Calories all gone and I'm starving!!!

I don't know what to do...I've used up all of my calories for the day but I'm still starving, I feel like I'm going to throw up I'm that hungry...
on nights like this is it better to go a little over calories or just sweat it out and wait til morning?


  • mystikfairy61
    mystikfairy61 Posts: 80 Member
    find something that is filling but low cal, yogurt, carrot or celery sticks and peanut butter, an apple...something to ease it but won't knock you off way too much....just what i would do

    just out of curiosity how many calories are you allowing a day??? are you eating back your exercise calories, etc? could it be that you aren't allowing yourself enough calories to start with?
  • Lincolnlady217
    Lincolnlady217 Posts: 49 Member
    Drink a big glass of water, brush your teeth and go to bed, brushing my teeth seems to quell the hunger pangs! It will be morning before you know it!
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    Eat something - you obviously need it and you'll never sleep if you're starving! Go for something healthy, 200cals or so, then if you REALLY feel bad about it, you can undereat by 50cals a day for the next 4 days
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I'd say that it's better to go a little over and make up for it tomorrow. Just eat something filling, like an egg on whole wheat toast. Life is short, and there's no point in being miserable because of hunger! You can easily compensate-just make sure to do it.
  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    Drink your water, go to bed, go for a walk or go over my calories have done them all. When I choose to eat I do try to have healthier choices like peanut butter on toast, cottage cheese and fruit. I have lost it a few times and binged too (usually reqret this option though). Haven't tried getting on line and getting the support from my MFP friends yet. Don't give up no matter which option you choose.
  • What is your calorie goal and your stats? If it really is hunger, then it's fine to go over, it's just one day. However, I don't think a diet should make you feel like this. Do you eat back exercise calories?
  • dazza_098
    dazza_098 Posts: 78 Member
    the way i do my calorie counting is i go for end of week calories so if i go over a bit i make up for it another day or even over a few days say i eat a big snack and its 200 cals ill take off roughly 33 calories for the next six days or even 100 calories for the next two days but never let it go over a week :) hope that helped
  • Skinnymunkii
    Skinnymunkii Posts: 191 Member
    You might try adjusting the amount you want to lose...if you have it set at 2 pounds a week, perhaps reduce that to one pound a week, that should give you about 250 calories to work with.
  • coop644c
    coop644c Posts: 20 Member
    Now i'm from the country so this may get some snickers but when i'm starving and out of cals i eat a good ole can of Turnip Greens. I think its like 80 cals for the whole can and its filling. Only thing it is you well be very very regular in the morning.
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    I personally only worry about weekly calorie intake and expenditure. Doing it daily is a pain in the *kitten*.
  • First, go eat something healthy. You don't need to stuff yourself silly, just enough to stop the hunger pains.

    Second, think about prelogging. Plan your meals and snacks (and log them) a day or two in advance. Spread out your food so this doesn't happen in future.
  • kayleepie
    kayleepie Posts: 26 Member
    If you're hungry, eat!!!!

    I'm guessing you have your calories set at a fairly large deficit, so if you need to go a little bit over it won't really make much difference. Just don't go on a binge. :)
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    There are numerous non starchy vegetables with very few calories, just aim to maintain today and get back to losing tomorrow. If you starve you will only make poor choices tomorrow, try to plan ahead so you don't repeat the same mistake.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    no worries I can send you some of mine through pay pal. whats your log pass?
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    There are numerous non starchy vegetables with very few calories, just aim to maintain today and get back to losing tomorrow. If you starve you will only make poor choices tomorrow, try to plan ahead so you don't repeat the same mistake.

    wrong. EAT PIZZA! trust me. you won't regret it. ever.
  • kmh0617
    kmh0617 Posts: 51 Member
    I can't see your diary so I don't know what you're eating. But, if I eat a lot of refined carbohydrates, sugars, processed food, junk food, etc., that leaves me very hungry. I do pre-plan my meals for 1-3 days out so that I have a good roadmap for what I should be eating throuout the day in order to come in under my calorie goal. I eat lots of protein and fiber to keep me full. I like to incorporate plenty of fresh vegetables to add bulke (and nutrition!) to my diet without adding a lot of calories.

    Is your weight loss goal set too high? Going from losing 2 pounds per week to losing 1.5 will give you 250 extra calories a day, and going down to losing 1 pound per week will give you 500 extra calories per day.

    That said, if I am hungry, I eat. If I have been exercising a lot, I get extra hungry. I try to make a healthy choice (cottage cheese with apples and nuts, greek yogurt and a 1/4c of granola, steamed veggies, shrimp cocktail, etc.)

    Try taking a walk or doing some exercise (if you're not already) to earn extra calories to eat. If you are already exercising, eat back some or all of those calories that you burn.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    IMO, What to do really depends on a variety of things, but first, if you are legitimately hungry, you need to eat something. Something healthy, as other commenters have said- some veggies, yogurt… something. Personally, I like spinach, with a little olive oil, garlic, salt & pepper…

    Second; if this is something that happens on even a semi-regular basis, you might need to rework your numbers. If you're not eating back your excercise calories, start doing so. Perhaps you need to increase your calories by a couple hundred- are you exclusively breastfeeding? If so, make sure you're taking in 300 cals more than MFP tells you; believe me, you won't gain weight. What's your water intake? Make sure you're taking in enough water, because sometimes dehydration manifests itself as hunger pangs. Also, as another commenter said, try to preplan your meals; space out your food throughout the day.

    Some days are just going to suck- you'll have days where all you want to do it eat, or your cravings get the better of you. It happens to everyone, and when it does, you just have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on that horse. My personal tip for days like those is drinking hot water with lemon, and not to beat myself up. Good luck!
  • thanks ya'll...
    I think my problem was that I had a fruit smoothie for breakfast and a veggie smoothie for lunch...I would normally just have one meal replaced by a smoothie but I was just not feeling food most of im thinking that was my problem....thank you all for your advice and ideas!