sure if this is the case, just a guess. But silica is sand. Or quartz if it has been under the right amount of heat and pressure for…
  • Not sure how to move them to "My Foods," but it is really easy to move them to "My Meals" which is basically the same thing, but for an entire meal/ grouping of foods. Choose everything from Recent that you want to put together, and include them for a meal that you have not actually eaten yet today so has nothing listed…
  • It's possible that you could be anemic. I have Crohn's disease which causes my body to not be able to absorb iron, which is needed to produce red blood cells. I have to get a blood transfusion ever two years or so to keep these same things from happening to me. When you stand, your blood pressure drops due to the fact that…
  • YouTube is full of workout videos. You can find pretty much anything you want there, and you can change up your workout every single day if you like, or subscribe to a channel and do their workouts everyday. You can even sign up to multiple channels so that you can switch it up every few days.
  • You are supposed to get approximately 40% of your calories from carbs. At 1,200-1,500 calories per day, you are looking at 480-600 calories per day from carbs. Carbs have 4 calories per gram, so that means 120-150 grams of carbs per day (120 grams*4 calories=480 calories; 150 grams*4 calories=600 calories).
  • I have always used either skim or 1% milk to supplement my diet. I make post workout protein shakes with it, I drink a glass in the morning with breakfast, and I will have a small glass before bed if I am really trying to lose weight (the few calories and relatively high amount of slow-digesting protein help boost…
  • Use lite sour cream. Daisy brand only has 20 calories per tablespoon, and it still has all of the beneficial cultures that help with digestion (just as many as yogurt, for those of you that don't like the stuff).
  • I've never personally used kettlebells, but they DO work. They were invented by the Soviet military and then used by their Olympic teams. If one of the most well trained military forces in the world and one of the best Olympic teams in the world used/ uses them, they must work. There's a reason that all of the celebrity…
  • Most people that I've talked to/ magazines that I've read call for 20% of your daily calories to come from fat and 40% to come from carbs and protein each (80% total between the two). For a 2,000 calorie diet this works out to 400 calories from fat, or 44.4 grams (9 calories per gram of fat). So you are in the…