kmh0617 Member


  • How about instead of eating "some tacos from Jack in the Box" (!!!!!) you try some real, whole, nutritionally-dense foods? Getting 500-600 or NEGATIVE calories will result in organ damage and muscle wasting. You'll look and feel horrid. You body cannot function on that type of intake.
  • Top greens with more balanced ingredients: Smoked salmon, roasted beets, cucumber, feta or goat cheese Chicken, avocado, strawberries Shrimp, black beans, mango (make cilantro lime dressing to go with!) Leftover taco meat over crunchy romaine, corn, tomatoes, green onion, cheese (salsa for dressing) Steak, bleu cheese, red…
  • You don't have to cook know how to cook to make salads. Buy a big container of healthy field greens or baby kale, top it with lots of goodies and lean protein (smoked salmon, beets, feta, and cucumber is my fave). Chicken, avocado and strawberries or steak, bleu cheese and red onion. Yum! I agree with other posters- stop…
  • Chocolate brownie Quest bars! Heat for ten seconds in microwave, push some almonds into the top. OMG! So good. They can be bought at GNC and Amazon in many varieties.
  • If you think you're out of shape, start lifting weights. It puts the curves in the right places. But you have to EAT in order to build sexy muscles. Lots of lean protein, healthy fats, fruits and veggies!
  • I do that pattern 2x/week. The other option is to do full body strength training (and short cardio) on day 1 and 3, and a long cardio on day 2. I prefer the lower/upper split.
  • I do this: short cardio + upper body/back on day 1, short cardio + lower body on day 2, very long cardio session on day 3. Then rest a day and repeat or just start the cycle over again.
  • I agree with what Sharon says. Grab a copy of New Rules of Lifting for Women. Change your body composition. Eat lots of whole unprocessed foods at a macro intake that includes a generous amount of protein and fat, and that limits carbohydrates (especially refined ones! I like NO MORE than 40% carbs and about 30% protein…
  • I see a lot of processed food/junk food. I'd try adding in whole foods-MUCH more vegetables and some fruit, lean unprocessed protein (fish, eggs, chicken- not hot dogs). I'd replace pizza with a serving of lean protein and a giant pile of fresh vegetable, sautéed in some olive oil. Also, your intake appears to be low-scary…
  • I'd recommend weighing only once per week. Unless you are eating 1750 calories per day over your maintenance calories, you are not actually gaining 0.5 pounds per day! I can't see what it is that you're eating due to your diary settings. What are you eating each day? Is it balanced, are you getting enough fiber, protein,…
  • Also, healthy foods aren't the same as organic foods. Try to eat unprocessed foods, taking in the least amount of refines sugars/carbohydrates (which are horrible for maintaining healthy blood glucose levels), hydrogenated fats, unnecessary chemicals, etc. Eat plenty if lean protein at every meal, as luv2ash said. You…
  • Don't pose questions, then if you don't want truthful answers. The truth is that your blood sugars should be kept in a goal range by counting carbohydrate intake and taking insulin properly. There is a reason why a major drug company has not patented thes green coffee bean extract and marketed it as a diabetes medication.…
  • There is no magic pill or supplement that will do the work for you. You must make the changes to create a healthful lifestyle for yourself. No shortcuts. Eating healthful, nutritious, mostly unprocessed foods in the proper quantities along with incorporating exercise/movement into your daily life is the only way. But,…
  • Steel cut oats have not been rolled flat (like rolled oats). Rolling them flat reduces cooking time, but destroys some of the whole-grain property of the oat. I partially cook mine the night before- add all kins of goodies like vanilla, ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon. Then (for protein) I mix in some egg whites and top with soy…
  • Do you make them up just like steel cut oats? I'm interested to try...
  • Hard boiled eggs, steel cut oats (I like to add egg whites or cottage cheese to mine), cottage cheese with fruit or veggies, whole grain english muffin with PB, tofu (or egg/egg white) scramble with veggies and cheese, poached eggs and salsa on top of refried beans, Greek yogurt and granola.
  • Rock a sassy and sexy short cut that you like until your hair grows out. Myself, I love my short hair! I didn't care when I was heavier and my face was more round, either. But a cute stacked bob that comes just under the chin can be slimming to the face.
  • I love to put PB2 into my chocolate protein shakes post-workout. Also, it makes an excellent base for a peanut curry sauce.
    in pb2 Comment by kmh0617 January 2013
  • My husband and I lived in Nashville for a year- hated it. We moved to Denver and it's AWESOME! We enjoy 300 days of sunshine, very active lifestyles in general here (biking, snow sports, hiking, running, etc.), very diverse, healthy food options abound. It's gorgeous here with the Rockes as a backdrop. And it's not super…
  • I'm loving eating like this: 40% carbohydrate (complex carbs), 30% fat (healthy fats- avocadoes, olive oil and such) and 30% protein (lean protein). I feel full, nourished and energetic!
  • Try not to think of it as a "diet". Think of it as a lifestyle change where you try to make as many choices as possible that contribute to your health in a positive way.
  • Start by making a few healthy SUSTAINABLE changes. Then once you're acclimated to those changes, make more. String them together into a healthy lifestyle. For example: try to eat less processed foods, give up soda, drink more water, commit to becoming more active, eat more vegetables, etc. Each one of these are easy to do…
  • I don't like the callouses it causes to wear my ring at the gym. I take off all jewelry and use gloves for strength training. Plus, I don't like for it to get scratched or damaged. But, my marriage doesn't live in a ring.
  • Google "diet soda and weight loss" and there are many articles, citing many clinical studies spanning decades that cite a link between diet soda and weight gain. An excerpt from just one of the many links: "The study, which was cited…
  • Exercise is one of those things that you must MAKE TIME for. I felt like I didn't have time either, but after shifting some things around in my schedule, I realized that I had plenty of time to get in some physical activity. Do a few sets of lunges, push-ups, dips, other calisthenics thorough out the day. Take a few…
  • WRONG! Where did you get this information? I Try to eat 40% carbs and 30% each of protein and fat. This comes out to 112g of protein for me daily, or about 1.6g/kg of body weight. It's helping to fuel my weigh lifting and build lean body mass.
  • I can't see your diary so I don't know what you're eating. But, if I eat a lot of refined carbohydrates, sugars, processed food, junk food, etc., that leaves me very hungry. I do pre-plan my meals for 1-3 days out so that I have a good roadmap for what I should be eating throuout the day in order to come in under my…